Key Animation
Nezumi Monogatari is the story of two mice called George and Gerald who embark on a journey together with three friends to find the “Dragon of Light”.
Key Animation
La mega corporación "Grupo Daedalus" está bajo los ataques un de pequeño grupo de activistas conocidos como Los Fantasmas de Icarus. Mientras están cuidando de algunos de las víctimas del bombardeo, Black Jack se encuentra con el doctor Kiriko, también conocido como La Encarnación del Mal, quien, al igual que él, le pide a sus pacientes grandes sumas de dinero, pero en lugar de salvarles, les ofrece una muerte sin dolor. Cuando el grupo activista solicita la colaboración de ambos doctores, Black Jack se encuentra atrapado en una espiral de vida, muerte y traición, mientras intenta salva la vida de sus pacientes, y evitando una guerra biológica que podría destruir la humanidad.
Key Animation
Set in the beginning of the 20th century Japan, the film follows the bright and eccentric Kenji from his late student years through his adulthood. Kenji suffers the tragedy of being an artist whose art isn't recognized during his lifetime. Based on the life of the author Kenji Miyazawa, the film depicts his brief but intense existence.
Key Animation
Su nombre es Mikami y es una Cazafantasmas de profesión. También es la exorcista/cazarrecompensas más sexy que te puedas encontrar. Cuando un malvado mago vampiro vuelve a Tokyo después de 100 años de ausencia, Mikami es contratada para seguirles la pista a él y a su temible asistente antes de que arrasen la ciudad.
Key Animation
Kayoko is a young girl in 1940, just starting first grade. She's a bit of a crybaby, which is no secret to those around her. She loves playing with friends and singing cute schoolyard chants, and occasionally having fun with her three older brothers. Her mother is pregnant, and so she looks forward to being a big sister, only partially understanding the responsibility that might bring. Meanwhile, the war effort is growing, and it`s only the natural thing to do to be patriotic and support the country...Kayoko goes so far as to contribute her favorite dolly, whose materials could help build explosives. Time passes, and as she grows older, Kayoko sees how the war has affected her life and those around her. Nothing can prepare her for 1945, however, and the bleak times that are soon to come.
Key Animation
Anpanman helps the princess Nandananda to find the The Shining Star's Tear.
Key Animation
Based on accounts of the firebombing of Fukuoka.
The year is 1945. Everything as usual in the Fukuoka city. Some places in Japan have already been scorched by the fire of war, but here it is relatively peaceful and calm. The school still working, and the boys play war in their spare time. Daichi and his friend are the commanders of rival squads. One day a newcomer appears in the class - Yoriko, a girl evacuated from Tokyo. Yoriko takes life very seriously, she has good reasons - her childhood ended after the loss of loved ones in the bombing. Children get to know each other and become friends. They, as the rest of the city, do not yet know that on June 19 their life will be divided into "before" and "after".