Dos jóvenes enfermos terminales dedicen vivir con intensidad y alocamiento sus últimos días, saltándose todas las normas. La historia narrada combina de modo singular drama y comedia. Y presenta situaciones muy disparadas, que provocan la risa. Aunque los anhelos más íntimos de los protagonistas se revelan limitados -ver el mar, que uno de ellos no conoce-, el alemán Thomas Jahn logra impregnarlos de entidad dramática. Esta atrevida película ganó el premio a la mejor película en el festival de Sitges de 1997.
In the 26th century the inhabitants of Utopia have so lost their individuality, which varies in number. They live in glass houses (this was written before the invention of television), which allows the political police, called “Keepers” can easily supervise them. They all wear the same uniform and usually turn to each other or as a ”cipher-so” or "UNIFEM" (uniform). They feed on artificial food and rest hour marching in fours in a row the anthem of the One State, pouring out of the loudspeakers. As they are allowed to put a break on the hour (known as the ”sexy time“), draw the curtains of their glass houses. At the head of the One State is one called The Benefactor, which are replaced every year the whole population, usually unanimously. The guiding principle of the State is that happiness and freedom are incompatible.