Christian Redl

Christian Redl

Nacimiento : 1948-04-20, Schleswig, Germany


Christian Redl
Christian Redl


El espía honesto
Hans Walter
En 1981 se produjo la última ejecución en la historia de la antigua Alemania del Este. Basada en la historia real de un economista que había sido reclutado por la Stasi como informante encubierto y es acusado de espionaje.
Heute stirbt hier Kainer
Gerd Graber
Valle infernal
Georg Wendt
La hija de un abogado es secuestrada. Él mismo se convierte en un hombre perseguido
Friedrich Ebert
While World War One is coming to an end, the Social Democrat Friedrich Ebert is trying to maintain political stability in Berlin. In the haughty Prince Max of Baden he finds an ally who offers him government participation under his chancellorship. In the meantime, discontent with the monarchy is steadily increasing in the last days of the war, but Emperor Wilhelm II remains steadfast in his throne.
Mack the Knife - Brecht's Threepenny Film
Tiger Brown
Following the phenomenal success of “The Threepenny Opera”, the film industry wants to win over the celebrated author. But Bertolt Brecht is not prepared to play by their rules. His concept of the “Threepenny Film” is radical, uncompromising, political, and incisive.
Verräter - Tod am Meer
Inspector Dupin: Brittany's Tide
Charles Morin
Myths of the sunken city of Ys leads to the murder of a young couple.
Gustav Lederer
A portrait movie about the famous German zoo director, zoologist, book author, editor, and animal conservationist in postwar West-Germany.
Frau Roggenschaubs Reise
Klaus Roggenschaub
El síndrome de Jerusalem
White Tiger
La Gran Guerra Patriota durante la década de 1940. Después de sobrevivir milagrosamente a una batalla contra un tanque fantasma, el Sargento del Ejército Rojo, Ivan Naydenov, se obsesiona con su destrucción.
Die Schatzinsel
Der Uranberg
Gottlieb Meinel
La mujer Papa
Abbot of Fulda
Una de las leyendas más intrigantes de la historia: la vida de la Papisa Juana, una joven alemana que llega a ser Papa en el siglo IX haciéndose pasar por un hombre, y a la que se descubre dando a luz en público tras mantener relaciones sexuales con un miembro del clero.
Volcán en erupción
Ludwig Schöngau
Bajo las aguas del lago, un volcán comienza a fluir. Daniela, reputada científica, y Michael Gernau, experto en extinción de incedios, inician una carrera contrarreloj para salvar al pueblo de Eifel.
Tod in der Eifel
Rolf Schanz
Krabat y el molino del diablo
Meister - Evil Sorcerer
Narra la historia de un joven que aprende artes oscuras de un malvado hechicero. Krabat es un adolescente huérfano a quien una voz en sueños le insta a dirigirse a un viejo molino, donde le iniciarán a él y otros aprendices en el arte de la magia negra. Pero todos los seres demoníacos exigen un alto precio por lo que ofrecen: el alma, la libertad e incluso la vida. ¿Cómo defenderse de alguien que controla tu pensamiento, tu voluntad e incluso tus sueños? Krabat no se resigna a acabar como sus compañeros... Remake libre de "Krabat", película dirigida en 1977 por Karel Zeman. (FILMAFFINITY)
Yellas Vater
Yella decidida a no renunciar a sus sueños, abandona a un marido violento y posesivo para buscar un trabajo más prometedor y una nueva vida. Las cosas empiezan a irle bien cuando Philipp, un joven ejecutivo, le da la oportunidad de ser su ayudante. Aunque no conoce en absoluto el mundo de las finanzas, empieza a triunfar entre los despiadados hombres de negocios. Las armas que explican su éxito son su belleza y su extraordinaria sangre fría.
Als der Fremde kam
Mathias Wernicke
Außer Kontrolle
La última batalla (2005)
General Hans Krebs
Atractivo documental que reconstruye los últimos días del III Reich, con mezcla de pasajes documentales y secuencias dramatizadas.
Spiele der Macht – 11011 Berlin
El hundimiento
Generaloberst Alfred Jodl
Berlín, abril de 1945. En las calles de Berlín se libra una encarnizada batalla. Hitler y sus fieles se han atrincherado en un búnker. Entre ellos se encuentra Traudl Junge, la secretaria personal del Führer. En el exterior, la situación se recrudece. A pesar de que Berlín ya no puede resistir más, Hitler se niega a abandonar la ciudad y, acompañado de Eva Braun, prepara su despedida.
Die Dreigroschenoper
Jonathan Jeremias Peachum
The Gangster Macheath secretly marries the daughter of beggar king Peachum. When Peachum finds out, he instructs the police chief Brown to arrest and hang Macheath. If not, all the beggars of Soho will disturb the upcoming coronation.
Die Geisel
Nachts, wenn der Tag beginnt
Dr. Friedrich Thomasius
Der Aufstand
Tödliches Vertrauen
Kommissar Tönning
Operation Rubikon
Innenminister Langheinrich
Tattoo (Tatuaje)
En Berlín, el detective Minks (Christian Redl) recorre el mundo de las salas de tatuajes para encontrar a un asesino que siente especial debilidad por la piel de sus víctimas. Un thriller de terror al estilo de "Seven".
Späte Rache
Klaus Klempow
Ein mörderischer Plan
Robert Pfaff
Einer geht noch
Heinzi Schämpp
Das gestohlene Leben
Bruno Stein
St. Pauli Nacht
