Tony Kendall
Nacimiento : 1936-08-22, Rome, Lazio, Italy
Muerte : 2009-11-28
Tony Kendall (22 August 1936 – 28 November 2009) was an Italian model turned film actor with over 50 film credits that reflect the trends of popular European cinema in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s.
Born as Luciano Stella, Kendall was formerly a model for Italian Fumetti, comics done in photographs.
He changed his name to Tony Kendall at the suggestion of Vittorio De Sica in the fashion of many Italian actors whose films were shown in countries outside of Italy in the days when European films proliferated. Stella made his film debut in Femmine Tre Volte in 1959 but didn't make another appearance until he used his new name of Tony Kendall in Brennus, Enemy of Rome (1963) one of the sword and sandal craze of films popular in the early 1960s.
Kendall is most famous for his various teamings with Brad Harris, with the two predating Terence Hill and Bud Spencer as a popular and prolific action team. In the derivative world of the European cinema of the 1960s, Kendall and Harris first teamed up in two sauerkraut western films "inspired" by the successful German Karl May Winnetou series with Harris as a Lex Barker clone and Kendall as a Native American "Chief Black Eagle" in The Pirates of the Mississippi (1963) and Black Eagle of Santa Fe (1965).
With the international success of the James Bond films and the German Jerry Cotton series, Kendall became best known for his role as private detective Joe Walker in the seven films of the Eurospy Kommissar X series where he played opposite Brad Harris in the role of New York Police Captain Tom Rowland. The popularity of Batman (TV series) led to Harris and Kendall appearing in The Three Fantastic Supermen (1967) the first in a long series that had stunt work performed by a young Jackie Chan (“The Three Fantastic Supermen in the Orient”).
Kendall has prominently appeared in other varieties of European cinema in the 1960s and 1970s such as Giallo horror (The Whip and the Body, 1963), spaghetti westerns (as Django in Django Against Sartana, 1970, and Gunman of 100 Crosses, 1971), crime movies such as Machine Gun McCain (1969), and adventure films such as Oil! (1977). He also appeared in European versions of women in prison (The Big Bust Out, 1972), zombie horror (Return of the Blind Dead, 1973), and films inspired by The Godfather (Corleone, 1978). Aside from an appearance in Alex l'ariete (2000), Kendall's last film role was in On the Dark Continent in 1993.
Source: Article "Tony Kendall (actor)" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Jo Louis Walker / Kommissar X
Documentary about the Kommissar X Series.
Ugo and Francesca have been married for ten years, but mutually decide to break up in a graceful way. They start singles' life again, having to deal with their children, their jobs and social relationships alone. They even both start seeing someone else, until jealousy arises. Perhaps their love is not over yet...
Alessandro Corso is a special forces carabiniere. During an operation he saves a child but cause the death of one of his comrades. He's then transferred to a peaceful little town, where he will be unexpectedly forced to help an hot witness named Antavleva, protecting her and bringing them safely to the trial.
In the 1950s, a big stir was made by a book (and its corresponding movie) called The Ugly American. Its subject was the grievous damage done to local cultures by well-meaning but essentially clueless (and frequently arrogant) representatives of the U.S. Since then, the phenomenon of cultural damage cause by arrogant tourists and visitors has been demonstrated to be something everyone is capable of. In this thoughtful, comic drama, the subject is Italians overseas. In this film, Malindi Kenya is the playground of rich Italians.
Colonnello Aeronautica
June 27, 1980, an Italian DC 9 flying from Bologna to Palermo falls in the sea close to the Ustica island. 81 people die. The official version is "structure failure" of the airplane, but a number of clues lead the journalist Rocco Ferrante toward a different truth. Thanks to his perseverance against the invisible wall erected by air force officers, politicians, judges, secret agents, we come to know that, with all probability, the DC 9 has been mistakenly shot by a missile during a sort of air fight among U.S., French and Libyan top guns.
Alberto Stuart
A man, sexually maimed by his former wife, lives vicariously through her affairs.
