Juliette Gréco

Juliette Gréco

Nacimiento : 1927-02-07, Montpellier, Hérault, France

Muerte : 2020-09-23


Juliette Gréco (7 February 1927 – 23 September 2020) was a French singer and actress. Her best known songs are "Paris Canaille" (1962, originally sung by Léo Ferré), "La Javanaise" (1963, written by Serge Gainsbourg for Gréco) and "Déshabillez-moi" (1967). She often sang tracks with lyrics written by French poets such as Jacques Prévert and Boris Vian, as well as singers like Jacques Brel and Charles Aznavour. Her 60-year career came to an end in 2015 when she began her last worldwide tour titled "Merci". As an actress, Gréco played roles in films by French directors such as Jean Cocteau and Jean-Pierre Melville. Juliette Gréco was born in Montpellier, France, to an absent Corsican father, Gérard Gréco; her mother Juliette Lafeychine (1899–1978) was from Bordeaux. Her lineage hails in part from Greece. She did not receive love from her mother in her childhood and suffered from her harsh comments due to being an unwanted child, such as "You ain't my daughter. You're the child of rape". She was raised by her maternal grandparents in Bordeaux with her older sister Charlotte. After the death of her grandparents, her mother took them to Paris. In 1938, she became a ballerina at the Opéra Garnier. When World War II began, the family returned to the southwest of France. Gréco was a student at the Institut Royal d'éducation Sainte Jeanne d'Arc in Montauban. The Gréco family became active in the Resistance and her mother was arrested in 1943. The two sisters decided to move back to Paris but were captured and tortured by the Gestapo, then imprisoned in Fresnes Prison in September 1943. Her mother and sister were deported to Ravensbrück while Juliette, being only 16, remained in prison for several months before being released. After her release, she walked the eight miles back to Paris to retrieve her belongings from the Gestapo headquarters. Her former French teacher and her mother's friend, Hélène Duc, decided to take care of her. In 1945, Gréco's mother and sister returned from deportation after the liberation of Ravensbrück by the Red Army. Gréco moved to Saint-Germain-des-Prés in 1945 after her mother moved to Indochina, leaving Gréco and her sister behind. Gréco became a devotee of the bohemian fashion of some intellectuals of post-war France. Duc sent her to attend acting classes given by Solange Sicard. She made her debut in the play Victor ou les Enfants au pouvoir in November 1946 and began to host a radio show dedicated to poetry. Her friend Jean-Paul Sartre installed her at the Hotel La Louisiane and commented that Greco had "millions of poems in her voice". She was known to many of the writers and artists working in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, such as Albert Camus, Jacques Prévert and Boris Vian, thus gaining the nickname la Muse de l'existentialisme. Gréco spent the post-Liberation years frequenting the Saint-Germain-des-Prés cafes, immersing herself in political and philosophical bohemian culture. As a regular at music and poetry venues like Le Tabou on Rue Dauphine, she was acquainted with Jean Cocteau, and was given a role in Cocteau's film Orphée (1950). ... Source: Article "Juliette Gréco" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Juliette Gréco
Juliette Gréco
Juliette Gréco


