Jean-Baptiste Poirot


Joseph et la fille
José acaba de pasar 20 años en prisión. Después de ser liberado, solo tiene una obsesión: hacer un último robo. Para realizar esta obra maestra, necesita un cómplice. No puede confiar en nadie, así que decide preparar a Julie, de 20 años. La confusión y la incertidumbre, sin embargo, se interponen entre estos dos seres tan opuestos ...
Las manos en el aire
Production Design
March 22, 2067. At dawn of life, Milana remembers her life, when she was a young Chechen immigrant in Paris, struggling for a better life along with her school friends.
Purely Coincidental
A handful of student revolutionaries from the Seventies meet up 30 years later to plan a robbery. This is not entirely correct, because they are friends, anyway, and always have been. They play cards together and go to each others’ birthday parties, have wives and children and probably mortgages. Romain Goupil’s film appears to be a throwback to the experimental days of cinema verite. Either that or it’s a home movie, shot with a video camera, to an improvised script or no script at all.
Who Plucked the Feathers Off the Moon?
Two sisters have to deal with the traditional issues of growing up and the unusual problem of caring for an unstable father in the drama Qui Plume La Lune?
À mort la mort !
Production Design
The idea for this film about a generation and its lost ideals came to Romain Goupil after attending several funerals of friends in the fall of 1996, where the '68 generation, now in influential positions in media or politics, kept meeting each other. It seemed as if the revolution that they had tried to make was being buried with each coffin. A MORT LA MORT is in some ways an homage to this generation, now in their fifties. They were a privileged generation that thought that they could change the world, doing everything that their parents failed to do. There were no actual deaths in France as there were in Germany or Italy, but the system was not ideal for personal issues or for love. There was always a scapegoat for the injustices of the world, be it capitalism or imperialism. That way the blame could be placed somewhere else. Some of the '68 generation are still faithful to the principles of their youth and still continue to fight for the illusions of the past.
Vidas robadas
Production Design
Tres hermanas viven aisladas en una vieja casa al borde de un acantilado: Alda colecciona aventuras amorosas, Olga, la mayor, es un alma perdida en la más absoluta soledad, y Sigga, la más joven, es una cándida adolescente. La vida de las tres transcurre en un delicado equilibrio entre sus deseos y la memoria del pasado. Finalmente, la fiesta de Nochevieja les proporciona la ocasión de satisfacer sus anhelos más profundos y egoístas.
Serial Lover
Production Design
Claire Doste is about to reach the age of 35 and has everything one dreams of, such as having four boyfriends and a creative job in a publishing house specialising in crime novels. One day, she invites all of her boyfriends to her birthday dinner so that she can pick out her would-be fiancé. But an accident happens when Claire is getting the dinner ready.
Stranger in the House
Production Design
Since the suicide of his wife, Jacques Loursat has gone downhill. Estranged from his daughter, his lawyer's pratice in ruins, he consoles himself with drink. One night he is woken by a gunshot and catches sight of a young man fleeing the house. Isabelle, his daughter, claims to know nothing about it, even when he finds the body of a young man. Isabelle hangs around with a gang of spoiled young people who have no shortage of money, and is in love with Joel, an ambitious boy involved in drug dealing. Antoine, from a more modest background, is in love with her. When the police start investigating Joel's murder, Antoine becomes the ideal suspect.
Room Service
Production Design
The countess and her son, irresponsible but sweet viscount Louis, own the castle Montverdier, which is falling apart. Fernand Castanier is the baker in the neighboring town Mussy-sur-Ploute.
Ville à vendre
Production Design
A man comes to a small town in France and witness the apparent murder of a woman pharmacist. He teams up with the victim's vulgar assistant to try to solve the mystery.
Mis noches son más bellas que tus días
Production Design
Lucas (Jacques Dutronc), un genio de la informática con una rara enfermedad terminal que le hace perder la memoria, conoce a una bella mujer, Blanche (Sophie Marceau), y ambos comienzan un intenso romance a pesar de que saben que sus días juntos están contados...
Ça n'arrive qu'à moi
Production Design
A particularly unlucky man meets a beautiful young woman, daughter of a rich businessman. This one, pursued by blackmailers, is going to take him along in her galleys.
La Smala
Production Design
When the mother of a "tribe" of five children leaves for good, their inept father is not sure how to keep the family clothed and fed, and without the help of his neighbor Simone, he would be nowhere. She is attracted to him but eventually gives up on the relationship. Meanwhile, the father grabs his brood and they take off for Paris in search of the wife. But Simone accidentally ends up on the same train...
Emmanuelle 4
Art Direction
Tratando de huir de su pasado, Emmanuelle (Sylvia Kristel) viaja a Brasil para hacerse unas cuantas cirugías plásticas, gracias a las cuales se convierte en una mujer nueva y rejuvenecida (Mia Nygren). Su nueva identidad irá también acompañada de un nuevo despertar sexual.
Inspector Blunder
Production Design
A detective, fresh out of the academy (lowest mark in class), gets the assignment to bodyguard a spoiled rich girl reporter. She's been interviewed on TV and has questioned the virility of a mobster who kidnaps her later.
Una semana de vacaciones
Set Decoration
Laurence es una joven maestra que se toma unos días de vacaciones que le sirven para reflexionar sobre su profesión, sus deseos y sueños.
The Bit Between the Teeth
Production Design
Three men with a penchant for gambling on the horses soon find themselves in trouble because of their addiction. Pierre (Michel Piccoli) is the math whiz who uses his talent for picking the winners. Charles (Michel Galabru) is the wealthy scrap-iron magnate who has embarrassing evidence on many prominent political figures. Loic (Jacques Dutronc) is the aspiring politico who seeks to further his career by any means possible. Charles approaches Loic and asks his political party for a loan in hopes of fixing an upcoming race....
Attention les yeux!
Production Design
Un réalisateur sans beaucoup d'expérience souhaite tourner un film pornographique.
Historia de O
Art Direction
La bella fotógrafa "O" es llevada por su amante René al castillo de Roissy para prepararla como esclava sexual. Tras estar varias semanas y abandonar luego el castillo, O conoce por mediación de René a su hermanastro Sir Stephen, con quien comenzará una relación de dominación - sumisión ante el requerimiento de René. Con Sir Stephen continuará su proceso de aprendizaje en la sumisión, se iniciará en las relaciones lésbicas para obtener el sometimiento de otra mujer con quien compensará a René.