In the darkness of a gothic night, two knights engage in a deadly duel, illuminated only by the mysterious light of a lantern. A noble lady, confined in a castle, has woven a mysterious connection with the contenders. Supernatural forces and inexplicable events will determine the fate of the duelists in a night of horror.
Director of Photography
In the darkness of a gothic night, two knights engage in a deadly duel, illuminated only by the mysterious light of a lantern. A noble lady, confined in a castle, has woven a mysterious connection with the contenders. Supernatural forces and inexplicable events will determine the fate of the duelists in a night of horror.
In the darkness of a gothic night, two knights engage in a deadly duel, illuminated only by the mysterious light of a lantern. A noble lady, confined in a castle, has woven a mysterious connection with the contenders. Supernatural forces and inexplicable events will determine the fate of the duelists in a night of horror.
Director of Photography
Carolina tendrá que lidiar con los miedos infantiles de su hija Alicia, la cual se acaba de quedar ciega y cree que una vieja habita en su cuarto.
Director of Photography
Night falls in the wasteland. Esther tries to protect her son Caesar, who has been attacked by a creature of the night. But the boy disappears and Esther goes off to search for him with her hunting dogs and crossbow.