La TV des 70's : Quand Giscard était président
Self (archive footage)
In May 1974, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing became President of the Republic and wanted to bring about a new era of modernity. One of his first decisions was to break up the ORTF with the creation of three new television channels: TF1, Antenne 2 and FR3. Three new public channels but autonomous and competing. It is a race for the audience which is engaged then, and from now on the channels will make the war! This competition will give birth to a real golden age for television programs, with variety shows in the forefront. The stars of the song are going to invade the living rooms of the French for their biggest pleasure. This unedited documentary tells the story of the metamorphosis of this television of the early 1970s, between freedom of tone, scandals, political intrigues and programs that have become mythical.
Miles Davis: Birth of the Cool
Un visionario, innovador y creador que desafió la categorización y encarnó la palabra cool, una incursión en la vida y carrera del ícono musical y cultural Miles Davis.
On l'appelait Roda
The Incredible Mr. Piccoli
Self - Actress (archive footage)
A captivating portrait of French actor Michel Piccoli, who has worked with the greatest filmmakers of his time and has built a dazzling career of remarkable merit and success, focusing on his work during the 1970s and his professional relationship with Claude Sautet, Romy Schneider, Marco Ferreri and Luis Buñuel.
Vadim Mister Cool
Self (archive footage)
As a poster boy for hedonism, his whole life was one big party. A journalist, filmmaker, director, producer, actor, novelist, ladies' man and prolific father... Roger Vladimir Plémiannikov, a.k.a. Roger Vadim, tried everything until his death in 2000. Portrait of a man at the cutting edge of fashion and trends.
Hôtel La Louisiane
Hôtel La Louisiane is, at its core, a film about freedom and dignity. Freedom for those who wish to live in a place where they are able to feel inspired. Dignity for the hotel owner to stand by his promise to his father and keep their mission alive: to provide an affordable sanctuary for artists and students in search of fulfilling employment, which they certainly won’t find at other hotels. Freedom, too, to be in an environment of tolerance and rid of prejudice. This film is not just a story about a mythical setting in Paris; it portrays the microcosm of a lifestyle in which collective values reign supreme. A film where what’s real and true is placed above national borders or cultural barriers.
Juliette Gréco, l'insoumise
Play Your Own Thing: A Story of Jazz in Europe
A comprehensive history of European Jazz, exploring the origins of the US-influenced Jazz clubs after the Second World War, the first steps independent of American jazz and the various changes of direction that have repeatedly occurred in European jazz in the search for that "own voice" that European jazz musicians have helped to form. Featuring the great masters of European jazz such as Chris Barber, Jan Garbarek, Juliette Gréco, Stefano Bollani and Till Brönner, to name but a few.
Days and Nights in Paris
Reencounter with a myth. 40 years since Georg Stefan Troller reported from his adopted home in "Pariser Journal," he returns to his old haunts. A journey through time in a city of contradictions that is always reinventing itself.
Everyman's Feast
Yvonne Becker
Austrian television director Fritz Lehner makes his feature debut with the big-budget drama Jedermann's Fest, based on the 1911 play by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, which in turn was based on a medieval tale. Originated in parts of England, the myth of Jan Jedermann ("John Everyman") deals with a rich man on his deathbed coming to terms with his life's failures. Not following much of a plot, the modernized version involves famous fashion designer Jedermann (Klaus Maria Brandauer) imagining his last big gala event while rendered unconscious as a result of a car accident in his Ferrari. He is a success in Vienna but not in fashionable Paris, so he wishes to impress French elder stateswoman Yvonne Becker (Juliette Greco).
La máscara del faraón
Woman in the cemetary
Una colección de objetos procedentes de una excavación arqueológica en Egipto se deposita en el famoso museo del Louvre en París, y mientras los expertos utilizan un escáner láser para determinar la edad de un sarcófago, un espíritu fantasmagórico se escapa y se abre camino hacia el sistema eléctrico del museo.
Letter to my brother Guy Gilles, filmmaker who passed away too soon
Posthumous tribute paid by actor Luc Bernard to his older brother, director Guy Gilles ( 1938 - 1996 ). Documentary composed of interviews with some of his brother's friends and some actors from his main films, excerpts of which we see.
Lily quiéreme
Everything starts when a journalist François decides to investigate the world of working class people. He gets into the lives of Claude, a worker and his wife Lily who has left him.
La noche de los generales
En Varsovia, durante los primeros días de la ocupación alemana, en 1940, una prostituta es salvajemente asesinada. Un testigo afirma que el asesino ha sido un general alemán, al que no vio el rostro, pero sí el uniforme. El mayor Grau es el encargado de investigar el caso. Sin embargo, sólo tres generales en Varsovia carecen de una coartada. Los tres generales se verán implicados en el asesinato de la prostituta. Todas las investigaciones apuntan a que ha sido un alto cargo del ejército y el caso queda archivado hasta que la justicia descubre al verdadero psicópata.
Love at Sea
Film Actress
Valses entre personas desplazadas de sus países, confusiones en los sentimientos de Daniel y Guy, marinos de vuelta a Francia después de la guerra de Argelia, y Geneviève, ella también moviéndose entre París y Brest. Jóvenes turbados por sus sueños de libertad y sus vacilaciones entre las seducciones parisinas y las playas soleadas del verano...
La cabaña del tío Tom
La familia Shelby, poseedora de numerosas plantaciones en Kentucky, se ve endeudada cuando el señor Shelby pierde gran cantidad de dinero en sus inversiones. Uno de los afectados por los impagos de la familia Mr. Haley va a reclamar su dinero pero, al ver que no podrán pagarle, les ofrece llevarse diez esclavos negros de sus plantaciones a cambio de la anulación de la deuda. Los Shelby deciden aceptar con resignación. Entre los esclavos elegidos se encuentra el Tío Tom (John Kitzmiller), el patriarca de los esclavos y muy apreciado por la familia Shelby,sobre todo por el hijo, que promete trabajar duro para recuperarle. A partir de ese momento Tío Tom y los demás esclavos lucharan incansablemente por su libertad y la de los suyos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Cherchez l'idole
