Monique Annaud


The Great White of Lambarene
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), the mission doctor, theologian and philosopher who founded a hospital in the rainforests of Gabon, achieved sainthood in his lifetime, at least in the popular imagination. The critical assessment of his life and works in recent years, however, has been slightly more ambivalent. Ba Kobhio Bassek is the first director to examine this medical missionary from a purely African point-of-view.
Face The Music
Divorced couple Charlie and Lisa Hunter once a song writing team decide to spend a weekend in the French countryside to inspire them to write one last song together. But there is one person who isn't too crazy about the idea... Charlie's fiance!
¿Matar a mi mujer? Era una broma
Un hombre, harto de su esposa, planea el crimen perfecto y la invita a ir al mismo hotel en el que pasaron la luna de miel. Pero allí, ella le abandona y un extraño disparo incrimina al hombre en un crimen que no ha cometido.
Hot Chocolate
B.J. Cassidy, a rich businesswoman, has to invest several billion dollars for fiscal reasons. She undertakes to buy back a small French factory, specialized in chocolate truffles...
Canguro último modelo
En el mundo de las inversiones financieras Anthony Wayne es un talento, sin embargo en el amor es un auténtico desastre. Cuando viaja a París por motivos de trabajo, Anthony conoce a Nicole, la mujer de sus sueños. Para acercarse a ella, Anthony ha ideado un plan.
Mi dulce venganza
Linda es una joven abogada norteamericana afincada en París, donde trabaja en un importante bufet. Un caso de máxima importancia le obliga a trasladarse a Nueva York.
Black Mic Mac
This is a charming and successful farce from director Thomas Gilou, featuring a witty screenplay co-authored by producer Monique Annaud. When a group of African squatters in Paris are threatened with eviction, they find themselves fighting against a bureaucracy that few French citizens understand, let alone immigrants. In desperation, they turn to their best option to resolve this dilemma: they call for a sorcerer from home. The sorcerer hops on a jet to Paris to cast spells on the entrenched bureaucrat, and while en route he strikes up a conversation with a fellow passenger, mentioning his job pays quite well. The interested passenger could stand to make a few extra francs, so he decides to take the sorcerer's place. Once he arrives, this imposter has to act like he knows what he is doing, and at the same time, he had better solve the eviction problem.