Alfonso Mejía Robledo


Director of Photography
Raymundo, es un hombre que ve cómo su vida cambia tras el nacimiento de Prax, su hijo, un chico con síndrome de Down. Cuando Prax es invitado para asistir a la grabación de una telenovela, Raymundo se niega rotundamente al temer que pueda volverse objeto de burlas por parte de la gente. Sin embargo, si Raymundo desea ser feliz, deberá darse cuenta de que las diferencias que él ve en Prax, en realidad son las características que lo hacen único.
Nido de cóndores
Six-part film showing the development of the city of Pereira based on a love story, which was only a pretext to show the origin, advancement and progress of the city of Pereira. Of this production there are testimonies of its realization and exhibition, however only one photograph is preserved.
Nido de cóndores
Six-part film showing the development of the city of Pereira based on a love story, which was only a pretext to show the origin, advancement and progress of the city of Pereira. Of this production there are testimonies of its realization and exhibition, however only one photograph is preserved.