Sometimes your fate lies in the hands of those you meet. Filled with promising ambitions, shattered dreams, love and revenge and in the end hope, the story reveals how tangibly interconnected our induividual fates really are. Cabby Robby drives in and around St.Pauli, Hamburg, from sunset to sunrise. He is surrounded by stories of the night. Drowning in human incidents.
Oskar and Leni
A love story between a former Olympic swimmer turned jewel thief and a pastry chef/sex worker.
Professor Havlik
Urlaub auf Leben und Tod - Eine Familie hält zusammen
Solo para clarinete
Thomas Hecht
Berlin, Germany. A cruel murder took place in an appartment building. Somebody bit off quite a piece of the victim's penis, who then, of course, lost a lot of blood, before being struck down at the head. Leading investigator Bernhard Kominka, being in stress due to a mentally retarded son and a problematic wife, seems to be the only one to see a lady in a red coat. After a while, his theory of her being the murderer may prove to be true, but the Cop also kind of fell in love with this new, interesting person in both of his lives: professional and private as well. Borders dissolve. His decision may be disastrous in any way.
Der Rosenmörder
Georg Taubert
Hundert Jahre Brecht
The Trio
Zobel and Karl are a long time gay couple who live together in a trailer home with Lizzie, Zobel's spunky daughter from a heterosexual misadventure. Together these three form a team of thieves who eke out an existence as pickpockets. After a botched job, Karl becomes unable to work, forcing Zobel and Lizzie to seek out a new partner. Lizzie recruits Rudolf, the boyishly charming town misfit. Reluctantly, Zobel allows Rudolf to join them but warns him to never break the golden rule: "No exchanging of bodily fluids within the team." This dictum becomes increasingly difficult to live by as Lizzie's cravings and Zobel's own passions toward Rudolf intensify. Eventually, the golden rule is broken by Lizzie...and then again by Zobel (unbeknownst to Lizzie, of course). An intricate love triangle soon develops amongst the three that is shaped by deception, desire, and betrayal.
Vickys Alptraum
Kommissar Wachsmann
Koerbers Akte: Kleines Mädchen – großes Geld
Herr Wilms
Der Kindermord
Oskar Lehmann
51-year-old Herbert Strehlow, a furniture restorer, falls in love with 21-year-old Lea, who has not spoken a word since childhood when her father killed her mother. She bears a striking resemblance to Herbert's dead wife. They get married, but their relationship seems doomed, until gradually each one manages to penetrate the mysterious world of the other, and they begin to realize that they are bound by a kind of spiritual relationship. For Lea it is the death of her mother, for Herbert it is the death of his first wife. His hard exterior slowly beings to thaw, and he starts to show feelings and responses that soften Lea's initial hatred and fear of him, and which put their relationship in a more positive light.
Landgang für Ringo
Bunte Hunde
Kommissar Goethals
El infiltrado
Cuando un periodista norteamericano visita Alemania, se da cuenta de que el violento mundo del nazismo tiene una nueva cara: La cara de la brutal e insensible juventud alemana. Lo que descubre es un peligroso vínculo entre los jóvenes neo-nazis y los viejos soldados sobrevivientes del Tercer Reich de Hitler, que todavía están vivos y continúan predicando el odio y la dominación del mundo. Apoyado por un grupo que se dedica a denunciar a los nazis escondidos, este periodista participa de una arriesgada operación secreta para desenmascarar a los líderes de la organización nazi. Pero cuando un periodista decide ir tan lejos como agente encubierto, el peligro es que quizás nunca salga vivo de ahí.
Kinder des Satans
When the corpse of student Heike is found, the police book it as a case of suicide. But Heike's girlfriend Wiebke thinks otherwise. She believes that the Satan disciples are involved in the case.
Tag der Abrechnung - Der Amokläufer von Euskirchen
Erwin's father
This movie depicts the story of Erwin Makolajczyk, a psychopath who killed 9 people in a courtroom on the 9th of March 1994.
Herwig Seitz
Verurteilt: Anna Leschek
Günther Siebert
Feature film.
Der Hammermörder
Erich Rohloff
This TV-Movie is based on real events that took place in southern Germany in the mid 80's. A policeman tries to build a house for his family while he experiences financial troubles; everything goes tragically wrong from then on.
Sierra Leone
After spending three years doing field installation work in West Africa, Fred returns home to his old neighbourhood, an industrial region on the outskirts of a major city. He is filled with confidence and optimism for a new start. He has brought home with him a pile of money that he made in Africa. But he never wrote to his wife Rita. He only wired her a money transfer every month. In the meantime, Rita has a new life that she now shares with a GI. Fred rents a room in the "Royal", a sleazy hotel. There, he meets Alma, who takes care of the rooms and the guests and who is being kept by her sugar daddy - the aging hotel director. A passionate encounter with his old girlfriend Vera, who had high hopes for the two of them at some earlier time, dissipates into a brief carnal episode
Mörderische Hitze
Thorsten Krüger