Miguel Gomez
Cuando la joven Jane intenta ayudar a un amigo drogadicto en Sri Lanka a deshacerse de su adicción, es secuestrada y asesinada por sus traficantes. Su novio, el arquitecto Kumar, se venga: mata a los traficantes, es arrestado, pero puede huir y continuar su lucha. Junto con los dos veteranos de Vietnam, Brian y Hemingway, planea robar un banco para almacenar dinero de los negocios de drogas. No hay duda de que la Mafia no se sentará sin hacer nada.
Las desventuras de Atila y su banda de bárbaros cuando toman las armas contra el Imperio Romano en su Milano natal.
El comisario Nico Giraldi (Tomas Milian) trabaja en una operación encubierta para tratar de identificar a una banda de piratas del asfalto que está robando camiones en la carretera y han asesinado a un camionero. Pasando mucho tiempo fuera de casa, Nico se enamora de una cantante llamada Anna (Viola Valentino).
Poco después de salir de la cárcel, Alexandre Dupré se verá, muy a su pesar, implicado en una rocambolesca aventura. Durante un viaje a Venecia, el hombre que le pide que le guarde su maletín para pasar la aduana es asesinado. Dupré, sin saberlo, tendrá entonces en su poder la fórmula de un combustible milagroso destinado a revolucionar la industria. A partir de ese momento, se verá perseguido por distintas mafias sin que sepa cuál es la causa de tal cacería.
Inspector Rey
Un agente secreto es enviado desde París a Niza para investigar el asesinato de un policía. Una vez allí, tendrá que enfrentarse no solo con los criminales, sino también con la corrupción policial.
Franky James
Un niño huérfano llega con su perro a la aldea de Gallatin donde el violento y poderoso Morgan hace su ley. Allí, para sobrevivir en un ambiente tan hostil, adopta como tío al pistolero Franky James, un bebedor compulsivo que parece ser la única esperanza para librar al pueblo del acoso de Morgan.
Salvatore Sperlazzo
En una villa de Corleone durante la década de los años 50, dos jóvenes niños Michael y Vito llegan a la madurez y sus vidas toman destinos diferentes: Michael lucha por las reivindicaciones de los labriegos y Vito, cansado de la pobreza, ingresa en una organización criminal que lucha en contra de los ideales de Michael. El primer encargo que recibe Vito es el de terminar con el movimiento de labradores, aunque ello signifique matar a su propio amigo.
Roberto Vinci
During a spaghetti western screening a man is shot dead, the doors are locked and the police is called in to investigate.
Cliff Chandler
Una expedición encuentra un Yeti de varios metros de altura congelado desde hace 1000 años en el hielo a causa de las glaciaciones. Cuando es reanimado y devuelto a la vida, un empresario sin escrúpulos lo utiliza como reclamo publicitario, llevándolo a la gran ciudad.
When a huge fire erupts at an oil field in the wilds of the Sahara Desert, an American who specializes in fighting oil-field fires and his team are called in to put it out. As the fire rages out of control, the expert finds that he not only has to battle the fire but greed and political corruption as well.
Giovanni Pizzolla
Giovanni es un joven de provincias con fama de Don Juan, pero en realidad es un tímido que cuenta muchas mentiras. Gracias a un anuncio de "corazones solitarios", consigue vivir una aventura auténtica en Milán y superar sus inhibiciones.
Pietro Rossini
Pietro Rossini is a strapping young man that unfortunately spends most of his time at work chasing after two pretty young secretaries who are only too happy to return his advances. Tired of this endless chase and work waste, his boss sends him on an errand to Paris hoping this will help productivity around the office. Pietro quickly hits up his friend for a woman he can fool around with while he's in Paris, but Rita, the woman he meets, ends up being an large, boorish, unsightly woman. Once he arrives at his hotel, Pietro meets the young and lovely Nancy and attempts to romance her as best he can, but no matter where he goes, Rita is not far behind.
Bitto Ranieri (segment "The Trick") / Fra' Luce (segment "The Miracle")
Cuatro mujeres de Gubbio, Angélica, Violetta, Lisa y Bettina, son conducidas ante la corte por sus amantes y esposos.
Las aventuras de los famosos mosqueteros D'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos y Aramis. Basado libremente en la novela de A. Dumas.
