Georges Tairraz II

Georges Tairraz II

Nacimiento : 1900-03-20, Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France

Muerte : 1975-06-01


Between 1857 and 2000, four photographers will, from father to son, invent and pass on the art of mountain photography. They are called Tairraz. Joseph Tairraz, Georges Tairraz I, Georges Tairraz II, and Pierre Tairraz. The story begins in Chamonix in 1857. Joseph Tairraz, son of the syndic (mayor), buys a daguerreotype device in Geneva. Four years later, before Auguste-Rosalie Bisson, the Emperor's official photographer, he took the first photograph at the top of Mont-Blanc. Very quickly, the young man opened a studio in the center of Chamonix. He will pass the baton to his son Georges. The dynasty is launched. The Tairraz trace from father to son traces the history and transformations of Chamonix and mountaineering. For a century and a half, the Tairraz will be the incomparable photographers of Mont-Blanc and, over the generations, will taste the cinema and will befriend other great smugglers of the Alps, such as Roger Frison-Roche and Gaston Rébuffat.


Georges Tairraz II
Georges Tairraz II


Le Pilier de la Solitude
Étoiles et tempêtes
À l'Assaut de la Tour Eiffel
Four experienced mountaineers climb the three floors of the Eiffel Tower through the pillars of the building. A police officer, overwhelmed by the events, does not succeed in arresting the intrepid who reach the summit with agility under the stunned eyes of tourists. They then abseil and happily throw themselves into the Seine to celebrate the feat.
The Call Of The Peaks
L'Appel Des Cimes, dirigido por Alain Pol, es un documental encargado por la CAF y varios ministerios franceses sobre la práctica del alpinismo de posguerra. En 1946, los escaladores se formaron en la escuela de escalada de Fontainebleau. Guy Poulet y Jacques Poincenot intentan escalar las Aiguilles de Chamonix pero fallan durante la fase de ascenso. Después de una noche en un refugio con Denise Rouzeau y el guía Pierre Allain, los escaladores vuelven a probar suerte. Demostración exitosa para aquellos que continuaron el camino de aproximación y luego el paso de los seracs glaciares. En la roca, el grupo de cuerdas cruza una chimenea y una grieta para llegar a la cima y descender en rappel. Supervisados ​​por exploradores de alta montaña, Guy y Jacques redescubren los glaciares y los pináculos del macizo del Mont Blanc durante la próxima lección.