Anna Nicholas


No one's getting along at the Univers'l strip mall in So Central LA on April 29, 1992, the day the Rodney King verdicts come down. An African-American liquor store owner has a nervous crush on a Vietnamese manicurist. A rich Beverly Hills housewife who wants to help "you people" by building a womens' shelter has just had her Mercedes stolen. The Iranian dry cleaners have destroyed a dress, a group of Swedish equestrians is hopelessly lost, and Kong, the Korean landlord, is missing. With a relentless hyperkinetic visual energy and creeping sense of impending terror, UNIVERS'L captures one long day in a rundown mini-mall when the riots engulf the city.
No one's getting along at the Univers'l strip mall in So Central LA on April 29, 1992, the day the Rodney King verdicts come down. An African-American liquor store owner has a nervous crush on a Vietnamese manicurist. A rich Beverly Hills housewife who wants to help "you people" by building a womens' shelter has just had her Mercedes stolen. The Iranian dry cleaners have destroyed a dress, a group of Swedish equestrians is hopelessly lost, and Kong, the Korean landlord, is missing. With a relentless hyperkinetic visual energy and creeping sense of impending terror, UNIVERS'L captures one long day in a rundown mini-mall when the riots engulf the city.
No one's getting along at the Univers'l strip mall in So Central LA on April 29, 1992, the day the Rodney King verdicts come down. An African-American liquor store owner has a nervous crush on a Vietnamese manicurist. A rich Beverly Hills housewife who wants to help "you people" by building a womens' shelter has just had her Mercedes stolen. The Iranian dry cleaners have destroyed a dress, a group of Swedish equestrians is hopelessly lost, and Kong, the Korean landlord, is missing. With a relentless hyperkinetic visual energy and creeping sense of impending terror, UNIVERS'L captures one long day in a rundown mini-mall when the riots engulf the city.
Total Reality
Agent Wesson
David Bradley, stars as the roguish soldier Anthony Rand, who follows a ruthless general back through time in a last ditch attempt to save the universe.
Análisis final
Diana Baylor, una mujer frágil y nerviosa, visita al prestigioso psiquiatra Isaac Barr. La personalidad de Diana, muy marcada por la influencia de un padre incestuoso y violento y por una serie de hechos anómalos, atrae al psiquiatra, que acepta tratarla para averiguar qué se esconde detrás de esa hermosa e inestable mujer. Para Barr, Diana es un desafío. Cansado de casos más o menos previsibles, tiene la oportunidad de adentrarse en una mente oscura y llena de fascinantes recovecos.
La gran aventura de la India
Stephanie McVey
En el siglo XII, el mas grande y valioso rubi sagradao con el poder del bien y del mal, bañado en la sangre de la Princesa Lafia. En el siglo XVIII, los Ingleses lo robaron y ya en 1988, una conspiracion, mezcla de intereses internacionales, policia politica, ladrones profesionles, aventureros y un taxista metido a detective, lograran que entre intrigas, luchas, peligros y emociones... el Rubi de Sangre aparezca, para volver a desaparecer.
Hot Resort
Young guys on the make get a job at a resort hotel in the Caribbean.
Mutants in Paradise
Alice Durchfall
A team of scientists create a pair of genetically modified "superbeings", but they must thwart Russian agents who are out to capture their creations.