An Italian photojournalist falls madly in love with a young black women he meets while on assignment in Egypt. She goes with him when he returns to Italy and the two soon get married. But the small town he is from is not quite so friendly nor open-minded to his new bride, and racism and petty jealousy threaten to break up their once idyllic happiness.
Estamos en un pueblecito a las orillas del Rin. Ahí los habitantes viven asustados ante las muertes que, de forma inexplicable, acontecen en la zona. Todo parece indicar que se trata de una fiera que ha escapado del bosque. Pero algunos no piensan así; algunos consideran que la culpable es Lorelei, la mítica sirena que vigila el oro del Rin y que ha vuelto de su letargo milenario.
Jack Marlowe
Un grupo de templarios que fueron ejecutados por cometer sacrificios humanos, regresa para vengarse. Encerrados en una catedral, un grupo de gente intentará acabar con ellos.
Siete hermosas mujeres, encerradas en una cárcel de alta seguridad, traman la evasión.
Abraham French
A prohibition-themed gangster thriller, set in the 1930s in the United States. Following a failed heist, Sam's gang takes refuge in a small isolated town where another gang has already settled, together with a mysterious priest. The two bands decide to unite, but the wife of one of the gang bosses is attracted to a member of the other gang. They plan to escape and start a new life together. But who will survive the police assault on the town?
Finding himself unwittingly involved in a love triangle with his unfaithful wife and her lover sends a man over the edge.
Kommissar X
El capitán Tom Rowland y el Comisionado X son enviados a Pakistán con objeto de aniquilar a los miembros de la banda de los Tigres Rojos, responsable del contrabando de drogas entre Afganistán y los Estados Unidos.
Sartana / Django
Un pistolero sombrío y despiadado conocido como Santana protege a una joven de los asesinos de los miembros de su familia y, al mismo tiempo, busca venganza contra un traidor responsable de la muerte de sus compañeros soldados años antes.
La relación entre Ruth y Michel se rompe cuando ella conoce a Paul. La nueva pareja se va a pasar el verano a su soleada e idílica villa de la playa. Mientras disfrutan del tiempo juntos, empiezan a suceder extraños acontecimientos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dakota Thompson
El sheriff Dakota es acusado de roba la diligencia llevándose el botín y matando, ayudado por unos bandidos. Por ello, se le condena a 15 años de trabajos forzados. Más tarde, el Gobernador lo pone en libertad y Dakota se propone buscar a los responsables de su condena y vengarse ayudado por su hermano Clim.
This peculiar spaghetti western from director Adalberto Albertini (Return of Shanghai Joe) stars Tony Kendall (Luciano Stella) as the leader of a group of traveling circus acrobats. The performers enlist the aid of revolutionary exile Serrano and his men in order to rid a frontier town of its cruel boss.
Django llega a la ciudad para descubrir que su hermano Steve, acusado de robar un banco, ha sido linchado. Django cree que el verdadero culpable es Sartana y lo desafía a un duelo. Justo a tiempo descubre que el autor del crimen es una importante figura local y Django y Sartana se unen para castigarlo.
Two couples live their erotic fantasies out until one of the women is murdered.
Il Nero/Carl
A young man returns to his village, and with the help of a black-clad stranger, seeks revenge for the murder of his brother against three men who are now notable men of the town.
Kommissar X
Female American tourists are being kidnapped by a crime ring headed by a beautiful Asian woman. They're drugged and then sent to an island where they are kept as sex slaves to be used by wealthy tourists. Two agents are dispatched to rescue the women and put an end to this operation.
Pete Zacari
Un ex-presidiario, individualista y solitario, planea un gran golpe: atracar el Casino Royal de Las Vegas. Pero ignora que el local es propiedad de la mafia, y esta sociedad no admite la competencia.
Jo Louis Walker / 'Kommissar X'
Ambientado en la ciudad de Montreal, el Comisario X con la ayuda de su inseparable capitán Rowland, se enfrentara con dos gemelos.
Kommissar X
El capitán Tom Rowland entrega más de dos kilogramos de LSD a Allan Hood en la embajada estadounidense en Estambul. La pandilla de perros verdes roba el LSD de la embajada: el hermano de Allan, George Hood, que está cerca, es secuestrado y luego asesinado.
