Kai Ivo Baulitz

Kai Ivo Baulitz

Nacimiento : 1971-08-18, Düsseldorf, Germany


Kai Ivo Baulitz


Neben der Spur ist auch ein Weg
Plan A
Alemania 1945, Max, un sobreviviente judío del Holocausto, se encuentra con un grupo radical de combatientes de la resistencia judíos que, como él, perdieron toda esperanza en su futuro después de que les robaron su existencia y sus familias enteras fueron asesinadas por los nazis. Sueñan con represalias a una escala épica para el pueblo judío. Ojo por ojo, diente por diente. Max comienza a identificarse con los monstruosos planes del grupo ...
Zerrissen - Zwischen zwei Müttern
Christoph Kramer
It happened twelve years ago: During a trip to the beach, 3-year-old Michelle Minrath disappeared without a trace. After an intensive search it was assumed that she drowned in the sea. But her mother Stefanie always firmly believed in finding her again. Her husband Torben advises her to get help, as her mania destroys the small family that still exists with the other daughter, Angelina. While working in the supermarket, Stefanie notices a girl in whom she thinks she recognizes her grown up daughter. She secretly follows her. When the police are called in, it finally turns out that it is actually Michelle who was kidnapped by her current mother, Ruth, who now offers her a well-protected home. A world collapses not only for the daughter, who suddenly no longer knows where she belongs, but also for two families at the same time a lot changes and an emotional roller coaster ride begins with an uncertain outcome.
Travelling to a remote cabin in the Alps, a shy teenage girl has to decide whether to pursue her own path on Earth, or to follow her parents-members of a cosmic cult, through a fatal procedure into a higher existence on Jupiter.
Viento de libertad
Leutnant Strehle
Nos encontramos en la Thüringen, Alemania del Este, en verano de 1979. Dos familias idean un alocado plan: abandonar la República Democrática Alemana y viajar al Oeste en un globo construido por ellos mismos. La tarea no será sencilla y los protagonistas se tendrán que enfrentar no solo a los imprevistos de este difícil viaje, sino también a las autoridades del país que buscan desechar su plan.
Sólo Dios Puede Juzgarme
Años atrás, Ricky mantuvo la cabeza alta después de un atraco fallido para su hermano Rafael y su amigo Latif. Latif quiere devolverle el favor a Ricky por el tiempo que estuvo en la cárcel: le ofrece un último golpe aparentemente seguro, con mucho dinero de por medio. Tras vacilar un poco, Ricky acepta e introduce a su hermano en la ecuación. Todo parece ir sin problemas, hasta que Diana, una policía, se cruzará en sus caminos.
Hit Mom – Mörderische Weihnachten
Hanni works around the clock as a cleaning lady. She has to because her husband, whom she loves, has not exactly shown himself to be a support financially. They also have their son Viktor. One day Hanni witnesses an attempted murder on an old lady. The killer now has an involuntary confidante and must eliminate her. But it doesn't come to that because Hanni uses her cleaning agents at the right moment, with her presence of mind. The killer falls unhappy and falls into a coma.
"Snowblind" is set in the black forest in the ice cold winter of 1946. Peter, a 16-year old, blind boy is trying to get out of Germany together with his father Heiner – a former SS officer. They carry the fatally wounded soldier Karl, who promised to guide them across the border to Switzerland. By the time they reach his families remote farm house, Karl has died and Peter and Heiner hope for Karls father to fulfill his sons promise. A snow storm forces them to stay at the farm house, causing highly sensible dynamics between the contradicting characters - sparking a chain of fateful events.
The Final Journey
Hermann Bergmann
A former German Army officer, accompanied by his granddaughter, journeys to the Ukraine to find the woman he once loved.
Durante la guerra de Bosnia, un grupo de militares es enviado allí para realizar operaciones encubiertas. Durante un descanso, descubren que en el fondo de un lago hay un enorme tesoro de lingotes de oro que los nazis robaron durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y deciden intentar recuperarlo, a pesar de ser una misión casi suicida.
Neu in unserer Familie - Ein Baby für alle
Herr Gramm
Neu in unserer Familie – Zwei Eltern zu viel
Herr Gramm
Jonas (Benno Fürmann) and Marit (Maja Schöne) lead an unconventional relationship. They moved from Cologne to Berlin because Marit got a lucrative job there. This makes Jonas temporarily unemployed - but one has to take care of children and household.Talking together, being open and honest and making music together is the basis of this family, where everyone can make their own thing and feel at home at the same time, a family where parents see themselves as life-long companions of their children. This modern family code is put to the test when the couple meets a pioneering agreement after 14 years of relationship -both of them do not want to miss family as it is now , but they do not want to give up their sexual needs completely for the sake of domestic peace.
