Christian Charmetant

Christian Charmetant

Nacimiento : 1956-03-22,


Christian Charmetant


Shock / Nino (âgé)
Sally aka Purplemind, a telepath who once founded a superhero collective, now lives in a retirement home. Interviewed by a journalist who wants to write her biography, Purplemind looks back on her past. The traumatic discovery of her powers in the 90s, the creation of a group of heroes, their fame and then their decline after the death of one of them.
Meurtres dans le Jura
Au revoir... et merci !
No molestar
A Michel, un entusiasta del jazz, le basta encontrar un album raro para ponerse a escucharlo tranquilamente sentado en su salón. Pero el mundo entero parece tener otros planes para él: su esposa quiere hablarle, su hijo aparece de improviso, su vecino llama a la puerta, incluso su amante requiere su atención. Manipulador y mentiroso, Michel está desesperado por obtener algo de paz, pero hará falta mucha energía para que esa dulce mañana no se transforme en una verdadera pesadilla.
La trouvaille de Juliette
Franz Branslegger
Benoît Duroc, alias Pascal Dumont
Le piège afghan
Colonel Leroy
Guerra de Misses
Le maire de Super Charmoussey
De veinte y dos elecciones para el certamen local de miss, 22 victorias fueron para Super Charmoussey. Otro año más los vecinos de Charmoussey, un pequeño pueblo en el valle que está siendo duramente golpeado por la recesión se ha movilizado detrás de su alcalde para hacer un lavado de cara y finalmente ganar a Super Charmoussey, una estación de esquí familiar muy próspera. A partir de ahora la guerra sucia está pemitida: el espionaje, la denuncia, la corrupción ... ¡Este año se declara abiertamente la guerra de misses!
93, rue Lauriston
Pierre Bony
93, rue Lauriston, in the 16th arrondissement de Paris, is an address of bleak memory. It was indeed the headquarter of the French Gestapo, which was active between 1941 and 1944 and was headed by Henri Lafont and Pierre Loutrel, two wanted criminals. On the day of 1940 he was demobilized, little did well-meaning Léon Jabinet know that he would be associated with such disreputable characters. And yet, some time later, Odile Panzer, the Jewish girl he has been hiding at his parents'place, is arrested by the Gestapo. On this occasion Léon is offered a deal for her release: collaborating with the Carlingue (another name for the French auxiliaries of the Nazi police) and Odile will be free. Or else... What should he do?
Clara and Me
The Analyst
Antoine has what every young single man could wish: a promising career, true and loyal friends, and an apartment of his own. However, he's a lonely man, until he meets Clara, a beautiful and exciting woman, and deeply falls in love with her. All his loneliness turns into joy... but then he learns something that makes it all extremely complicated.
Marie's Children
During the German occupation of France, a young woman - Marie - finds a Jewish boy in her room. His parents and other Jewish neighbors have been just been deported, but Maurice (the boy) escaped. Marie decides to hide him, secretly.
La Grande Vie !
On a hospital bed, Marcello is plunged into a deep coma. His guardian angel asks the angel in charge of bringing him back to the afterlife to extend the contract of his protégé.
Las flores de Harrison
1991. Harrison lloyd, un reputado fotoperiodista que cubre la información sobre la guerra de Yugoslavia, es dado por desaparecido. Sarah, su esposa, convencida de que no ha muerto, decide ir a Bosnia con el propósito de encontrarlo.
Les Insaisissables
Le directeur de la banque
Romain, a well read and articulate real estate agent, protects his grandmother from a bailiff that wants to seize her property,
La viuda de Saint-Pierre
le commissaire de la Marine
En 1849, en las isla francesa de Saint-Pierre, cerca del Canadá, dos hombres borrachos cometen un crimen absurdo. Uno de ellos es condenado a muerte, pero debe aguardar a que llegue la guillotina desde la Martinica. Durante los meses de espera, el reo ayuda en sus obras de caridad a la esposa del capitán del la guarnicion, la cual lo protege y sólo ve en él bondad y sencillez.
El libertino
Chevalier de Jerfeuil
Francia, finales del siglo XVIII. El gobierno, con el apoyo de la Iglesia, prohibe la publicación de la Enciclopedia de Diderot. Éste, por su parte, acompañado de algunos amigos, se refugia en un castillo. Allí intenta continuar su obra, pero sus amantes no se lo ponen nada fácil.
Une journée de merde!
This is an important day for Marc Chanois, an insurance advisor heading toward middle age: it's his fiancée Sabine's birthday, her parents arrive in Paris and Marc will meet them for dinner to announce the engagement (her father can't stand him), he's bought Sabine a Spitfire, and his most important client is to sign a policy. But, as the day wears on, he's vexed by an incompetent secretary, the unexpected return of a girlfriend he hasn't seen in five years, squatters who use his office at night, the jealous former lover of a flight attendant who lives in the building, and his boss's unexpected return from a Swiss clinic. Will he reach Sabine in one piece?
Les collègues
Louis Lefèvre
