Léopoldine Serre

Léopoldine Serre

Nacimiento : 1988-07-14,


Léopoldine Serre


Love Bug
Guillaume, a computer scientist in his thirties, has never managed to overcome his pathological shyness with girls. In desperation, he consults a seduction coach, but the course turns out to be a scam. Humiliated one too many times, Guillaume goes behind his computer screen to take revenge.
Les Mystères de la chorale
Patricia Brion
Caroline Jeune, una capitana de la gendarmería, asume su primer asesinato. Una mujer kurda de 18 años, Sabrya, fue asesinada cuando regresaba a casa desde el coro en el que cantaba.
Quien siembra amor...
Julie, una agricultora de 35 años, está de acuerdo con Djibril, un inmigrante de Mali, para ayudarla en la granja. Como beneficio adicional, ella le pide que hacerse pasar por su "novio" en presencia de su madre, Huguette, que se está en su casa con la intención de encontrar un marido. A pesar de sus buenas intenciones, Djibril es completamente abrumado por la gran cantidad de trabajo agrícola, y muy sorprendidos de tener "mentir" a Huguette, que irrita a Julie que no tiene un carácter fácil. Las tensiones aumentan, despertando el interés de Huguette que cree que a pesar de sus diferencias culturales y personalidades, Julie y Djibril están hechos el uno para el otro.
Tout schuss
Max Salinger, writer divorced, flamboyant and self-absorbed, refuses to welcome her daughter for 15 years under its roof. In revenge, she steals his last manuscript and file class of snow. To retrieve his property, Max has then no choice but to land in the ski resort to improvising "accompanying parent. Only problem: the famous writer, who is not already an exemplary parent, is not really a qualified nor attendant! EPIC descents in infernal hiking, the life of Max in the mid-teens was not all rest Announces...
T'choupi fait son spectacle
I Love You Very Much
When the mother they have never known dies, three half brothers aged 8, 15 and 17 respectively, who were all brought up in different ways, meet for the very first time. They spend the long summer holidays with Nonna, their grandmother, and start sharing secrets and rabbits, polenta and mean tricks, adventures and first time experiences, together. At last their once solitary lives take a new direction.
Le Troisième Jour
The Wolberg Family
He can deliver a breathtaking speech on the American soul to flabbergasted schoolboys, get mixed up in the private lives of his citizens, and even get his 18-year-old daughter to swear that never, but never, would she leave home. Meet Simon Wolberg, mayor of a small provincial city, madly in love with his wife, an interfering father and provocative son. This man is driven by an obsession with his family. Which leads him to test the force and fragility of these bonds.
El vínculo
Eva (Marthe Keller), es una profesora de literatura judía en una escuela de secundaria de Burdeos, Francia. Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, toda su familia fue enviada a campos de concentración alemanes por ser colaboradores franceses; Eva fue la única superviviente. Un día, una nueva alumna entra en su clase, una chica que se parece mucho a su hija muerta. Eva se llena de esperanza al pensar que tal vez algún miembro de su familia pudo haber sobrevivido.
L'amour dangereux
When a great-looking,18-year-old guy teams up with a band of thieves and robs a delivery truck, a cop is knocked senseless. The guy and his girlfriend steal her dad's car and escape to the seashore. Can young love survive with the police in hot pursuit?
Taking Wing
This is the story of Stan, a young man who might be considered an ordinary, run of the mill guy. But his love and passion for the theatre propels him to realize the most extraordinary desires. He is very attached to his grandfather, who owns a butcher's shop and who offers that Stan take over the family business. But Stan refuses. He decides to drop out of school and move out of his family's apartment, despite the opposition of his parents. His uncle is the only one to support him in the impossible dream of becoming an actor.
Arles Little Girl
Cuando un equipo internacional de ex-agentes de inteligencia y ex-guerreros de la guerra fría se reunen en una bodega, su aventura de amor, amistad y traición apenas comienza. Al igual que el honorable e independiente samurai de hace cientos de años, estos ronin modernos se embarcan en su más peligrosa misión secreta: recobrar una misteriosa maleta y entregársela a su desconocido jefe y a la vez conservar sus vidas. Un criminal que se vende al mejor postor lidera un grupo de profesionales del crimen que busca un misterioso maletín, cuyo contenido es desconocido incluso para el espectador.
Les liens du cœur
Historia de la desolación y desamparo de una niña de cuatro años que ha perdido a su madre. Un drama que obtuvo unanimidad al calificar como impresionante la actuación de la niña.