Hans-Martin Majewski

Hans-Martin Majewski

Nacimiento : 1911-01-14,

Muerte : 1997-01-01


Hans-Martin Majewski


Der veruntreute Himmel
Der Schimmelreiter
The Spy Who Never Was
Original Music Composer
A diabolical tale of romance, murder, and mistaken identity as a treacherous terrorist organization hunts an enemy agent with the intention of killing him, but instead they set their sights on the wrong man. Left in the wake of their mistaken pursuit is a trail of broken lives and brutal murders.
A Lost Life
In this docudrama, police in the countryside near Berlin attempt to trick a confession out of a Polish guest worker for the 1927 murder of an eight-year-old girl.
Wer stirbt schon gerne unter Palmen
The wealthy plantation owner Pinaud is brutally murdered in Ceylon. His attractive German wife Anne is suspected of the crime and arrested by Inspector Cerdan. He is ordered to take her to Colombo. But the plane on the way there gets caught in a heavy storm and crashes shortly afterwards. Anne Pinaud and Cerdan are the only survivors of the crew and save themselves on a desert island. There they come across Werner Becker, who has been shipwrecked with his yacht and is also stranded here. While Cerdan continues to believe Anne is guilty of the crime, Werner believes she is innocent. Soon the tension between the two men builds up and they become rivals for Anne's favor.
Original Music Composer
Después de la espantosa muerte de su padre, una joven y hermosa mujer que vive en un internado es poseída por un poderoso demonio.
Orden de Interpol: sin un momento de tregua
Paul y Sybil viven en Berlín. Cuando él vuelve de un viaje no encuentra a Sybill por ninguna parte, y sólo por un mensaje en el contestador averigua que ella ha sido citada en Viena. Un cadáver complica las cosas.
Morgenstern am Abend
Chronicle of a Passion
After World War I, widower Renier has returned to his estate Horlebecq. His sole diversion is his correspondence with the Parisian Rolande, who he met during the war. Even though his family is pressuring him into marrying his sister-in-law Emily, Renier stays obsessed with Rolande and even visits her in Paris. She manages to persuade him to invest large sums of money into the "Academie de Beauté" in Paris. His reckless investments and breaking off his engagement with Emily leads to unbearable tensions at Horlebecq...
Mathilde Möhring
Kurt Hoffmann's film adaptation of Tucholsky's eponymous novella is situated in 1910s Berlin: The aspiring editor Wolf runs into Claire by chance. Both are attracted to one another, yet they are not entirely certain about their feelings. They embark on a trip to Rheinsberg to assure themselves about their sentiments. And indeed, the time spent in the romantic provincial town brings clarity to their situation.
The captain of a ship in port has been entrusted with a secret government mission. He gives leave to the crew, but orders them to report back each morning. As the days go by, and the sailing date still remains a secret, the crew are thrown into a state of increasing uncertainty. The film concentrates on two crew members whose experiences are coloured by the omnipresent reality of the ship which is about to depart.
Drei Tage bis Mitternacht
The socialist dream collapses.
Der Mann, der sich Abel nannte
Original Music Composer
Bernhard Lichtenberg
Original Music Composer
La visita del rencor
Original Music Composer
Karla, la viuda de un magnate del petróleo, vuelve a su ciudad natal. Ahora que es rica y poderosa, se propone vengarse de los que la despreciaron y, sobre todo, del hombre que la abandonó por otra.
De luitenant
A film about friendship between forsaken boys.
Das Glück läuft hinterher
Follows the life of several different people in 1960s in Germany for a few days. The story begins, when a juvenile criminal steals an old woman's handbag in a post office and throws it into a parking car, when he feels observed. But there was a lot of money in that bag, and thereby a dozen fortunes become entwined.
Gripsholm Castle
Young lovers Kurt and Lydia spend their first vacation together in Sweden at the picturesque Gripsholm Castle. They enjoy their happy days outdoors and in the nature far away from all everyday troubles and have fun with Kurt′s old friend Karl who comes to visit them in their holiday home. But when Lydia′s beautiful friend Billie also joins them shortly after, Lydia senses that Kurt seems to be falling in love with Billie.
Túnel 28
Original Music Composer
Alemania, 1962. La ciudad de Berlín se haya divida por el gran Muro que separa la parte comunista de la capitalista en la época del Telón de Acero. En este contexto, Karl Schröder (Don Murray) es un chófer que trabaja para el gobierno de la Alemania del Este y que es testigo en primera persona del asesinato de un amigo mientras conducía su coche. Animado por la hermana de dicho amigo, Erika Jurgens (Christine Kaufmann), traza un plan para escapar al sector oeste de la ciudad. ¿Su plan? Excavar un túnel por debajo del muro.
Liebling, ich muß dich erschießen
Original Music Composer
The Red Pastures
A serial killer is on the run, after escaping a mental institution. He befriends a woman and her child, but the urge to strangle women with red necklaces still haunts him.