This is the story of a small Marseilles football club on the verge of extinction that ends up in an amateur tournament organised during the World Cup (inevitably referred to as "La Mondialette"). It's their opportunity to save the club. The team, made up of temperamental hotheads, will have to dodge all kinds of low blows.
Le chirurgien
A shy French anthropologist who happens to be secretly in love with her college superior, chooses "bimbos" as the subject of her thesis. She becomes one of them in order to do that, and the professor she loves falls for her new identity.
Mauvaises affaires
An investigating judge uncovers a corruption case in which his own politician brother is compromised.
The taxi driver
A famous sprinter considers quitting competition, when he gets to meet Tonka, an Indian woman living in a big advertising coke can near Roissy Charles De Gaulle airport. She is naturally talented for running, and the sprinter decides to train her to become a sprinter like him. As they fall in love, Tonka cheers him up, and then tries to pursue him to take over competition.
Pierre and Marie
A humoristic view of the lives of Marie and Pierre Curie and their discoveries around radioactivity.
Men, Women: A User's Manual
Le prêtre au confessionnal
Benoit Blanc loves living, he loves women, he loves daring. He is a famous businessman who suffers from stomach-ache. Fabiolini, a would-be actor, is a policeman and he too suffers from the same sickness. The two man face suffering in opposite ways: Benoit Blanc is optimistic while Fabiolini, always unsure of himself, is persuaded he is seriously ill. The two men meet by chance while doing a gastroscopy and become friends. After having known their real different conditions, they will change and will understand better their lives. Around them, other people, women and men, will see their lives changed, by chance, by love or solely by the life stream.
Une fille à papas
An energetic teenager gives a hard time to her father, an artist, and her stepfather, an unemployed executive not very comfortable with young people.
News from the Good Lord
When novelist Alessandro Battavia commits suicide, a taxi driver named Evangile and her brother Nord believe they are characters imagined in a novel, probably one written by God.
The Liars
Zac is a well-respected French filmmaker who creates a major uproar when for no apparent reason he suddenly vanishes from his posh Parisian apartment leaving behind his lover Helene, a popular star. Marcus, his producer searches for eight months before locating Zac who has since become a homeless street bum in an expensive neighborhood. Marcus sends Zac to a posh hotel. He then sends Daisy, an ambitious secretary and aspiring screenwriter to learn what happened to the great director. It takes a lot of mutual verbal sparring and false turns (which are presented as creatively filmed vignettes that are done using a variety of techniques) from Zac before he finally tells her the truth. The two then decide to turn the story into a film. As they write, Daisy and Zac slowly fall in love. At the same time, Marcus has his hands full trying to avoid some tough Russian Mafiosos who want the money they invested back.
Patrick, a not so successful boxer, meets Nathaniel - and adventures started.
During second world war,Philippe Pétain gets absolute powers.The war ends with the arrival of allied forces by Petainism has not been put on trial.
Todo esto... ¡¿para esto?!
La vida, el amor y la casualidad reúnen a tres hombres, Vincent, Henri y Jacques. Los tres acaban en el banquillo de los acusados y son defendidos y juzgados por dos magistrados: Francis y Fabrice, que a su vez están enfrentados a idénticos problemas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Le voleur et la menteuse
Le metteur en scène Simon
The thief: a gangster on the lam, is waiting for a boat which is to sail away from this harbor,a dead end. The liar: a young woman he meets in a restaurant tells him the story of her life based on the screenplay of a movie she was to make. They fall head over heels in love. The convict who has just escaped from jail wants to keep her out of his predicament, but after a night of desperate love, she refuses to leave him.And the police are tracking him down.
As in Heaven
Set on a remote farm on the west coast of Iceland in late summer 1936. Hrefna, encouraged by her grandmother’s stories, begins to mix past and future in her imagination, travelling back to the 14th century.
The Austrian
Tronson du Coudray
A woman is detained at La Conciergerie. She's 37 but her hair are already white. She's suffering from terrible haemorraghe. Her name is Marie-Antoinette of Lorraine, from Austria, and she's living her last four days.
A man and a woman quarrel over an old building, a heritage they share. Their opposing characters make the situation conflictual.
Frankenstein, mi amor
Le jeune inspecteur
Un científico obsesionado construye un ser vivo a base de partes de cadáveres exhumados.
Courage fuyons
Pierre Martin
At forty years old, Martin Belhomme leads a quiet life with his wife and two children. One day, he falls hopelessly in love with Eva, a cabaret singer. He decides to follow her to Amsterdam. From then on, his life becomes very eventful!
L'empreinte de l'ange