Heinz Reincke
Nacimiento : 1925-05-28, Kiel, Germany
Muerte : 2011-07-13
Georg Halbe
A drama directed by Petra Haffter.
Herbert König
Mercedes' father
Walter Harrer, an engineer, is on the night shift and returns home in the morning to find his wife lying unsconscious in the garden. She is sent to hospital were a loss of memory is observed. Dr. Bogner, a young psychiatrist, is interested in the case and tries to help Mercedes. He talks to her husband, her former lover and her friends to see if he can get some clue as to why she can't remember who she is.
She confesses that she killed Lona Logan, her rival. But Dr. Bogner isn't sure that she's telling the truth. Did she really do it or is it pure fantasy?
Fuchur (voice) (uncredited)
Bastián Baltasar Bux es un niño de once años que descubre en una antigua librería un libro titulado “La historia interminable”, el cual posee poderes mágicos. Esa magia hace que el mismo Bastián se convierta en un héroe de esa historia que parece no terminarse nunca, en la que se unirá a Atreyu, otro niño, con el objetivo de salvar al mundo de fantasía.Escondido en el desván de su colegio, Bastián devora durante las horas de clase este enigmático libro, que relata la destrucción de todo un mundo lleno de fantasía. Una especie de "Nada" misteriosa destruye todo el país y a todas las criaturas que lo habitan. A medida que avanza en su lectura, Bastián se da cuenta de que la salvación de Fantasía depende de él; de que consiga entrar en el libro.
Rolf Schranz
Franz Rifka
Nikki Moser, a blond womanizer, made a deal with the burgomaster. He gave him money to buy a hotel, and for this Nikki should marry his daughter Marianne. And the catch is not even that the daughter of the Bavarian city head is a mulatto, but the fact that Nicky does not want to be bound by marriage to anyone. Buddy Tony throws the poor guy the idea of taking a loan, giving money to the burgomaster and sending him away with his daughter. However, to say is not to do. To knock out a loan is a complicated matter.
A beautiful blonde bitten by Count Dracula 100 years previously is unearthed in Vienna, and soon she goes on a killing spree.
Emil Borkhausen
When they start losing family members and neighbors due to WWII and the Nazi government's policies, a quiet married couple becomes disillusioned and begins spreading leaflets against the government - a crime punishable by death.
Dr. Robert Uthofft, gen. Nichtraucher
A boy who was once a perpetual outcast finds friends in a new boarding school, united with his new peers gets involved in a heated rivalry with a group of students from a neighboring school.
Bubi Berger
The owner of a travel agencies decides to took a holiday with his family. He combines business with pleasure and undertakes a tour of inspection of some of his enterprises. Incognito he arrives with his family at the Castle Hotel on the Wörthersee. But the hotel manager has been warned of the impending visit and means to give the important guest the red carpet treatment. Unfortunately he does not know him personally and so takes the wrong man for the incognito inspector. Neither of the two men enjoy the mix-up and the poor hotel director has to live through some uncomfortable hours before he manages to pour oil on the troubled water.
Captain Brandy
A fur-trapper battles the elements and robbers when a gold shipment is ambushed - leaving a boy in urgent need of medical attention.
Hauptmann Sperlinger
Two women during WW2 living in a Hunsrück village embark on a trip to Vienna.
Major Karloff
A comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb
Jimmy Bondi and his miracle beetle Dudu are on their way to Portugal by sea. In the Algarve, they are witness to a dispute in which ex-inmate Plato and the attractive Tamara have to do with Marchese de la Sotta and his henchmen.
A new highway, a new chairlift, the election of the new mayor and again a lot of alcohol.
Oskar Sommer
A young woman pharmacist, Eva, is very friendly with a children's doctor, Dr. Fröhlich. Eva's small nephew Peter lives with her and she is often thought to be his mother. A number of amusing and more serious misunderstandings arise from this situation...
Traugott Jellinek
A ship, a bus, a pastor, a businessman and a lot of alcohol.
Heinz Jensen
The dangerous violent criminal Willy Jensen flees from a prison in Hamburg and seeks shelter at his brother Heinz' apartment. Heinz, an honest taxi-driver, believes in his innocence and helps him - until Willy kills another man in a robbery. After an argument Willy takes his wife Vera, who now lives with Heinz, as hostage on his further flight from the police. Heinz feels responsible for his brother and trails him, which makes it look to the police as if he's helping his brother.
Oliver Kniehase
El capitán del barco de Hamburgo, Markus Jolly, es contratado para transportar una vacuna a un puerto latinoamericano, pero cuando los mafiosos roban el precioso cargamento, se le acusa falsamente de diseñar el robo.
Herr van Dongen
Pepe Nietnagel's father has a valuable stamp collection stolen in Amsterdam. Street musician Pit recovers it. To show his gratitude, Pit is invited to Baden Baden and enters the Mommsen Gymnasium. There, he joins Pepe in his pranks.
