Peter Cheyney

Nacimiento : 1896-02-22,

Muerte : 1951-06-26


Callaghan: un rendez-vous dans les ténèbres
Adaptación televisiva de una historia de Peter Cheyney protagonizada por el detective Slim Callaghan.
Slečnám nic nevadí
FBI frente a Scotland Yard
El agente del FBI Lenny Caution debe viajar a Europa para atrapar a una banda de criminales que ha secuestrado a un científico americano.
Lemmy y las espías
Una mujer es asesinada mientras el agente Lemmy Caution disfruta de unas vacaciones. Durante la investigación descubrirá que la víctima y otras cuatro esposas de altos cargos del gobierno han sido chantajeadas por espías de la Europa del Este para obtener información sobre los servicios de inteligencia.
El FBI y las damas
Lemmy Caution ha de descubrir a un espía cuyo nombre es Varley.
And This Way to the Exit
Scenario Writer
Carlos, a weapons trader, is struck by his resemblance to a certain Slim. Wishing to take advantage of this situation, the mafioso asked the latter to be the commander of his ship.
Agente federal en Roma
Nuestro viejo amigo Lemmy Caution viaja a Roma para rescatar a un agente federal que ha sido secuestrado cuando se hacía pasar por un científico codiciado por una banda de espías...
The Amazing Mr. Callaghan
A ship, La Circé, has sunk and it might possibly be criminal . The vessel belongs to Storata ,who asks the insurance company for a hundred million Francs .Callaghan is working for them and he investigates on dry land and on the sea. The brilliant detective discovers that Storata has scuttled his ship himself to swindle insurance.
Meet Mr. Callaghan
A young woman is framed for the murder of a wealthy man who met his death at the hands of his heirs.
El club del crimen
Antes de suicidarse, Granworth Aymes envía a su esposa una importante suma de dinero en billetes falsos. Cuando el agente del FBI Lemmy Caution se entera, se desplaza a Italia para intentar esclarecer el asunto. En el curso de la investigación descubre una gran organización de falsificadores de moneda dirigida por… Granworth Aymes en persona, que había simulado su suicidio.
This Man Is Dangerous
On the run from international police, Special Agent Lemmy Caution arrives in the South of France and soon becomes embroiled in a scheme with the infamous gangster Siegella. Whilst seeming to co-operate with the underworld boss, Lemmy is secretly acting for the FBI, and intends using Miranda Van Zelden, a wealthy heiress, as bait to trap a gang of crooks and put an end to Siegella's exploits...
Cita con la muerte
FBI Agent Lemmy Caution is sent after a missing two million in Casablanca while mob boss mistress Carlotta plays both sides of the law.
Full House
Anthology film with three shorts each featuring a famous detective: Monsieur Wens, Lemmy Caution and Maigret.
Correo diplomatico
El departamento de Estado norteamericano encarga a Mike Kells una misión en Salzburgo. Una vez allí, debe subir a un tren para encontrarse con su colega y amigo Sam Carew, que le entregará un documento importantísimo sobre los planes de Stalin para invadir Europa. Pero Carew, que viaja en compañía de una joven llamada Janine, es arrojado a las vías del tren antes de poder hablar con su colega. Mike seguirá las huellas de Janine hasta Trieste.
Uneasy Terms
Private eye Slim Callaghan is summoned to the country home of a Colonel Stenhurst, but the latter is murdered before he can talk to the detective. Was one of the Colonel's three daughters responsible?
Uneasy Terms
Private eye Slim Callaghan is summoned to the country home of a Colonel Stenhurst, but the latter is murdered before he can talk to the detective. Was one of the Colonel's three daughters responsible?
The Wife of General Ling
In this espionage drama, a Secret Service agent must discover who has been smuggling British arms into China. The prime suspect is a prosperous Chinese merchant-philanthropist and the agent thinks the merchant is working with the notorious Chinese guerilla warlord General Ling.