Baked is a comedic, coming of age short film that follows best friend duo Sophie and Cameron, as they find themselves entangled in a drug-ridden scheme to raise money for their school prom. When Sophie struggles to find the right way to raise the money she needs in time for the prom, her best friend Cameron hijacks her bake sale by selling marijuana cupcakes. Upon discovering this and the unexpected success of these cupcakes, Sophie is forced to decide whether or not to keep selling edibles to her school to raise money for prom. As their scheme quickly grows more successful, their Vice Principal becomes more and more suspicious of their bake sale. Sophie becomes drunk on their newfound success as Cameron fears that Vice Principal Owens knows the truth.
Unit Production Manager
When two idiotic friends are plagued by the constant reporting on the COVID-19 pandemic, one will go to questionable lengths to avoid it and help his friend find some ounce of fun, only to have their worlds turned upside down by the acid trip of a lifetime.
When two idiotic friends are plagued by the constant reporting on the COVID-19 pandemic, one will go to questionable lengths to avoid it and help his friend find some ounce of fun, only to have their worlds turned upside down by the acid trip of a lifetime.
Unit Production Manager
After grieving over the murder of his wife and son, a prison guard dines with the killer for his last meal.
After grieving over the murder of his wife and son, a prison guard dines with the killer for his last meal.