Michaela May

Michaela May

Nacimiento : 1952-03-18, Munich, Germany


Michaela May was born on March 18, 1952 in Munich, Germany as Gertraud Berta Mittermayr. She is an actress, known for Polizeiruf 110 (1971), Der Bergdoktor (1992) and Unsere Schule ist die Beste (1994). She has been married to Bernd Schadewaldsince June 16, 2006. She was previously married to Dr. Jack Schiffer.


Michaela May


Bis zum letzten Tropfen
Zum Glück zurück
Luise Merlinger
Elisabeth Graubein
So einfach stirbt man nicht
Katie Fforde - Das Kind der Anderen
Mi alocada familia
El abogado Josh Olsen acaba de proponerle matrimonio a la colega del país, Stella Sheridan, y aceptó que ella apunte a un tipo de casos más sustanciales cuando su madre, Barbara Sheridan, se invita a ella misma, ya que fue abandonada por el padre Stanley por una modelo más joven. La entrometida, la necesitada Bárbara prueba una plaga, incluso entrometiendo el dormitorio. A pesar de -como compadecerse con- humillante de la "compañía de comodidad" materna y auto-invitada, la senadora estatal Maureen Holmes contrata a Stella para pelear con su esposo por la custodia exclusiva de sus hijos preadolescentes...
Un verano en Algovia
Tras un accidente en la Patagonia y después de estar seis meses de rehabilitación, la montañera Bärbel Leitner regresa a su pueblo natal en silla de ruedas. Su sueño ahora es volver a caminar algún día.
Family Party
Anne Westhoff
On the 70th birthday of famous piano virtuoso Hannes Westhoff, a celebration is to take place at the patriarch's estate. For this occasion, his second wife Anne not only invited Westhoff's three sons Max, Fredrik and Gregor, but also their mother, Westhoff's ex-wife Renate. While Anne tries to maintain a friendly atmosphere, old conflicts resurface among the family. With tensions already high, things take a turn for the dramatic when son Max reveals shocking news.
Franziskas Welt: Hochzeiten und andere Hürden
Promesas electorales y otras mentiras
Gwen Norton
Tras un duro divorcio, Abbey y Greg se encuentran compitiendo por la alcaldía y, para más inri, la madre de Abbey y el padre de Greg, Gwen y Leo, se han enamorado y planean casarse, convirtiéndoles a ellos en hermanastros. Para ganar un poco de tiempo, Abbey y Greg intentan convencer a sus padres de retrasar la boda, al menos hasta después de las elecciones, para evitar que la prensa se cebe con ellos. Sin embargo, Frank, el jefe de prensa de Abbey, pretende explotar esta información para jugar sucio en campaña. Cuando Gwen y Leo convencen a sus hijos de pasar el fin de semana juntos en Cornualles, Frank se las ingenia para autoinvitarse y sabotear los planes de Gwen y Leo para reconciliar a Abbey y Greg. Pero Isabel, la hermana de Abbey, está decidida a descubrir a Frank.
Frau Roggenschaubs Reise
De viaje con Elsa
Elsa Novak
Elsa, recientemente viuda, se embarca con su nieta Clara y su hija Fanny en un viaje que las cambia la vida a Croacia . Elsa, después de la muerte de su marido, se queda literalmente en la calle. Su difunto marido tiene una gran deuda , sólo la drejó una Villa en Opatija en Croacia. Ella le pide a su hija y nieta que la acompañen en el largo viaje...
Utta Danella - Sturm am Ehehimmel
Teresa Sommer
La cuchara de Eli
Elli es una mujer viuda, se siente sola y está en bancarrota, hasta que hereda una pensión en Capri. Allí conocerá al encantador trotamundos Heinz, pero también a su codiciosa hermana Dorothea.
Un faro con vistas
Mona Sadler
Robert Hunter llega hasta un faro con la intención de derribarlo. Pero Ana, la encargada de la conservación de la zona, hará lo imposible para evitarlo. Lo que ninguno de los dos sabe es que el farero es el padre biológico de Robert, que dio a su hijo en adopción hace 30 años al morir la madre.
Die göttliche Sophie - Das Findelkind
Sophie Strohmayer
Alles was recht ist - Sein oder Nichtsein
Dr. Lena Kalbach
Alles was recht ist – Väter, Töchter, Söhne
Dr. Lena Kalbach
Two fathers are fighting for a child: Franz Bergen, head of a church choir, wants to fight the right of access to the young son of the pub René Dörfler. At first, Judge Lena Kalbach does not allow the lawsuit - until it turns out that Bergen, as a sperm donor, is the biological father of the child. A delicate case for which Lena has to find a solution with great tact. But she is also personally affected by the issue of fatherhood: Her adult daughter Nike finally wants to know who her father is. In the third part of the popular TV series, Michaela May again plays the smart judge Lena Kalbach.