Brad, un superagente del FBI, descubre una organización que controla la técnica del duplicado. Los malhechores encontrarán la manera de clonar a Brad y utilizarlo para atrapar a los otros superhombres. Pero no será tan fácil, como siempre, los vestidos rojos darán mucho trabajo.
A group of drug dealers clashes with the police several times between December 28th and New Year's Eve.
Kommissar X
A scientist invents a filter that can increase the power of a laser beam, turning it into a death ray! A dangerous crime organization wants the device and will stop at nothing to get it, while murder and violence follow Joe and Tom to Singapore as they try to foil the evil plans.
Kommissar X
Two Yanks are hired to protect a rich lady from a sinister underworld group. Lots of jungle thrills, martial arts, ancient temples, huge explosions, & even sci-fi elements. Watch for Harris' great karate fight inside a crumbling temple, surrounded by masked members of an ancient sect.
Kommissar X
El comisario se encarga de liberar a un físico especializado en energía nuclear que fue raptado por un grupo de gángsters.
An international gang of gun dealers in the USA has stolen the prototype of a laser rifle from a German laboratory. The FBI agent Cormoran is being sent to recover the state-of-the-art and highly effective weapon. But there are some indications that he has defected to the enemy. Since agent 007 is currently on another mission, the chief of intelligence has to fall back on his second best man, the previous number 006. And so the German secret agent John Krim is given the assignment to get the rifle back, find evidence of Cormoran’s treachery and finally eliminate the colleague. Krim’s journey takes him across the ocean, and there he experiences incredible adventures in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Two women get in his way, and Krim can’t be sure whether he can trust them or whether they too are working for the other side.
Chief Black Eagle
Con el fin de apoderarse de unas tierras, un ranchero provoca la discordia entre blancos e indios, por lo que el jefe de éstos´, Águila Negra, se dispone a volver a la guerra. Dos hombres intentarán poner fin a las intrigas... (FILMAFFINITY)
Captain Ruiz
Los piratas capturan un barco español. Después de llegar a una isla, intentan vender a los supervivientes, especialmente a las mujeres. Uno de ellos está protegido por un pirata que le ganó como premio por haber salvado la vida del capitán en una batalla . De repente, aparece un hombre enmascarado en verde que ayudará a los españoles...
A serial killer called "Hyena" is finally captured and eventually hanged. But his body disappears before it can be buried, and soon thereafter dead bodies begin to turn up in a small village.
Quinto Fabio
AKA: Brennus, Enemy of Rome, AKA: Battle of the Valiant A 1963 film about the sack of Rome in 387 BC
Schwarzer Adler
El sheriff de un pequeño pueblo que trata de capturar al jefe de unos bandidos peligrosos, espera tener a sus amigos y hermanos, los cherokees, de su parte. Será capturado por los bandidos del río pero rescatado de su calvario. (FILMAFFINITY)
Christian Menliff
Kurt Menliff (Christopher Lee) regresa al castillo familiar después de haber sido repudiado por seducir a la hija de la doncella la que se suicidó tras ser abandonada. Kurt se encuentra con que su padre le ha desheredado y su hermano se ha casado con su antigua amante Nevenka (Daliah Lavi), además de que la doncella le acusa de haber matado a su hija y le vaticina que morirá algún día bajo el mismo puñal que mató a la chica. Kurt no tarda en volver a recuperar todo lo que es suyo, empezando por Nevenka, con la que comienza a tener relaciones sadomasoquistas.
El equipo femenino ruso de baloncesto se enfrenta en Roma al equipo norteamericano por el campeonato del mundo. Al llegar a la 'ciudad eterna', las deportistas rusas encuentran el modo de burlar la estricta vigilancia y conocen a unos chicos italianos. Después de muchas persecuciones, las rusas son recluidas por sus guardianes bajo la promesa de que, si ganan, pueden quedarse a vivir en Italia. Pero en cuanto conquistan el campeonato, sus vigilantes se olvidan de lo prometido y las meten en un avión rumbo a Moscú.