Matthias Koeberlin

Matthias Koeberlin

Nacimiento : 1974-03-28, Mainz, Germany


Matthias Koeberlin
Matthias Koeberlin


The Messiah
Micha Oberländer
When Hoffmann's past catches up with her, not only is the relationship with Oberländer put to a test, but also the safety of her family is severely threatened.
Micha Oberländer
Just as the freediver Victor is about to start a new record attempt, the body of his wife is found in the depths of Lake Constance. Detectives Oberländer and Hoffmann suspect that Victor himself may have been responsible for the drowning of his wife.
Hartwig Seeler – Im Labyrinth der Rache
Hartwig Seeler
La semana del nido
Robert Wegemann
Después de la separación, Julia y Robert intentan llevar una relación cordial. Pero lo que inicialmente parece bueno para los niños, solo complica las cosas para toda la familia.
Hartwig Seeler – Ein neues Leben
Hartwig Seeler
Vom Traum zum Terror - München '72
Klaus Bechler
Hartwig Seeler – Gefährliche Erinnerung
Hartwig Seeler
Magische Momente - Pauls Weihnachtswunsch
Angst in meinem Kopf
Jens Brunner
Du bist nicht allein
When Eva returns to her house on the day of her divorce, she finds a bouquet of red roses outside the door. Attached is the note: "You are not alone." The sender is anonymous.
Un testigo bajo custodia
Carlos Benede
Alexander, de 11 años, presencia cómo su padre asesina a su madre.
Kommissar Marthaler: Die Sterntaler-Verschwörung
Robert Marthaler
Böse Wetter - Das Geheimnis der Vergangenheit
Leonard Gehra
La envidia no es la solución
Markus Baumgartner
Un matrimonio se enfrenta a sus miedos durante la visita de un viejo amigo de la escuela
En los años 70, tres niños se ven forzados a vivir solos tras el abandono de su madre y crear su propio concepto de familia.
Head Full of Honey
Police Officer in Brandenburg
Tilda decide ir con su abuelo a una última aventura antes de que sus padres lo envíen a una residencia de ancianos.
Stille Nächte
Rita and Georg have long been divorced - actually. But every Christmas they become a couple again. Then they play Georg's parents, Clara and Paul, the happy spouses because Georg just does not dare to tell them the truth. Rita in turn pretends to be in a new relationship, although in truth he is still attached to her. Even his job as a senior physician, the good-natured nurse has just come up with. But Rita also conceals her worries. The two do not suspect that Clara and Paul have already seen through the masquerade of the two and play their own little game.
Wir machen durch bis morgen früh
Mike Schulz
Ali misses the lavish party nights in Hamburg's Kiez: Ms. Melanie, Baby Bobby and the family's tile company have been his everyday life since he became a father. How can he make it clear to the young mother that there is still life next to the baby? Melanie can be persuaded to a wellness weekend with the friends, but only if Ali takes his father's role seriously.
Kommissar Marthaler - Partitur des Todes
Robert Marthaler
Peligrosa intimidad
Nickolas Storm
Una brillante abogada consigue que declaren inocente a su defendido, Nick. Días después, la abogada empieza a tener serias dudas sobre su inocencia.
Eine mörderische Entscheidung
Oliver Nordhausen
Robin Hood
Ron Peters
When Inge Is Dancing
Dan Biermann
The ambitious punk rocker Max and the eco-activist Inge cannot stand each other, ever since Max publicly exposed her by singing the offensive song "When Inge is Dancing" in front of the whole school. But for Max and his classmates Fabio, Joscha and Lukas this song in particular has become a real hit at school as well as in the regional music scene: Their band called Systemfehler is on the verge of a breakthrough. But just before the important gig, which could get them a record deal, guitarist Josha is injured and can't play. Inge happens to be an excellent guitarist, and the only person who can fill in at such short notice. But when Max asks for her help, she imposes one non-negotiable condition: If she decides to play with the band, they will not perform the song "Wenn Inge tanzt".