Das Mädchen und der Staatsanwalt
Original Music Composer
Das Riesenrad
Original Music Composer
El milagro de Malaquías
Las fervientes oraciones de un monje producen un verdadero milagro en una ciudad industrial de Alemania del Oeste, que, sin embargo, no es entendido por la gente más que como una acción con afán lucrativo.
Sacred Waters
Water is a scarce and sometimes dangerous resource in the Swiss Mountain Village. Anytime the wooden pipe is damaged and the supply breaks, one man from the village is determined by "unlucky" draw to take on the life-threatening repairs.
Agatha, laß das Morden sein!
Original Music Composer
A black comedy about a female author of crime novels who becomes a victim of a macabre hoax.
Juego de reyes
Original Music Composer
En 1938, en la Austria recién ocupada por los nazis, Werner von Basilio, un prestigioso intelectual vienés es detenido y acusado de contrabando cuando intentaba sacar obras de arte del país. A continuación la Gestapo lo recluye en una habitación de hotel, donde no tiene distracciones de ningún tipo... Una famosa película sobre el juego de ajedrez basada en la novela corta de Stefan Zweig "Novela de Ajedrez" (The Royal Game and Other Stories).
Ich schwöre und gelobe
El puente
Original Music Composer
Alemania, 1945. Últimos meses de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El conflicto se puede dar casi por concluido, pues el país ha sido invadido por las tropas aliadas. Ya no quedan soldados adultos que defiendan las posiciones, tan sólo adolescentes. En una pequeña ciudad, un grupo de jóvenes ha recibido la orden de proteger un pequeño puente. Enardecidos ante la idea de defender a su país, y entusiasmados por la ideología nazi de "sangre y honor", los chicos se disponen a cumplir las órdenes recibidas.
Georgia Gale was a great poet, but then she stopped writing and started drinking heavily. Now, as a desperate last resort, she has traveled to Switzerland, where she hopes to find a cure.
Al diablo con el trabajo
Original Music Composer
Intended as a light farce this comedy by Luigi Commencini is a little plodding in its story about a bank manager who has had it with his buttoned-down, boring job. One Monday he can no longer face the tedium of both his work and his life and so he stays home and rebels by playing with toys and joining in on a radio concert with his own instruments. His erratic behavior does not go unnoticed and soon a winsome psychiatrist whom he knows and secretly admires, is right there trying to help him. The newly liberated bank manager logically grasps this opportunity to press forward his innermost feelings.
Die Halbzarte
Original Music Composer
The story of the Dassau family, a family of artists: Frau Dassau is a composer, her husband is a writer, and their children are equally gifted as painters, poets and musicians. But unfortunately, no one wants to invest money in their art. The family is about to starve when Nicole comes up with a marvelous idea: She is going to write the "most scandalous book", the sex memoirs of a teenager. For this, she hides under the pseudonym of Eva. The book becomes an enormous success indeed, but Nicole's parents are decent people, and the public interest in their sluttish daughter begins to bother them. Things begin to get even more unpleasant when Nicole falls in love with an American publisher who'd prefer a virgin…
As Long as the Heart Still Beats
Original Music Composer
Noche amarga
Original Music Composer
Durante la campaña bélica de Rusia y en vísperas del ataque a Stalingrado, el soldado alemán Fedor Baranowski, hastiado de la guerra, trata de escapar del horror que se vive en el frente y escapar con su amante ucraniana Liuba. Aprovechando la confusión de un ataque enemigo, Fedor huye del vagón de tren en que viaja su unidad y se reúne con Liuba, pero los amantes son arrestados en casa de la joven. Como a los más de 200.000 soldados que desertaron del ejército alemán, a Fedor le espera el pelotón de fusilamiento. La última noche la pasa con el sacerdote militar Brunner que trata de llevar algo de paz espiritual al condenado. De ese modo Brunner también deja el terreno libre al oficial von Armin para que pase la noche con su mujer ya que Brunner sospecha que después del ataque a Stalingrado nadie vivirá para contarlo...
Warum sind sie gegen uns?
Original Music Composer
Der Maulkorb
Der Mann im Strom
Wet Asphalt
In Berlin, when the journalist Greg Bachmann is released from prison six months before the end of his sentence, there is a driver named Jupp waiting for him. Soon he learns that the famous journalist Cesar Boyd was the responsible for the shorter sentence. Cesar offers a position of his assistant to Greg; in return, Boyd would write his story about his interviews to war criminals and Greg would help him in other matters. Meanwhile Boyd welcomes the daughter of a deceased friend, Bettina, and he becomes her guardian.
The Copper
Original Music Composer
Otto Friedrich Dennert is a celebrated veteran of the Essen police force. While investigating a series of killings of women he reaches retirement age. The case is taken over by a new team, including Dennert's son Harry. Convinced that they have arrested the wrong person, Dennert begins investigating by himself with assistance from the criminal underworld.
