Serge Sauvion

Serge Sauvion

Nacimiento : 1929-02-18, Paris, France

Muerte : 2010-02-13


Serge Sauvion
Serge Sauvion


Black Light
When a man's best friend is shot in cold blood by two corrupt policemen, he must track down the only eyewitnesses, who have deported to Mali.
Astérix y la sorpresa del César
César (voice)
En el único pueblo del mundo romano que se resiste a César, Obélix se enamora locamente de una recién llegada, Falbala. En el momento que, animado por Astérix, le ofrece flores, ella se precipita en los brazos de su novio, Tragicómix. En el curso de un paseo romántico, los novios son detenidos por un afanoso pero ignorante decurión, Effrayé, el jefe del campo romano, que les envía a la legión, al Sáhara. Después de destruir al campo romano local, Astérix y Obélix, ayudados por Idéfix, deciden enrolarse en la legión para rescatarles. Después del entrenamiento anormalmente breve, llegan a un campo romano en medio del desierto.
Le Secret des Andrônes
Mi pequeño amante
Charles Chaput, le père de Julien
Un grupo de amigos intenta ligar con una chica, sin saber que es una prostituta. Ella concede sus favores al más ingenuo, que aún no se ha estrenado en las lides amorosas.
Charlie and His Two Chicks
Charlie, a forty-something looking for a job, meets two twenty-something girls, Ghislaine and Josiane, who are similarly unemployed. All three decide to take to the road selling oilcloth to pay their way. The harmony reigns within the group until the arrival of Tony, a seller of miniature cathedrals.
El embrollón
Sponsor of the attack (voice) (uncredited)
Ralph Milan, asesino a sueldo, espera pacientemente en la habitación de un hotel de Montpellier el momento en que debe disparar a un tal Randoni, testigo principal de un caso de corrupción. Pero no ha contado con la presencia de Pignon, el inquilino de la habitación de al lado. Abandonado por su mujer, este vendedor de camisas elige ese mismo momento para poner fin a sus días, llamando la atención del personal del hotel y la policía. Mr. Milan tendrá que hacer todo lo posible para evitar que el desesperado Pignon frustre sus planes... En el año 2008 el guionista Francis Veber dirigió él mismo un remake.
Law Breakers
A judge investigating police corruption finds that the deeper he digs, the more roadblocks he finds.
La Liberté en croupe
Paris, in the spring of 1968. Albin Cérès, 23, the son of a bourgeois couple on the verge of breakdown, seeks happiness in life. Disappointed by Laurent, the leader of a small group of revolutionary students ; disappointed by Paméla, a girl he half-heartedly makes love to ; refusing the friendship of Moss, a refined fifty-year-old who is secretly in love with him, Albin returns to his parents'home for a while. Shortly afterward he meets Lore, a lovely young lady, who dreams of revolution... A great love is born!
Le Cœur fou
Un photographe
Serge Menessier has been paid to shoot a reportage on his ex-wife's depression. Now remarried, he has accepted the job to pay his debts and maybe because he is still in love with her, a famous actress whose career he contributed to launch.
Countdown to Vengeance
10 years ago, François Nolan and his brother have been betrayed by one of their accomplices after a break-in. During the fight with the police, Francois's brother was killed, and a cop disfigured by François. Now, François is back for revenge. As nobody knows who the traitor was, the former accomplices lose their head. The disfigured cop is also waiting for the right moment to take his revenge on François.
Astérix y Cleopatra
César (voice)
Cleopatra quiere demostrar a Julio César que los egipcios son capaces de construir mejor que los romanos y, para ello, encarga a Numerobis, el arquitecto, que proyecte un palacio y lo construya en el plazo de tres meses. Numerobis se siente incapaz de hacerlo, por lo que pide ayuda a su amigo el druida Panorámix. Este parte hacia Alejandría en busca de su amigo, y lo hace acompañado por Astérix y Obélix. Juntos sortearán un sinfín de peligros, visitarán la Esfinge y las Pirámides, navegarán por el Nilo, incluso pasarán un rato en la cárcel...
Le pacha (Inspector Joss)