Self, guest at Sylvie Vartan's show (uncredited)
After stealing a diamond from Mylène Demongeot, Richard hides it inside a guitar. But on returning to the music shop he discovers that the precious instrument has just been sold! The problem is complicated by the fact that five stars all bought the same model that morning...
The film is a rundown of the songs sung by the stars of the time, chained to various shows such as strip and comic caricatures.
Where the Truth Lies
Myriam Heller
A young veterinarian falls in love with a strange woman, a former explorer who might be a Voodoo priestess, after he comes to help her ailing cheetah. She begs him to return to Africa with her, but he doesn’t want to leave his wife. Soon his wife finds herself plagued by a series of bizarre accidents.
La gran apuesta
Vic Brennan convence a su familia en Dublin para reunir dinero y financiarle su viaje al remoto pueblo africano de Jebanda, donde pretende abrir un negocio de camiones de transporte. La familia accede con la condición de que su primo Samuel, empleado de banco, vaya con él para proteger sus intereses.
Una grieta en el espejo
Eponine / Florence
Tres intérpretes (Orson Welles, Juliette Gréco y Bradford Dillman) aparecen simultáneamente en dos historias independientes pero paralelas de triángulos amorosos. (FILMAFFINITY)
La fugitiva del Rhin
Lora huye de su novio, un delincuente de poca monta que acaba de matar a un policía, refugiándose en un carguero que navega por el Rhin. Su belleza seduce al capitán, pero ella está decepcionada con los hombres y no quiere implicarse. Su presencia provoca los celos de la esposa de uno de los tripulantes y la cosa se complica aún más cuando su novio, acosado por la policía, se introduce en el barco.
Las raíces del cielo
Morel es un aventurero que se traslada hasta una colonia francesa en África para luchar contra el exterminio indiscriminado de elefantes. En su misión lo apoyarán la nativa Minna, el excombatiente Forsythe y un presentador televisivo que se encargará de realizar un reportaje, pero en su cruzada encontrará también enemigos, cuyos intereses son opuestos a los suyos.
The Naked Earth
Africa, early 20th century, an Englishman marries the girlfriend of a late friend and faces natives and adventures, on the banks of a river infested with crocodiles.
Buenos días, tristeza
Una adolescente francesa sin inhibiciones y su atractivo padre descubrirán el lado oscuro de la pasión en esta adaptación de 1958 de la novela de Francoise Sagan. Jean Seberg es Cecile, la niña mimada de 17 años de Raymond (David Niven), un rico parisino viudo. Ambos pasan sus vacaciones en una lujosa mansión de la Riviera Francesa. Pero su existencia superficial y hedonista se tambalea cuando Raymond decide casarse con la puritana madrina de Cecile, Anne (Deborah kerr), que no aprueba la aventura de verano de la chica con Philippe (Geoffrey Horne). Para preservar intacto su mundo sin problemas, Cecile planea deshacerse de Anne. Pero de repente sus planes toman un cariz inesperado..
It Happened on the 36 Candles
Georgette Aubin
Después de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), Jake Barnes vaga sin rumbo por Europa en busca de emociones que compensen la impotencia que le ha causado una herida de guerra. En París encuentra a Lady Brett Ashley, que lo había ayudado a recuperarse de sus heridas durante la guerra. Jake se marcha a Pamplona con su amigo Bill a vivir los Sanfermines. Lady Brett y algunos amigos ya están allí. La tensión entre los hombres va en aumento, pues todos desean a Lady Brett; pero ella se interesa por el joven matador de toros Pedro Romero.
L'Homme et l'Enfant
Nicky Nistakos
The Lebanese Mission
Elena y los hombres
Miarka, la gitane
Antes de la I Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), Elena (Ingrid Bergman), una bella princesa polaca, se enamora en París de un político francés miembro de un partido radical y de un general. Al mismo tiempo un oficial suspira también por el amor de su alteza.
Saint-Tropez, devoirs de vacances
Boom on Paris
In the early 1950s, the popular radio show "La Kermesse aux Étoiles", hosted by the famous Jean Nohain, mixing lottery games and performances of various artists, will be disrupted by the adventures of a man and his fiancée seeking to recover a dangerous bottle of perfume (explosive) which was unfortunately mixed with the prizes to be won ...
Cuando leas esta carta
Thérèse Voise
Teresa (Juliette Greco) estaba a punto de ingresar en un convento, pero debido a la muerte de sus padres decide dedicarse a cuidar de su hermana Denise (Irene Galter), que ha sido violada por Max (Philippe Lemaire). Teresa intenta que Max repare el agravio, pero lo que ocurre es que Max acaba enamorándose de ella.
El guantelete verde
Singer (scenes deleted)
Terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un soldado norteamericano vuelve a la zona francesa, donde había luchado contra los nazis y robado una reliquia de una iglesia. De forma inesperada se verá envuelto en una caso de asesinato.
Without Leaving an Address
Juliette Gréco
A woman in Paris hires a taxi driver to locate her ex-lover, father to her newborn child, who left her without leaving an address.
Variations on the cultural and intellectual explosion in the Saint-Germain-des-Prés district in 1946.
Orfeo es un poeta obsesionado con la Muerte (la Princesa) de la cual se enamora. Un día los esbirros de la Muerte matan a Eurídice, la esposa de Orfeo, y éste decide seguirla hasta el Inframundo para rescatarla. Este film es la parte central de la trilogía órfica de Jean Cocteau: La sangre de un poeta (1932), Orfeo (1950) y El testamento de Orfeo (1960).
The Sinners
Au Royaume des Cieux takes place in in a dreadful girls' reformatory. A couple of lovers will try to escape from this living hell.
The Bouquinquant Brothers
A provincial, Julie Moret, is hired as a servant in a Parisian bourgeois residence. She is courted by one of the Bouquinquant brothers, Léon, who does not take long to ask her to marry him. Alas, Léon turns out to be violent, alcoholic and lazy. Faced with her misfortune, Julie gets closer to her brother-in-law Pierre, the opposite of Léon, serious and hardworking, and they become lovers. The drama will rush when Julie becomes pregnant with Pierre.