Erwin Strahl

Erwin Strahl

Nacimiento : 1929-02-12, Vienna, Austria

Muerte : 2011-04-20


Erwin Strahl
Erwin Strahl


Der Fall Harrer
Prof. Marathon, psychiatrist
Walter Harrer, an engineer, is on the night shift and returns home in the morning to find his wife lying unsconscious in the garden. She is sent to hospital were a loss of memory is observed. Dr. Bogner, a young psychiatrist, is interested in the case and tries to help Mercedes. He talks to her husband, her former lover and her friends to see if he can get some clue as to why she can't remember who she is. She confesses that she killed Lona Logan, her rival. But Dr. Bogner isn't sure that she's telling the truth. Did she really do it or is it pure fantasy?
Jetzt nicht, Liebling
Harry MacMichael
Der Fall Opa
Dr. Muthesius
Die Zuckerbäckerin
Ferri Matula
The Honest Interview
German sex comedy
Schwarzer Nerz auf zarter Haut
Prof. Dr. Max Hergarten
Keine Angst Liebling, ich pass schon auf
Corrado Carusello
Keine Angst Liebling, ich pass schon auf
Die Geschichte der 1002. Nacht
Comisario X y Tres panteras azules
Insp. Lefevre
Ambientado en la ciudad de Montreal, el Comisario X con la ayuda de su inseparable capitán Rowland, se enfrentara con dos gemelos.
Happy-End am Wolfgangsee
James Sander
Seduction has to be learned: One orders a harem to his hotel to prove that only she is the one. The other slips into boy's clothes to stand her ground. Handsome hotelier James Sander is idolized by pretty girls and earns a lot of money on the side. But the girls are a thorn in the side of his tax consultant Hilde. She has fallen in love with the attractive bachelor and has worked out a perfect plan to win James' heart. Mike's band has also arrived at his hotel. Sweet Bibi slips there into the role of her sick brother, trying to keep the secret of her womanhood and stand her ground as a drummer. Her game of hide-and-seek is in vain - because Mike is not the only one who has his eye on her. The turbulence in the hotel reaches its climax when hotel servant Pankraz smells a crime in James Bond style and stages the total confusion.
The Murderer with the Silk Scarf
Toni Stein
The Murderer with the Silk Scarf
Schwejks Flegeljahre
Oberleutnant Gustl
The Invisible Terror
Sandor Zsolt
Romanze in Venedig
Nikolaus v. Karpathy
Deeply disappointed by her bridegroom, Andrea flees from Bruggern to the south and experiences a beautiful "Romance in Venice". She falls in love with the boyish-charming pianist Stefan Schröder. But a misunderstanding leads to breakage. Andrea returns pregnant to Germany. Stefan signs a contract for America. And the years go by .
The Honors of War
Le sergent Gerke
Robert und Bertram
Isle of Sin
Michael Damon
On the way from Mexico City to Caracas, a plane crash-lands on an uninhabited island. The criminal Mario Bertelli terrorizes the other survivors. He prevents them from sending emergency signals.
Cinco mujeres marcadas
Cinco mujeres de un pueblecito yugoslavo son acusadas de haber mantenido relaciones con un sargento alemán durante la ocupación nazi. Los partisanos las someten a una humillación pública. A pesar de que después se unen a ellos en su lucha contra las tropas alemanas, siguen siendo despreciadas. ¿Fueron realmente las amantes del sargento nazi? ¿Por qué traicionaron a su patria? ¿Podrán alguna vez librarse de semejante estigma?
La banda de la rana
Sergeant Balder
Una banda de delincuentes tiene atemorizada la ciudad de Londres con sus delitos: tras cada fechoría dejan como señal la marca de una rana, y su misterioso jefe oculta la identidad bajo un grotesco disfraz, en el que destacan unos ojos terroríficos. El inspector Elk, encargado del caso, se enfrenta a un problema insoluble: no hay pistas útiles, y los testigos potenciales guardan silencio por miedo a morir. Richard Gordon, sobrino del jefe de Scotland Yard, inicia su propia investigación, y sus pesquisas le llevan a un club nocturno, el “Lolita”. Varios personajes sospechosos se cruzan en su camino...
Mikosch, der Stolz der Kompanie
Leutnant Franz von Hohenstein
Vienna, City of My Dreams
In the made-up country of Alanien, King Alexander I has been overthrown while abroad. Now, he's in Vienna with his daughter, the city of his fondest memories since studying there as a boy. It doesn't take long for the charm of Vienna to work its magic on the former king: he quickly comes to terms with the new situation and is able to enjoy the Austrian capital sans all the ceremony and trappings which would otherwise accompany him on a state visit. The princess is content with preparing herself for a career as a pianist concert, while the former king takes a job as a chauffeur in the embassy of the country he once ruled. The revolutionaries are shocked; and his days in Vienna are numbered.
Der Jäger von Fall
I'll See You at Lake Constance
In Hamburg sind die Nächte lang
Die Entführung aus dem Serail
Drei Tage Mittelarrest
Oberleutnant von Feldern
On the Reeperbahn at half past midnight
After many years on the oceans, sailor Hannes Wedderkamp has finally returned to Hamburg. On St. Pauli, Hannes sings songs from the sea in the hippodrome of his best friend Pitter Breuer on the Reeperbahn with the "Quetschkommode" songs and cares for the audience.
Una parigina a Roma
Riccardo / Richard Koster
Riccardo, a brilliant pianist studying in Rome, falls in love with Germaine, a young and pretty French tourist.
Die heilige Lüge
Dein Mund verspricht mir Liebe
Paul Hohenfels
Franz Schubert – Ein Leben in zwei Sätzen
Johann Mayerhofer
Dein Herz ist meine Heimat
Andreas Möbius
Südliche Nächte
Der Verschwender
Baron Flitterstein
Adventure in the Castle