Inspecteur René
En las afueras de París, un coche blindado que contiene una fortuna en joyas es secuestrado por una banda de ladrones armados. Una vez que ha tomado los bienes robados, el jefe de los ladrones, Quinquín, elimina rápidamente a todos sus cómplices, incluyendo Gouvion, el inspector de policía encargado del transporte de las joyas. Cuando se entera de la muerte Gouvion, el Comisario Joss decide hacerse cargo de la investigación, a pesar de que sólo le quedan unos pocos meses para retirarse. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sobra un hombre
Un grupo de franceses son liberados por la Resistencia, pero sospechan que entre ellos hay un traidor.
Los gangsters no se jubilan
le commissaire
Un antiguo gángster, Antonine Beretto, disfruta de un pacífico retiro en la costa, donde tiene una empresa totalmente legal. Un día recibe la visita de unos antiguos cómplices que le piden su ayuda. A cambio le ofrecen la posibilidad de cobrar una deuda a un tipo de poca monta. Es una tarea fácil que podrá llevar a cabo aprovechando la visita a un amigo, también gángster retirado que regenta un restaurante. Pero las cosas no saldrán como esperaba y se verá obligado a adoptar antiguos métodos ya olvidados.
Three Girls in Paris
Three girls in Paris is the story of three Danish girls (Ghita Nørby, Susse Wold and Hanne Borchsenius) traveling to Paris, but after having placed suitcase and money on the hotel and takes off in the city, they forget what it's called and where it is located. They are helped by a Parisian taxi driver, and meets a series of typical French.
Le dernier quart d'heure
Double Verdict
Richard Lambach
Naked Autumn
Le vétérinaire
Milan is an ex Formula One driver and now he lives with his wife Roberte in a small country town. But Milan is not satisfied, so Roberte encourages a love-story between Milan and Helene, a young woman. Milan can't decide and at last the tragedy comes. Then Milan returns to drive in Formula One.
Vers l'extase
Magritte or the Object Lesson
Self - Narrator (voice)
The surrealist painter René Magritte questions the objective reality and emphasizes the arbitrariness of the relationship between an object, its image and its name: the evocation of mystery consists of images of familiar things gathered or transformed in such a way that they no longer conform to our ideas, whether naive or wise.
This Desired Body
A man falls in love with Lina , a hot girl with a racy past who creates a sensation among the workers.
Meurtre au ralenti
Le second pilote
Berthon, racing driver, is committed to the 24 Hours of Le Mans while Genevieve, his wife, has been trying for years to convince him to retire. Desperate, she became the mistress of his brother, always jealous of his elder.
Why Women Sin
La moucharde stars Dany Carrel as a young miss who loves neither wisely nor well. Duped into a life of crime, Carrel remains on the wrong side of the Law because she's hopelessly in love with a two-bit crook. Soon she becomes as jaded and hardened as her criminal cohorts. When the police threaten to throw her in the Bastille, Carrel agrees to turn informer, with the expected disastrous results.
If Paris Were Told to Us
Un Officier de Police
Ambiciosa producción sobre la historia de París que narra con sentido del humor las peripecias de personajes como María Antonieta, Beaumarchais, Victor Hugo, el cardenal Richelieu o Luis XVI. El polifacético Sacha Guitry la dirigió, escribió el guión y se reservó el papel de Luis XI.
The Wicked Go to Hell
Making his directorial debut, Robert Hossein also assumes the leading role, playing an escaped convict. Hossein and his fellow escapees cross the path of Marina Vlady, with whom they all fall in love. Alas for our "heroes," Vlady intends to avenge the death of her sweetheart at the hands of Hossein and his confreres. Not only do these heels go to Hell, but they do so with a spectacular flourish. Les Salauds Vont en Enfer was adapted by Rene Wheeler from a play by Frederic Dard.
Gone with the Gang
The Brothers brothers carry the loot from a hold-up they witnessed.The bandits are determined to recover the money and pursue them.