Bauunternehmer Hansen
Peter Fleming
Rittmeister von Lützelburg
A politician is afraid about his reputation
Klaus Helwig
When the bank clerk Klaus Helwig is arrested on suspicion of embezzlement, his son Heintje, whose mother died at birth, comes to his grumpy grandfather's house. Heintje manages to win his heart and prove his father's innocence..
Titus Kleinwiehe
Pit Pitter Pittjes
A crime movie directed by Rolf Olsen.
Alfred Teichmann
Fin de la II Guerra Mundial, 1945. Los aliados realizan el último avance en territorio alemán, pero queda un puente, situado en un lugar estratégico sobre el Rhin, que todavía permanece en manos de los nazis. Los dos bandos tienen mucho que ganar: los alemanes, la vida de 50.000 soldados apostados en el lado equivocado del puente. los aliados: la aceleración del fin de la guerra, con el menor número posible de bajas. Aunque ambos ejércitos luchan valientemente, sólo uno podrá ganar la batalla de "El puente de Remagen".
Offizier Hans
Las fuerzas aliadas están a punto de desembarcar en el norte de África y resulta vital el pozo de un oasis, todo el agua que hay en cientos de kilómetros. Para evitar que, al retirarse, los alemanes lo destruyan, se forma un comando inytegrado por hombres de ascendencia italiana. Se instalarán en el oasis haciéndose pasar por un destacamento italiano y esperarán el desembarco sin despertar sospechas de los alemanes, dueños por el momento del desierto. (FILMAFFINITY)
Willi Nippens
A good doctor is out to stop his evil doctor brother from blackmailing his patients.
Detektiv McLeod
Uwe Wagenknecht
A crime reporter (Erik Schumann) uncovers a lurid plot by a Hamburg gang to dose impressionable young girls with LSD in order to enslave them into prostitution. Featuring mad killers, psychedelic acid trips and ladies mud wrestling!
Fifth Jerry Cotton Movie. A rich capitalist is blackmailed and threatened with the murder of his daughter.
Dougal Douglas
Antoine Venaco
Hans Pepper
Inspektor Dickes
English millionaire Sir Cyrus Bradley is being blackmailed by “The Tortoise” Crime Syndicate. He is to pay £ 100,000.00 Pounds to stay alive and not be murdered. After his refusal to pay the money, he is quickly killed. Cyrus‘ nephew, Don Micklem, plans to avenge the death of his uncle and sets out on a quest to expose “The Tortoise“…
Una cantante alemana que ha disfrutado de gran éxito en los Estados Unidos, regresa a su ciudad natal, en el distrito St. Pauli de Hamburgo.
Col. Josef 'Pips' Priller (uncredited)
Reconstrucción con todo lujo de detalles de uno de los episodios claves para el desarrollo de la II Guerra Mundial: el desembarco en las playas de Normandía llevado a cabo por las tropas aliadas en junio de 1944.
Bauführer Schmarowski
In 1957 Gustaf Gründgens staged a new production of Goethe's Faust in which he once again played Mephisto, a part he had played since 1932. The brilliant production was a huge success and ran for a couple of years. In 1959 Peter Gorski captured the performance on film in his directorial film debut. Basically it is a registration of the production, but Gorksi did manage to accentuate the details of the acting by using enough medium and close-up shots which give a view on the acting you normally would not able to see in a theater.
Steuermann Jan Speelmans
Lt. Barney Greenwald
Slippy Fives
Hans Richter
Werner Kramer
Der 10. Mai (The Tenth of May) was the date in 1940 that Hitler invaded the Low Countries: Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. Neutral Switzerland, which hadn't experienced a war since the 14th century, hurriedly fortified its borders with battalions of inexperienced soldiers. The panic, confusion and isolated acts of courage which occurred on that fateful day are re-created in this Swiss docudrama. The story is "personalized" by concentrating on a fugitive German soldier (Heinz Reincke) who falls in love with the Swiss girl (Linda Geiser) who shelters him. Produced on a bare-minimum budget, Der 10. Mai is impressive more for its sincerity and raw energy than for its actual cinematic merits.
Der Blinde
In Berlin, when the journalist Greg Bachmann is released from prison six months before the end of his sentence, there is a driver named Jupp waiting for him. Soon he learns that the famous journalist Cesar Boyd was the responsible for the shorter sentence. Cesar offers a position of his assistant to Greg; in return, Boyd would write his story about his interviews to war criminals and Greg would help him in other matters. Meanwhile Boyd welcomes the daughter of a deceased friend, Bettina, and he becomes her guardian.
Fotograf Alfred Erdmann
Thomas Mann's witty and intimate story of a irresistible scoundrel.
Clifton Larguess
Besselmann, genannt „Muffel“, Komponist
Lachlen - ein Schotte