Elfriede Florin

Elfriede Florin

Nacimiento : 1912-03-26, Düsseldorf - Germany

Muerte : 2006-03-07


Elfriede Florin (26. März 1912 in Düsseldorf; 7. März 2006 in Berlin) war eine deutsche Schauspielerin. Elfriede Goecke absolvierte von 1929 bis 1931 eine Schauspielausbildung an der Theaterschule von Louise Dumont in Düsseldorf. Seit 1930 war sie Mitglied der KPD. Bereits 1930 gab sie in Trier ihr Bühnendebüt. In der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus war sie ab 1942 Mitarbeiterin des Hauptkulturamtes der NS-Reichspropapagandaleitung. Sie hatte Engagements in Mainz, Breslau und Berlin, wo sie von 1950 bis 1967 zum Ensemble des Theaters der Freundschaft und danach für lange Jahre zum Ensemble der Volksbühne gehörte. 1954 gab Elfriede Florin neben Eduard von Winterstein und Erika Dunkelmann im Krimi Gefährliche Nacht ihr Spielfilmdebüt. In den nachfolgenden Jahren spielte sie unter der Regie von Kurt Maetzig in Schlösser und Katen und unter der Regie Gérard Philipe und Joris Ivens in der sozialkritischen Historienkomödie Die Abenteuer des Till Eulenspiegel. Ein weiteres Mal stand sie für eine internationale Produktion vor der Kamera: In Jean-Paul Le Chanois’ Adaption von Victor Hugos Drama Les Misérables agierte sie als Gemahlin Bourvils, an der Seite so bekannter Schauspieler wie Bernard Blier und Jean Gabin. Daneben wirkte sie in zahlreichen Fernsehproduktionen (Die Heinitzer,Wege übers Land) und Filmen (Zwei Mütter, Frau Holle) mit. Von 1957 bis 1963 war sie Mitglied der Stadtverordnetenversammlung von Ost-Berlin. Aus der Ehe mit dem Dramaturgen Walter Schmitt entstammt die Tochter Walfriede Schmitt, die ebenfalls als Schauspielerin tätig ist.     


Elfriede Florin


Irrlicht und Feuer
The Best Years
In 1945, Ernst Machner returns home from the war in his mid-20s. Tuche would like him to weave for a living, but his comrades persuade him to become a young teacher instead.
Es geht nicht ohne Liebe
Frau Holle
The widow has an ugly and lazy daughter, Pechmarie, and a beautiful and hard-working step-daughter, Goldmarie. Because Pechmarie is her real daughter, the widow clearly favors her and makes Goldmarie do all the work. Poor Goldmarie must also sit and spin all day by the well until her fingers bleed. When she tries to rinse out the spindel, it drops into the cold water. Her unsympathetic step-mother tells her to jump in after it. Goldmarie does as she is told, and then wakes up in the middle of a beautiful field of flowers. This is the land of Frau Holle, who welcomes Goldmarie and invites her to stay, as long as she will help with the housework. Marie stays and serves Frau Holle gladly, until she suffers so terribly from homesickness that she asks to go home. Before bringing her back, Frau Holle rewards Marie with a shower of gold. Upon her return, Goldmarie and her gold are welcomed by her greedy step-sister and -mother. Hoping for the same kind of reward, the step-mother sends ...
Tanz am Sonnabend-Mord?
A Saturday evening dance in the village pub is interrupted when the barn of local farmer Paul Gäbler catches on fire. The farmer himself is soon found – hanged. Sawmill owner Züllich claims that Gäbler committed suicide because he was forced to join an agricultural production cooperative, but others are convinced Gäbler was murdered. Officers Schneider and Anders must navigate their way through a complex maze of personal and political motivations in order to reconstruct the crime.
The Moorhound
Mutter Schultz
Two boys are helping the border guards to find a mysterious moor hound used by spies to transfer messages across the border.
Emma Grimmberger
A sociohistorical drama about the construction of the Simplon-tunnel: A conflict develops when German workers want to strike and fight for better working conditions while Italian workers simply want to earn money and provide for their families.
Los miserables
La Thénardier
Adaptación de la novela de Victor Hugo, con Jean Gabin en el papel de Jean Valjean.
Two Mothers
Schwester Paula
The story of two women, one French and the other German, who fight for a child who has been mistakenly taken by the Germans after a bomb raid.
Castles and Cottages
mrs. Heber
Lifelong hard work for the count makes the servant Anton a cripple. Everybody calls him Crooked Anton. When, after the end of the war, the land of the count gets divided amongst the farmers, Anton receives a piece and hopes to be able to work freely. But an old debt and intrigue keep Anton and his family from finding peace. The farmers of the village begin to discover their own power when Annegret, Anton's daughter, leaves. Is a new beginning possible for Anton? This film paints an impressive panorama of the development of a minor village in Mecklenburg from the end of the war to the uprising of 17 June 1953.
Bold Adventure
Based on the book by Belgian XIX century author Charles de Coaster.
Mich dürstet
The Beacon
On a barren and stormy island, fishing families eke out a meager existence on what they can catch during summer, and what washes ashore during winter. But little has been washing ashore of late, and their situation worsens. Elders recall how twenty years ago, when the lighthouse keeper’s beacon went dark, a cargo ship broke apart on the cliffs. It proved a bountiful accident for the fishermen. Today people on the island view the conscientious lighthouse keepers with evil hungry eyes...
Gefährliche Fracht