Willy Harlander

Willy Harlander

Nacimiento : 1931-04-30, Regensburg, Germany

Muerte : 2000-04-20


Willy Harlander


Der Komödienstadel - Das liebe Geld
Der Komödienstadel - Der verkaufte Großvater
Der Komödienstadel - Der müde Theodor
Theodor Kronschnabl
Der Struppi ist weg
A crime comedy directed by Thomas Engel.
Bavarian Border Official
Schtonk! is a farce of the actual events of 1983, when Germany's Stern magazine published, with great fanfare, 60 volumes of the alleged diaries of Adolf Hitler – which two weeks later turned out to be entirely fake. Fritz Knobel (based on real-life forger Konrad Kujau) supports himself by faking and selling Nazi memorabilia. When Knobel writes and sells a volume of Hitler's (nonexistent) diaries, he thinks it's just another job. When sleazy journalist Hermann Willié learns of the diaries, however, he quickly realizes their potential value... and Knobel is quickly in over his head. As the pressure builds and Knobel is forced to deliver more and more volumes of the fake diaries, he finds himself acting increasingly like the man whose life he is rewriting. The film is a romping and hilarious satire, poking fun not only at the events and characters involved in the hoax (who are only thinly disguised in the film), but at the discomfort Germany has with its difficult past.
For fans of history, this glimpse of Munich society in the 1920s will be a much-treasured event. The story revolves around an art-gallery manager who puts on a show featuring the scandalous works of a woman artist who committed suicide. He is unjustly accused of having committed adultery with her, and for some reason the authorities decide to make an example of him. He is imprisoned at about the same time that Hitler and the nascent Nazi party attempt the infamous Beer Hall Putsch, and the gallery manager's girlfriend and a Swiss writer valiantly (and unsuccessfully) attempt to get better justice for him. Nobody in authority, it seems, has the courage to take up the challenge of righting this particular injustice.
Rosalie Goes Shopping
Rosalie's Father
Rosalie loves to shop too much to let a little thing like no money stop her. When the local shopkeepers no longer take her bad checks or bad credit cards, she's reduced to stealing from one family member to buy presents for others. It's looking pretty bleak until her daughter pushes her into buying a 'guilt gift' of a PC, complete with modem. Master shopper becomes master hacker, and Rosalie is back on top.
Franz Bauer
The Beginner
Movie fan Mike has invented a machine with which he is able to take part in every movie which is currently running on his video tape recorder. But he and his friend Tommy are watched while trying out this new device and soon two electronic companies are on their trail to discover the secret of this invention.
Wie im Paradies oder Ein gnadenloser Tag im Leben des Alois B.
Alois Brandinger
Early Frost in Munich
A Croatian guest worker who worked in Germany for many years, builds a house and a workshop for his 20 year old son back in their country of origin. However the son plans to marry his German girlfriend, and doesn't even think of returning to their land.
Der Glockenkrieg
Sebastian Hitzinger
Vergiftet oder arbeitslos?
Der Komödienstadel - Die Tochter des Bombardon
A comedy directed by Olf Fischer.
Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl
'Schorsch' Bernbacher
Piratensender Powerplay
Tommy and Mike operate a famous pirate radio station, Germany's most listened-to radio station. The police and the operators of the Bavarian Broadcast Company try to stop their illegal broadcast.
O du fröhliche - Besinnliche Weihnachtsgeschichten
Und ab geht die Post
Willy Rasshofer
Lili Marleen
Lili Marleen es la historia de una canción que, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, llegó a convertirse en un himno, primero del nazismo y después del bando aliado. En 1936, Norbert Schultze, un pianista de cabaret, le puso música a la letra que había escrito años atrás un soldado alemán. Tres años más tarde la grabó en disco una bella pero mediocre cantante, Lale Andersen, que consiguió un éxito y una popularidad tales que los servicios de propaganda del Tercer Reich decidieron hacer suya la canción.
Die Rumplhanni
August 1914. In the village of Öd, the maid Rumplhanni has a love affair with Simon, son of the farmer Hauser. Before he goes to war, she dizzy to him, she expects a child from him. Simon can persuade his parents to say goodbye to Hanni as a daughter-in-law. Thus she has achieved what she wanted: to come out of the state of an illegitimate maid and to become peasant woman with house and farm. Since the old farmer wants to give her but nothing written, Hanni sets out another plan ...
Der falsche Pass für Tibo
… von Herzen mit Schmerzen
Die Jugendstreiche des Knaben Karl