Vivir con odio
Ralf Kossack
Después de atropellar a una niña pequeña accidentalmente, la familia del conductor es acosada y se convierte en el blanco de las iras de todo el vecindario, ya que no aceptan disculpas para esta desgracia
Historia de una obsesión
Martin Breiler
Un policía conoce a una estrella del patinaje y desde el primer momento siente una atracción irresistible, hasta el punto que se vuelve incontrolable. Su mujer percibe rápidamente que a su marido le pasa algo, pero lo que ella no imagina es que a causa de su obsesión será capaz de perderlo todo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Der Klügere zieht aus
Peter Fischer
Peter and Nina, both around 40 and parents of two children, decide to part as harmoniously as possible. However, Peter only moves to the summerhouse. The firm decision of Peter and Nina: "We want to remain friends and continue to care for our children as well as possible." This is not just lip service but really the intention of both parents. After all, you're grown up. Already at the very beginning of her new life, however, it can be felt that Peter does not take this separation as seriously as Nina, who is clearly the driving force behind Peter's departure.
Wolfgang Schübel
In den besten Jahren
Anton Welves
40 years after her husband is shot and killed by a terrorist while on duty as a police officer during a routine traffic check, Erika Welves (Senta Berger), aided by a journalist (Felix Eitner) finds evidence leading to the murderer. For the killer has vanished. Is living in freedom. Because the state is protecting him, keeping him safe. He in turn has supplied information concerning other terrorists. Erika Welves considers this blatant injustice. But now, finally, there is a chance at revenge...
On the Inside
The nine-year-old Nikolas has been missing for days. The criminal psychologist Claudia Meinert notices contradictions in her conversation with the parents of the missing child. In particular Nikolas' mother appears to be hiding something. When a video of the missing Nikolas surfaces, showing him tied up in a cellar, the trail leads to his school. The 13-year-old Leon and Mathilda strike the psychologist as conspicuous and provocative. Shortly afterwards, Meinert encounters the children with Nikolas' parents at the local swimming pool and her suspicions are confirmed: the parents are entangled in an insidious father-mother-child game with the possible suspects Leon and Mathilda. Now it is up to the psychologist to resolve the dark mystery of Nikolas' disappearance and save the child.
Für kein Geld der Welt
Sebastian Duxner
Residual Risk
Steffen Strathmann
Nuclear security expert Katja Wernecke (Ulrike Folkerts) helps cover up a fire in the German nuclear reactor she works in, before the government takes a decision on extending the usage license for it. But the press uncovers it. PR man Steffen Stratmann (Matthias Koerbelin) is brought in to improve the companies image - but before he can implement his plan a nuclear meltdown occurs. 2m people have to be evacuated. Wernecke re-enters the hot zone to investigate the cause...
Racheengel - Ein eiskalter Plan
Chris Pensin
At the beginning of the weekend, the detective commissioner Tina Campenhausen wanted to spend with her family, she is called to a hotel in Travemünde. Guest Brederstein lies dead in the tub. Everything points to suicide. Tina Campenhausen knows the dead that she keeps secret from her colleague. Tina is caught up in her past when her sister, Jenny Hansen, whom she has not had any contact with for years, is at her door. Does Jenny have something to do with the death of the hotel guest? Tina gets into the biggest conflict of conscience of her life.
Heinrich Frey
Alemania del Este, 1984: Frank Korbach está a la espera de asistir a la escuela de teatro, mientras que su mejor amigo, el rebelde Thomas, se niega a hacer el servicio militar. Junto con el aventurero pero ingenuo Alex, Thomas planea hacer un intento desesperado por escapar a Occidente. Sabiendo que él nunca podría verlos otra vez, Frank Thomas y Alex le acompañan a la frontera. De repente, se ven confrontados por una unidad especial de la Stasi, la policía secreta de Alemania Oriental. Aunque los chicos consiguen evitar la captura, la antigua vida de Frank se ha ido para siempre, convertido en un fugitivo. El padre de Frank (Kurt Korbach) es sorprendido por el escape. Convencido de que Frank es inocente, convence a sus superiores de que sólo él puede llevar a su hijo de vuelta.
