Key Animation
Special recap of Scryed to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the anime; featuring digital remastering and some new footage. A strange environmental phenomenon 22 years ago in the Kanazawa prefecture caused the land to split and protrude upwards reaching unprecedented heights, creating the secluded area known as The Lost Ground. Kazuma is a young mercenary who lives in the Lost Ground, looking for any work he can find to sustain his livelihood within the harsh environment. He is one of the few people that are gifted with the Alter ability, which allows him to plaster his right arm and torso with a metallic alloy. When this mercenary encounters HOLY, an order whose purpose is to suppress and capture what they call Native Alter Users, and one of the elite members of HOLY, Ryuho, an epic rivalry begins.
Key Animation
Hitomi es una joven estudiante japonesa que se encuentra sumida en un estado de depresión y desea desaparecer. Sorprendentemente, su deseo se cumple y se ve transportada mágicamente al mundo de Gaia. Allí, encuentra a Van, un joven rey que ha jurado venganza contra las fuerzas invasoras del Dragón Negro, que arrasaron su reino y amenazan con conquistar y dominar todo el planeta. Atrapada en un conflicto que ni siquiera comprende, Hitomi decide ayudar a Van en su cruzada y acaba descubriendo que ella misma es una pieza clave en el destino de Gaia. Un destino ligado inexorablemente a la legendaria armadura del dragón blanco con poder para salvar o destruirlo todo: Escaflowne...