At the behest of his father, the young Karl Valentin is to complete a carpentry apprenticeship. When the father gets into a financial mess by a strict creditor, the boy works with growing success as a comedian to support his parents financiall
Three Swedish Girls in Upper Bavaria
1. Bavarian
Otto runs a hotel for tourists in Tyrol but has troubles both with the economy and with his wife Olga. After a trip to Stockholm he imports three Swedish blondes who eventually save Otto from disaster, both marital and financial.
La mujer del ferroviario
Durante los años 20, antes del ascenso de Hitler al poder, en Baviera vive un matrimonio formado por Hanni y Xavier Bolwieser. Él es el jefe de la estación del tren y está enamoradísimo de su mujer; ella, en cambio, se siente infeliz en su matrimonio y es infiel a su marido. Ésta es la tragedia de un hombre capaz de llegar a una degradación absoluta con tal de mantener a su mujer a su lado.
Lady Dracula
A beautiful blonde bitten by Count Dracula 100 years previously is unearthed in Vienna, and soon she goes on a killing spree.
Die Leute von Feichtenreut
The Pussy in the Bathhouse
Sepp Ploderer
Three Bavarians travel to Bangkok, allegedly to start exporting German beer there. But the local vicar hears that they only go there to have fun and follow them to watch over them.
Zwei Rebläuse auf dem Weg zur Loreley
Sepp Brunnhöfer
Two dumb blokes are searching for the illegitimate sons of an old captain. But it soon turns out, that the sons are daughters...
Kennwort: Fasanenjagd München 1945
Leutnant Putz
Der Mensch Adam Deigl und die Obrigkeit
Adam Deigl
Stolen Heaven
Tobias Retzler
The forester Auer is found killed on Sunday in the forest, and the police begins a feverish search for the culprit. Only pastor Gruber already knows who it is. It is Hannes Reyer, son of the richest farmer in the region, who has confessed the act of murder to him. Gruber, however, is bound to his obligation to secrecy. But when the young Ernst Nortinger is arrested under suspicion for murder, he knows what he has to do and relinquishes his priestship in order to report Hannes to the police. But things don’t get so far, as Hannes dies in an accident during an altercation with the priest. Nonetheless, Gruber does not return to his office. In quiescence, he wants to find out whether he still can handle the burden of the priesthood. Senior pastor Bachmayer however is convinced that he will return.
Alpine Passion
Sepp Ploderer
Village elders attempting to upgrade their village status to 'Marktgemeinde' - which for some unexplained reason would resolve their financial difficulties. To achieve this they need to increase the number of village inhabitants...
Desnúdate alegremente
Vittorio (Rinaldo Talamonti) se hace pasar por homosexual para poder acercarse a la hija de un millonario, de vacaciones en Alemania. Desafortunadamente su chofer es gay, con lo cual se le crea un problema.
Crazy - Total verrückt
A comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb
Secrets of Sweet Sixteen
Mr. Wimmer
Another Ernst Hofbauer schoolgirl exploiter in the same vein as his Schoolgirl Report films, but for this one he raised the sleaze level to new heights with non-pornographic scenes of rape, pedophilia, satanic rituals, virgin sacrifice and golden showers. Despite how it sounds, these acts are played for silly comedy rather than any harsh depictions.
Lo que los padres deberían saber - Report de colegialas nº 5
Werner Kessler
Nuevos relatos de colegialas sobre su despertal sexual.
Mensch, ärgere dich nicht
Der Komödienstadel - Josef Filser
1. Schutzmann
Der Komödienstadel - Mattheis bricht's Eis
Ferdy und Ferdinand
Birnbaum und Hollerstauden
Las colegialas se confiesan 2 - Report de colegialas nº 2
Un maestro estricto y conservador es atraído por tres de sus hermosas jóvenes estudiantes, generando una situación comprometedora.
Die Münchner Räterepublik
Der Komödienstadel - Der Hunderter im Westentaschl
Xaver Gössenberger
Das gelbe Haus am Pinnasberg
A bordello for women.
Löwe gesucht
Der Bettenstudent oder: Was mach’ ich mit den Mädchen?
Der Attentäter
Das Trauerspiel von Julius Caesar
Der Komödienstadel - Das Wunder des heiligen Florian
Madame Legros
Der Holledauer Schimmel
Damian Huß, Schmied
Die Unbekannte aus der Seine
Kurzer Prozeß
Polizeibeamter Janisch
A Degree of Murder
Durante una discusión, la mujer mata accidentalmente a su pareja. Temerosa de las consecuencias por lo que acaba de hacer, decide esconder el cadáver en un lugar donde espera que nunca sea descubierto. Le ayudan dos desconocidos sin muchos escrúpulos, que acabarán intimando con la joven.
Der Komödienstadel - Der Schusternazi
The Honors of War
Der Hochtourist
Sepp Rainthaler
About a Cologne sparkling wine manufacturer who is pretending to be passionate about mountaineering in order to be able to devote himself to his real passion, theater.
Millowitsch Theater - Der kühne Schwimmer
Xaver Kraxentrager