Das Leben ist zu lang
Volcán en erupción
Michael Gernau
Bajo las aguas del lago, un volcán comienza a fluir. Daniela, reputada científica, y Michael Gernau, experto en extinción de incedios, inician una carrera contrarreloj para salvar al pueblo de Eifel.
Bernd Rabehl
12 Winter
Based on one of the most spectacular series of bank robberies in Germany, Zwölf Winter tells the story of Klaus and Mike, two criminals who became friends in prison. When they happen to meet each other again after they have been released they begin to plan the perfect bank robbery, and it seems to work. For twelve years the two keep on robbing banks, always in winter. The police are in the dark for years. But they won't stick to their guns...
The Wall - The Final Days
Micha Schell
Over one wild Cologne night, three women in search of the perfect partner and perfect life discover that a little bit of magic changes everything...
Mein Mörder kommt zurück
Mischa Grote
Meine böse Freundin
Wolf Kühn
Meine Tochter, mein Leben
Björn Reschke
Ruth is an attractive, independent woman in her early 50s who has always lived for her daughter. But Lea, now in her mid-20s, is starting to break away from her dominant mother. In this difficult and conflicting time between mother and daughter, Lea suddenly falls ill with multiple sclerosis. In Ruth, a terrible suspicion begins to germinate: Lea may have been poisoned by intensive contact with solvents in the printing house where she has a student job. When Ruth voices her fear, the company turns on the works attorney Robert. He turns out to be Ruth's old childhood sweetheart.
Der Grenzer und das Mädchen
Walter Rathke
Experiment Bootcamp
Schwer verknallt
La reliquia del futuro
Durante unas excavaciones en Israel, unos arqueólogos encuentran el esqueleto de un hombre que, según los primeros indicios, tiene más de 2.000 años. Pero el hallazgo es aún más sorprendente cuando en la tumba también encuentran enterrada una bolsa que contiene el manual de una videocámara. Todo apunta a que el esqueleto es el de un supuesto viajero en el tiempo con la misión de filmar un vídeo de Jesús de Nazaret.
Die Rückkehr
Decorated Officer
Dos sistemas: por una parte, la maquinaria nazi y, por otra, la diplomacia del Vaticano y de los Aliados. Pero dos hombres luchan desde dentro. El primero es Kurt Gerstein (personaje real), químico y miembro de las SS que se encarga de suministrar el gas Ziklon B a los campos de la muerte. Pero eso no le impide denunciar los crímenes nazis a los aliados, al Papa e incluso a los miembros de la Iglesia alemana a la que pertenece, jugándose de este modo su vida y la de su familia. El segundo, Ricardo, es un joven jesuita que representa a todos los sacerdotes que supieron oponerse a la barbarie, pagando muchas veces con su propia vida. Kurt Gerstein sabía lo que estaba ocurriendo y quería que el mundo entero también lo supiera. La película denuncia la indiferencia de todos aquellos que sabían lo que estaba pasando y decidieron callarse.
99€ Films
Anyone can hold a mini-DV camera. Anyone can get 99 euros in credit. And everyone has already written a five-minute story in school. So everyone is actually prepared to make a 99euro-film. but "99euro-films" is more. It is the proof that German films can also be wild, new, modern, funny, political and entertaining. And all that in 80 minutes. 12 young German filmmakers come together, inspire exciting young actors and go: have an idea and simply film it. Just do it and be independent.
A dramatic teenage love story set against the backdrop of the Berlin Love Parade.
Die zwei Leben meines Vaters
Babykram ist Männersache
Ben & Maria - Liebe auf den zweiten Blick
Ben Raabe
Jens Brunner