Eine Sennerin zum Verlieben
Ariane Ostler
Nunca te fíes de tu jefe
Mona Moedebeck
Durante 15 años, Oskar se ha identificado siempre con su empresa, hasta que el joven Raphael aparece. Oskar no sabe cómo lidiar con él y amenaza con derribar todo lo que ha construido.
Utta Danella - Eine Nonne zum Verlieben
Die göttliche Sophie
Sophie Strohmayer
Alles was recht ist – Die italienische Variante
Dr. Lena Kalbach
Amor infiel
Christina Petersen
Nina viaja a Venecia para sorprender a su marido Stephan el día de su cumpleaños. Pero cuando le busca en su hotel, le comunican que no se hospeda allí. Buscándole desesperadamente, Nina se da cuenta de que la está engañando con otra mujer, y que además tiene un hijo con ella. Entonces Nina buscará consuelo en un atractivo guía turístico de Venecia...
Vier Tage Toskana
Because the late Berlin artist Dorn failed to pay his taxes or inform the family for years, his widow Erika and daughters must urgently sell the splendid estate in Tuscany they hardly visited since his death anyhow. Eldest daughter Valerie, junior partner in fiancé Andreas Imdahl's rising architects firm, travels ahead to negotiate with the suitable candidate Robert Beck, a fellow German, who agreed trough mayor-publican Fredo to keep on caretaker Antonio 'Toni' Gianni. By the time Andreas arrives, he finds Viviane unfaithful with her study lover Stefan Korten, but is interested by Toni's daughter. Second daughter Susi and her fellow arts student fiancé Bruno Tomasi have several announcements. Mother arrives stating she decided to sell the Cologne home instead, but Robert offers an alternative. Written by KGF Vissers
Alles was recht ist
Dr. Lena Kalbach
Unser Mann im Süden
Karin Hammerstein
El hombre de mis sueños
Deborah Harrison
Walter Harrison tiene muy claro cuál va a ser el futuro de su hija Sandra: cuando termine sus estudios de Economía, se hará cargo de la empresa familiar y se casará con Brian Macintosh, su amor de la infancia.
Kurhotel Alpenglück
Christina Steiner
Der Traum ihres Lebens
Hanna Lenz
Vier Meerjungfrauen II - Liebe à la carte
Auch Erben will gelernt sein
Elfriede Helmholtz
Sag einfach ja!
Margot Oberleithner
Vera and Hans have been happy for 15 years - only the marriage certificate is still missing. Vera's mother wants to help the couple on the jumps and proposes them to the local radio station as "the perfect couple of the week". This means that if they marry within four weeks, the sender pays the wedding. The stars are not unfavorable. But just before the wedding date confirmed that Libra and Taurus are an explosive combination. The high-caliber romantic comedy shows in an amusing, subtle way how heavenly influences in relationships can move mountains.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Wenn nur noch Liebe zählt
Hochzeit zu viert
Johanna Schneider
14 years ago, the two couples Lukas and Susanne and Johanna and Markus met at the registry office. Since then, they have been celebrating their anniversary together each year. But the beautiful appearance of the harmonious marital happiness deceives. When the two women find out that their husbands go alien, Lukas and Markus are left by their partners. After a year you meet again. "Wedding four" is a great melodrama about two couples who find each other in a roundabout way. With Harald Krassnitzer, Renee Soutendijk, Michaela May and Elmar Wepper.
Dreamboy macht Frauen glücklich
Frau Meyer Boden
Kanadische Träume - Eine Familie wandert aus
Petra Beckmann
Liebe und weitere Katastrophen
Rita Klein
Zum Sterben schön
Strange Behavior of Sexually Mature Urbanites at Mating Season
Follows a divorced couple and their separate, cyclonic sexual escapades, and all of the spin offs.
