Clare Greet
Nacimiento : 1871-06-14, Leicestershire, England, UK
Muerte : 1939-02-14
Granny Tremarney, a tenant
Última película inglesa de Hitchcock, antes de su etapa americana. A finales del siglo XVIII, Mary (Maureen O'Hara), una joven huérfana irlandesa, va a Cornuailles para reunirse con su tía Patience, cuyo marido tiene una posada en la costa. Se trata de un lugar sórdido, cuyos huéspedes son bandidos que se dedican al saqueo de barcos y gozan de una impunidad total porque el cabecilla de la banda es un hombre respetable, un juez de paz (Charles Laughton) que les proporciona la información necesaria sobre el paso de las naves.
Old Maud
On the sidewalks of the London theater district the buskers (street performers) earn enough coins for a cheap room. Charles, who recites dramatic monologues, sees that a young pickpocket, Libby, also has a talent for dancing and adds her to his act. Harley, the theater patron who never knew Libby took his gold cigarette case, is impressed by Libby's dancing and invites her to bring Charles and the other buskers in his group to an after-the-play party. Libby comes alone. A theatrical career is launched.
Mrs. Jones (uncredited)
Karl Anton Verloc y su esposa poseen un pequeño cine en un tranquilo suburbio de Londres donde viven aparentemente felices. Pero la Sra. Verloc no sabe que su marido tiene un secreto que afectará a su relación y amenazará la vida de su hermano adolescente.
Mrs. Marten
In 1820s rural England, a young girl is tricked by tales of marriage from a villainous Squire. When she becomes pregnant and disappears, a gipsy lad is blamed.
QUota quickie crime drama.
Erich Kästner’s beloved novel has been adapted for film or television six times since its publication in 1929; this 1935 British version was the first in English. Believed lost for decades, it was recently rediscovered by the BFI and has now been restored. The film moves the action from Berlin to London, where Emil goes to stay with his grandmother and cousin. Thereafter, the tale of Emil’s adventures with a gang of streetwise London children faithfully follows the original plot.
Mrs. Brockett (uncredited)
Bob y Jill Lawrence son un matrimonio que está de vacaciones en Suiza con su hija Betty. Allí entablan amistad con Louis Bernard, un francés que recibe un disparo en el corazón mientras baila con Jill. Justo antes de morir, Louis le pide a Bob que entregue a las autoridades unos documentos que tiene escondidos en su habitación. Bob descubre que Bernard era, en realidad, un espía británico que seguía los pasos de una misteriosa organización que planeaba asesinar a un político extranjero en Londres. A continuación Bob recibe la llamada de un desconocido que le exige que abandone el asunto o su hija sufrirá las consecuencias.
Mrs. Parry
A girl becomes an unwilling witness in her parents' scandalous divorce case.
A man plots to murder his half-brother so he claim his earldom and an inheritance.
Mrs Bulsom-Porter
A widow wants to marry, but her father will only consent if he is satisfied that a scandalous story about her is untrue.
In this drama the owner of a flower shop falls in love with one of her patrons. Unfortunately, he is married to a shrewish actress and cannot get out of the marriage. The distraught woman then leaves her shop to become a nurse. Trouble ensues when the actress suddenly appears, accuses the nurse of fooling around with her husband and dies leaving the nurse and the husband to be charged with murder. Fortunately, they are found innocent and they are free to fall in love at last.
Mrs. Hudson
A young woman turns to Holmes for protection when she's menaced by an escaped killer seeking missing treasure. However, when the woman is kidnapped, Holmes and Watson must penetrate the city's criminal underworld to find her.
Mrs. Albert
A doctor becomes a blackmailer and a jewel thief in order to raise funds for a hospital in East London but is uncovered by an ambitious reporter.
Mrs. Parker
A steward inherits the estate of an earl. To repel the advances of an unwanted fiancee, he pretends that he has regressed to childhood behaviors.
Belgian sleuth Hercule Poirot investigates a mysterious suicide at a country house.
Mrs. Scratton
Third Time Lucky" was released in February 1931 and was the first film to star Bobby Howes in a leading role. Based on a play by Arnold Ridley, who also wrote "The Ghost Train", and later went on to star in "Dad's Army", "Third time lucky" tells the story of a timid parson (Howes) who steps in to protect his ward from blackmail at the hands of Garry Marsh and Gordon Harker.
Jury Member
Una mujer es acusada de asesinato y juzgada por ello. Todo el jurado popular cree en su culpabilidad, salvo un hombre que hará todo lo posible por defender su inocencia.
Mrs. Cregeen
Pete Quilliam (Carl Brisson) es pescador, y su gran amigo desde la infancia, Philip Christian (Malcom Keen), quien ahora ejerce como abogado, viajan a la Isla de Man, donde Philip ha conseguido empleo a su amigo. La hija del empleador es una preciosa chica llamada Kate Cregeen (Anny Ondra) y, al conocerla, ambos amigos quedan prendados de ella, pero ante la efusividad y la atención que ella le presta a Pete, el abogado decide guardar prudente distancia dispuesto a ver qué ocurre entre ellos. Pero pronto el destino hará que Pete y Kate se separen durante un tiempo... y entonces, el joven pide a su amigo que cuide de su prometida hasta su regreso.
Fortune Teller (uncredited)
Jack es un boxeador de segunda fila, novio de Nelly. El campeón australiano Bob Corby, que oculta su verdadera identidad, está enamorado de la misma muchacha. Bob desafía y pelea a Jack, al que derrota ampliamente. Pero, para poder estar cerca de Nelly, Bob contrata a Kack para entrenar con él. No pasa mucho tiempo sin que la chica corresponda a los intentos amorosos de Bob. Movido por los celos y el deseo de venganza, Jack reta Bob a combatir en el Albert Hall.
Mrs. Peabody
This unfinished, never-released 1922 Alfred Hitchcock-directed film was about low-income residents of a tenement building.
Mrs Gubbins
Adapted from a popular Broadway play and concerns three veterans who return to London from the War only to discover that they have been officially listed as dead.