Goodbye Berlin
Polizist 1
Maik, un muchacho de 14 años marginado por su clase, crece en el seno de una familia rica y disfuncional en Berlín. Durante las vacaciones veraniegas, su alcohólica madre ingresa en rehabilitación mientras su padre se ausenta con su joven ayudante por un presunto viaje de negocios. Maik está solo en casa, en su piscina, hasta que un nuevo compañero de clase llamado Tschick, joven inmigrante ruso, aparece con un coche robado. Juntos se lanzan a la carretera sin plan aparente.
Zweimal zweites Leben
Kai Kienzler
Unter der Haut
Dr. Jürgen Hammerstein
Early 1980s: Martin Siedler, a successful press officer for a leading pharmaceutical company, believes he has the trust of his boss Walter Lange. But then he finds out that his company's supposed miracle drug, which he is promoting, carries a deadly risk. This is proven by a secret, internal study, which his boss also knows about. How should Martin deal with this explosive information? What does he risk by going public with it? How strong is conscience? Drama based on real events about one of the biggest German medical scandals.
Bright Night
A drama with a supernatural edge, this genre-crossing gem finds two couples visiting a home from their past, and sexual tension that brings out the worst in each other. Long-buried grudges resurface and it seems unlikely the couples will return intact. Faced with an outcome that will upset their delicate balance of happiness, the world offers them a bizarre opportunity to correct it.
Stille Nächte
Dr. Hans Marek
Rita and Georg have long been divorced - actually. But every Christmas they become a couple again. Then they play Georg's parents, Clara and Paul, the happy spouses because Georg just does not dare to tell them the truth. Rita in turn pretends to be in a new relationship, although in truth he is still attached to her. Even his job as a senior physician, the good-natured nurse has just come up with. But Rita also conceals her worries. The two do not suspect that Clara and Paul have already seen through the masquerade of the two and play their own little game.
Amor en los fiordos: Dos veranos
Después de muchos años, Sigrun regresa a la costa, a su ciudad natal, ya jubilada y casada con Erik. Su vieja amiga Johanna está encantada de tenerla de nuevo cerca, pero cuando Sigrun tiene que ausentarse por unas semanas, la relación entre Erik y Johanna se estrecha peligrosamente. (FILMAFFINITY)
Wer liebt, lässt los
Tania is an actress, 43. Thore is 15, a misfit in a small village at the northern tip of Germany. At the beginning of winter, Tania escapes from her numb life to the village. They meet. She decides to steal him from his parents.
Glückstreffer - Anne und der Boxer
Stefan Jungbluth
Civil Courage
Stefan Keller
For almost 30 years, bookseller Jordan has lived and worked in a neighborhood in Berlin that has become a social hotbed. As Jordan witnesses a teenager brutally beating up an older man, he intervenes and files a complaint - with unimaginable consequences ... Director Dror Zahavi ("Everything for my father", "My life - Marcel Reich-Ranicki") succeeded after a screenplay by Jürgen Werner ("Tatort - With a steady hand", "Schimanski - layer in the pit", also with Götz George) an atmospherically tightly staged and outstandingly played portrait of a so-called problem district. Here nothing is glossed over, but instead the reality shown and the powerlessness of our judicial system mercilessly layed bare. A highlight of 2010!
Meine liebe Familie - Zeit für Veränderung
Meine liebe Familie - Der Erbe
Ein unverbesserlicher Dickkopf
Guido Mortensen
Another Word and I'll Mary You!
Martin Brand
Die 16jährigen Zwillinge Luisa und Lukas erfahren durch Zufall, dass ihre Mutter Katrin sie durch eine Samenspende bekommen hatte. Katrin muß den Erzeuger suchen und findet ihn auch. Das hat Folgen...
Mörderische Erpressung
Marco Jansen
Meine bezaubernde Feindin
Jens Orman
The successful lawyer Kai Brechtel is to sue his new client for custody so that his daughter Luzie grows up with him and his new wife. When he meets the enemy - Luzie's mother Johanna - he quickly realizes that he's on the wrong side...
La vida de los otros
El capitán Gerd Wiesler (Ulrich Mühe) es un oficial extremadamente competente de la Stasi, la todopoderosa policía secreta del régimen comunista de la antigua República Democrática Alemana. Pero, cuando en 1984 le encomiendan que espíe a la pareja formada por el prestigioso escritor Georg Dreyman (Sebastian Koch) y la popular actriz Christa-Maria Sieland (Martina Gedenk), no sabe hasta qué punto esa misión va a influir en su propia vida...
Was Sie schon immer über Singles wissen wollten
Mein Bruder ist ein Hund
Die andere Frau
A German couple travels, shortly after reunification, to the Netherlands. Happiness does not last long. The wife receives a letter from an unknown woman.
Ins Leben zurück
Redner Apfelfest
Traumprinz in Farbe
Tom Arnold
Familie XXL
Herr Neumann
Vera Brühne