A black comedy about the dream of freedom and the difficulty of obtaining this: While Molly (Eva Mattes), Elisabeth (Katja Flint) and Maria (Ornella Muti) are great friends, but at the same time completely different. Molly is a difficult stressed housewife and mother of three children, Elisabeth is the perfect career woman and Maria uses already in their third marriage sex appeal to get ahead in life. But one day it turns out that the three except their friendship still connects another great thing in common: They are all tired of her life as a wife. And so begins the story of a rabenscharzen comedy about the dream of freedom and the difficulties to achieve this. The only question is: How are they merely their husbands going on?
Wozu denn Eltern?
Vera Rabe
Lavinia Thurnau
A woman discovers that her husband is having an affair. She demands a divorce, her husband does not agree to it. She decides to sleep with ten men, then her husband will surely divorce her.
Klippen des Todes
Der Struppi ist weg
Irene Liebl
A crime comedy directed by Thomas Engel.
Everything's Better for Two
Das Hintertürl zum Paradies
Flöhe hüten ist leichter
Wie hätten Sie’s denn gern?
Ein Fall von Zuneigung
Neon City
Episode movie about the no-future generation of the early 1980s.
Der gutmütige Grantler
Gesucht wird... Drei Geschichten um nicht ganz ehrenwerte Herren
Vera Grim
Der falsche Pass für Tibo
Monika Pickel
The American Success Company
A husband is humiliated at home and at work. He decides he has had enough of it and hires a prostitute to help him get back at his boss, wife and friends and get a lot richer in the process.
..es ist die Liebe
Hinter dem Vorhang
Leontine Lenferte
Die Leute von Feichtenreut
Baby Hamilton oder Das kommt in den besten Familien vor
Die Kinder Edouards
Martin Darvet-Stuart
Eine Handvoll Brennesseln
Das haut den stärksten Zwilling um
A comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb.
Der ewige Gatte
Pepe, der Paukerschreck
Mommsen Gymnasium director Taft secretly places his nephew as a spy with the difficult class of Pepe Nietnagel. During the celebration for the 100th anniversary, a simulated fire forces the school to shut down for a week. The director's attempt to get a tough teacher assigned by the department of education results in the exact opposite because of Nietnagel's intervention.
Deadly Shots on Broadway
Alice Davis
An FBI agent is killed by the mob after making off with five million in gold bars in a robbery gone bad. Agent Jerry Cotton is called in to bring the gang to justice and find out where his dead pal hid the missing gold.
Ven, querida damisela, y hazlo
Comtesse Annette
Un conde y una condesa cuya vida amorosa está perdiendo brillo, invitan a algunas personas
Klara Sesemann
After her mother's death, the five year old orphan Heidi is brought by her aunt to her grumpy grandfather Alp, who leads a hermit life in the beautiful Swiss mountains. Heidi's natural cheerfulness quickly brings renewed joy in grandfather Alps life. Heidi becomes friends with the goatherd Peter who is about the same age as her and spent two beautiful years in the pasture. But then she is sent by her aunt to Frankfurt in the house of Consul Sesemann where Heidi should get a proper education and upbringing. After some initial difficulties Heidi eventually adjusts to her new situation and makes friends with Clara, the paralyzed daughter of the consul. Only with the strict governess Miss Rottingmeier she keeps getting in trouble. Miss Rottingmeier clearly can not cope with the free and outdoors spirit of Heidi. But Heidi lets a fresh wind blow through the Sesemann house and even causes Clara to overcome her illness.
La cabaña del tío Tom
Little Eva
La familia Shelby, poseedora de numerosas plantaciones en Kentucky, se ve endeudada cuando el señor Shelby pierde gran cantidad de dinero en sus inversiones. Uno de los afectados por los impagos de la familia Mr. Haley va a reclamar su dinero pero, al ver que no podrán pagarle, les ofrece llevarse diez esclavos negros de sus plantaciones a cambio de la anulación de la deuda. Los Shelby deciden aceptar con resignación. Entre los esclavos elegidos se encuentra el Tío Tom (John Kitzmiller), el patriarca de los esclavos y muy apreciado por la familia Shelby,sobre todo por el hijo, que promete trabajar duro para recuperarle. A partir de ese momento Tío Tom y los demás esclavos lucharan incansablemente por su libertad y la de los suyos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Schöne Grüße von Adelheid