Scampolo is a young, poor girl who lives on the island of Ischia. She falls in love with a young architect who hopes to win a design competition. Scampolo intecedes on his behalf with the minister and helps him to make his dream come true.
El Hakim
A young Egyptian doctor leaves his uneducated, dance girl lady friend behind while he focuses on fighting poverty and superstition. Years later, rich and famous, on a trip to Paris he discovers her again, in a night club.
El Zorro de París
En 1944 las tropas aliadas ya han desembarcado en Europa. Francia permanece ocupada por los alemanes que sufren los constantes ataque de la Resistencia y algunos oficiales tratan de impedir el sacrificio inútil de cientos de soldados pasando información procedente del Cuartel General de Berlín a las tropas aliadas. Entre ellos se encuentra el general Quade, que no desea ver como son aniquiladas las divisiones a sus órdenes en el inminente desembarco de Normandía. El capitán Eustenwerth, que actúa como involuntario mensajero de esa información, se enamora de la joven francesa Yvonne y así entra en contacto con la Resistencia. Inesperadamente, los dos idealistas oficiales, cuyos fines no son tan diferentes, se encuentran en ‘bandos’ opuestos.
Sharks and Little Fish
Four young German naval cadets begin their military service in 1940; only one of them will survive.
Ferien auf Immenhof
The pony hotel has just been opened, but so far no guests have arrived. Dick gets Ralf to design a brochure about the hotel. The girls and Ethelbert then lead the village children on horseback to Lübeck, where they all distribute the brochure - not knowing that Dalli has added some embellishments to the text.
Der tolle Bomberg
La Estrella de África
Original Music Composer
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la superioridad material de los aliados fue decantando paulatinamente la balanza del conflicto a su favor. La contienda en el norte de África dio lugar a cruentos y valientes enfrentamientos donde brilló el heroísmo. Esta película está basada en la historia real de un piloto alemán, Hans-Joachim Marseille, conocido con el sobrenombre de Estrella de África (Stern von Afrika). En enero de 1.941 fue trasladado al Norte de África y el 24 de febrero de 1.942 se le concedió la cruz de caballero de la Cruz de Hierro después de haber logrado 46 derribos. El 1 de septiembre de 1.942 consiguió derribar 17 aviones enemigos en un solo día.
Confessions of Felix Krull
Original Music Composer
Thomas Mann's witty and intimate story of a irresistible scoundrel.
Kitty and the Great Big World
Hochzeit auf Immenhof
Original Music Composer
The Immenhof has been closed by officials, awaiting auction. In the meantime, Angela has died, so Jochen is now a widower. Oma Jantzen and Angela's younger sisters Dick and Dalli live with him in the forester's house. In order to save the manor house, Dalli has started a "pony circus" with the village children in the barn, while Dick has given up hope of Ethelbert ever returning.
Heute heiratet mein Mann
Ich suche Dich
Original Music Composer
The young, religious Dr. Francoise Maurer comes from Alsace in "Good Hope" Sanatorium and plans after a short time to leave the sanatorium and go to Indochina to help out in a hospital for the poorest ones.
Furlough on Word of Honor
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
An industrialist's wife was killed and now her lover is accused of murder.
Original Music Composer
In Germany during World War II, a well-known psychic decides to collaborate with the Nazis.
Gestatten, mein Name ist Cox
Original Music Composer
Ingrid - The Story of a Fashion Model
Original Music Composer
El aula voladora
Original Music Composer
El tercer curso de un internado y los alumnos de un colegio vecino no se llevan bien. Cada lado sueña con las bromas más locas para derrotar al otro. Y cuando un día los estudiantes de secundaria van tan lejos como para robar los ensayos de los estudiantes de Gymnasium e incluso quemarlos, la vida escolar diaria realmente se sale de control.
Das Nachtgespenst
Original Music Composer
Tobias Knopp, Adventure of a Bachelor
The wealthy man Tobias Knopp becomes ever more lonely and quirky over the years. He had let himself go, his girth increased significantly, and his hair fell out. Over that, he waited too long for the right woman and stayed a bachelor involuntarily. But now, he wants to try again one more time and wants to get married after all. But first of all, the right woman for this has to be found, and thus Knopp embarks on a journey to look for a wife all through the German lands. During that, he visits his friends who are already married for a long time and gets all kinds of advice from them on how to get to know a woman and to conquer her heart. On his journey, Knopp then learns much about the different facets of married life. After countless adventures, he, however, doesn’t find an adequate partner and returns home frustrated. But perhaps, his housekeeper might be able to help out?
Love '47
A young man and woman meet on a bridge, both about to commit suicide by jumping into the river, and recount to each other their experiences.
Blockierte Signale
Flucht ins Dunkel
Original Music Composer