Karl-Heinz von Hassel

Karl-Heinz von Hassel

Nacimiento : 1939-02-08, Hamburg, Germany


Karl-Heinz von Hassel


Fliege hat Angst
Edgar Brinkmann
Fliege kehrt zurück
Kommissar a. D. Edgar Brinkmann
Der Handymörder
Zwei Leben hat die Liebe
Shortly after Michael and Inga Lehnert and their kids Tommy and Tilly move into their new home in the countryside, Michael causes an accident in which the 20 years old Jule is seriously injured. Tormented by this Michael spends more and more time at the side of her bed in hospital, where she lies in a coma, neglecting his family and job. When Jule finally wakes up, they fall in love. Although her ex-boyfriend warns her that Michael does not realise that Jule is traumatized by a fear of him and will do anything to bind him to her.
Brennendes Herz
Follows the life of the famous German politician, writer, and communist activist, Gustav Regler, from his birth in 1898, in the Saar, through the two World Wars and his many travels, until his death in 1963 in India.
Glück auf Kredit
The Denunciation
Direktor der Deutschen Bank
By 1941, Adolf Hitler had taken personal command of the German military apparatus. His initial successes made this seem like a good idea at the time, but by 1944, after an unparalleled series of military defeats that Hitler refused even to acknowledge, a group of high-ranking military and political figures in Germany decided to assassinate him and take over the government. Unfortunately for them, their assassination attempt failed, and the knives were out to find all the people involved in the attempt. The most wanted person in the coup was Carl Goerdeler (Dieter Schaad), a respected figure in German public life for many decades. Twenty years earlier, a girl by the name of Helene Schwärzel (Katherina Thalbach) met Goerdeler. After the coup attempt, during the nationwide manhunt, Helene recognized him and notified the authorities. In addition to receiving a huge reward, she became the focus of a nationwide propaganda campaign, and was widely resented for her "success."
Kein pflegeleichter Fall
Die Geierwally
Geierwally is a musical comedy and a parody of traditional movies with regional background, especially the classic story of Geierwally.
Feldmarschall Illo
Manuel's Vater
The Summer of the Samurai
Das Wahlergebnis
Zerbrochene Brücken
Graf Westerholt
Der Hochzeitstag
Don Carlos
Herzog von Medina Sidonia, Admiral
Sergeant Buttimer
Im Zeichen des Kreuzes
Gerd Wichmann
Set in Hamburg's “Hell's Kitchen,” a waterfront milieu of gangsters, pimps, dealers and prostitutes, the story follows the attempts of an ex-seaman first to insinuate himself into the scene, and then to extricate himself from it. He becomes a small-time pimp, sending his naive girlfriend out onto the streets thinking she is financing their middle-class future. When he becomes involved with an old pal, Nil, he increases his criminal portfolio. But when he steals Nil's girlfriend and things heat up, he leaves for his sister's middle-class home in Berlin, where his attempts to fit in are doomed from the start. Returning to Hamburg, he starts a rapid decline that delivers him into the waiting arms of Nil, whose revenge is merciless. Its emphasis more on milieu than on melodrama, Kiev is intended as a disturbing, hard look at the lives of bourgeois society's cast-offs whose existence, in Germany as elsewhere, is comfortably ignored or suppressed.
Querelle (Un pacto con el diablo)
Worker (as K. H. v. Hassel)
Querelle es un marinero que ejerce un enorme poder de fascinación y de seducción sobre las personas que conoce; posee un atractivo y una personalidad irresistibles. Cuando desembarca en Brest empieza a frecuentar un extraño prostíbulo. Ahí descubre que su hermano Robert es el amante de la dueña, Lysiane. Las reglas del local consisten en una tirada de dados contra Nono, el marido de Lysiane. Si ganas, tienes sexo con Lysiane y si pierdes, con Nono. Querelle pierde a propósito...
La ansiedad de Verónika Voss
Asylum Doctor (uncredited)
Una famosa actriz alemana en el ocaso de su carrera recurre al alcohol y a las drogas con la esperanza de recuperar la fama perdida. Ésta es la última parte de la trilogía de Fassbinder sobre el desmoronamiento de los sueños de la Alemania Occidental de la posguerra.
Lola, una cantante de cabaret, seduce al señor von Bohm, un delegado de urbanismo. Al honrado funcionario se le plantea un grave conflicto moral cuando descubre que el cabaret es la tapadera de un burdel y las cantantes, prostitutas. Se inspira en 'El ángel azul' de Josef von Sternberg y forma parte de la trilogía de Fassbinder sobre la Alemania de la posguerra junto con 'El matrimonio de Maria Braun' y 'La ansiedad de Veronika Voss'.
Preußen – Ein Prozeß in fünf Verhandlungen
Lili Marleen
Lili Marleen es la historia de una canción que, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, llegó a convertirse en un himno, primero del nazismo y después del bando aliado. En 1936, Norbert Schultze, un pianista de cabaret, le puso música a la letra que había escrito años atrás un soldado alemán. Tres años más tarde la grabó en disco una bella pero mediocre cantante, Lale Andersen, que consiguió un éxito y una popularidad tales que los servicios de propaganda del Tercer Reich decidieron hacer suya la canción.
El matrimonio de María Braun
Prosecuting Counsel
Maria y Hermann Braun se casan durante un bombardeo, poco antes de que él sea enviado al frente ruso. Al final de la guerra, Hermann figura en las listas de desaparecidos. En la ciudad, entre las ruinas, reina el mercado negro y la prostitución. También Maria, para poder sobrevivir, debe prostituirse. Así se hace amante de Bill, un soldado negro americano, del que queda embarazada; pero su marido reaparece.
Gefangen in Frankreich: Theodor Fontane im Krieg 1870/71
Kleine bunte Freudenspender
La mujer del ferroviario
Durante los años 20, antes del ascenso de Hitler al poder, en Baviera vive un matrimonio formado por Hanni y Xavier Bolwieser. Él es el jefe de la estación del tren y está enamoradísimo de su mujer; ella, en cambio, se siente infeliz en su matrimonio y es infiel a su marido. Ésta es la tragedia de un hombre capaz de llegar a una degradación absoluta con tal de mantener a su mujer a su lado.
A fictionalized version of a military training fight.
Four Against the Bank
Gangster Manfred
One evening, the once successful architect Helmut is tired of the recession giving no jobs, he gets the idea of robbing a bank. He recruits members of his golf club that are not paying their fees.
LH 615 – Operation München
Kapitän Claussen
Kleine Bank mit schlechten Noten
Bob Schleswiger
Stellenweise Glatteis
Im Vorhof der Wahrheit
Die Kugel war Zeuge
Constable Gutteridge
Nicht einmal das halbe Leben
Wenn alle anderen fehlen
Einsatzleiter der Feuerwehr
Überall ist Wunderland - Erinnerungen an Joachim Ringelnatz
Flucht - Der Fall Münzenberg
Werner Thormann
Ein Vogel bin ich nicht
Das Abenteuer eines armen Christenmenschen
Militäradjutant des Königs
Es braust ein Ruf wie Donnerhall - Ur-Opas dufter Krieg 70/71
Otto von Bismarck
Vier Tage unentschuldigt
Der Portland-Ring
Major K
Ende der Vorstellung 24 Uhr
Ein Mädchen
Wie eine Träne im Ozean
Marinemeuterei 1917
Matrose Reichpietsch
Das Wunder von Lengede
Mord in Frankfurt
Taxifahrer Ehlers
Eine Gefangene bei Stalin und Hitler
Old Shaky