Billie Zöckler

Billie Zöckler

Nacimiento : 1949-01-18, Celle, Germany

Muerte : 2019-10-18


Billie Zöckler


Under ConTroll
During building work in the city of Baden-Baden in 2015, an evil troll who was transformed into stone in the 15th century, is accidentally brought back to life. To prevent being unmasked, the Troll slips into the body of Vanessa and enslaves her. Vanessa Troll then goes looking for Charlie, the virgin boyfriend of Vanessa's daughter, as The Troll needs his blood to evoke a portal to a magical prison. Will the Troll's plans find success?
Goblin 2
After 700 years, an evil troll awakes in Baden-Baden to new life. In the form of a woman, he tries to free his demonic companions from a other dimension.
Club Of The Lonely Hearts
Weihnachts - Männer
Fritz, Walter and Andi are caught red-handed in the event of a burglary. But are the three friends in Santa Claus costume really a wanted gang of criminals? Commissioner Bremer is supposed to find that out on Christmas Eve. While her family is already waiting at home, she has to listen to more unusual confessions than she would like. But the interrogation won't go, because your intrigued colleague is just waiting to take over the prestigious case.
alte Frau
The story of former Bayern Munich president Kurt Landauer, a Bavarian jew ousted by the National Socialists and brought to the concentration camp of Dachau, where he survived to come back and start to rebuild his old club after World War II.
Wer's glaubt wird selig
The snow is staying away from the Bavarian ski village of Haunzenberg, and so are the skiers. Business is failing and so is Georg's relationship with Emilie. During his attempt to reignite the fires of passion, the wooden cross in the next room falls down, crushing Emilie's very Catholic mother Daisy. Wracked with guilt, Georg and his drinking buddies hatch a plan to have Daisy canonized by the Church, hoping to save both the village and his relationship. Everything goes according to plan until the Vatican sends a Priest to examine the miracles of Saint Daisy... Written by Anthony Parkhurst
Vicky el vikingo
Una mañana, la pequeña aldea vikinga de Flake es asaltada por los malvados guerreros de Sven el Terrible que secuestran a todos los niños… excepto a Vicky, un particular niño pelirrojo, hijo del Jefe Halvar, que destaca por sus brillantes ideas en los momentos más difíciles. Halvar, el más cabezota de los guerreros vikingos, decide dar caza a los secuestradores y salvar heroicamente a los niños de Flake. Ante la negativa de Halvar de que Vicky viaje con ellos en busca de los niños, el pequeño Vicky se esconde en el barco. Vicky y los valientes vikingos se las verán con fantasmas, espeluznantes villanos, cofres con legendarios tesoros… y mil aventuras más.
Nichts als Ärger mit den Männern
Christa Pasemann
The young musician Katharina keeps afloat after completing her studies with odd jobs over water. But then her grumpy father Hubert suffers a heart attack - and suddenly Katharina has to take care of the catering company. When she learns that the company is about to go bankrupt, she tries to get the company back on track with wit and creative ideas. Nonetheless, the creditor bank is giving aside adviser Ben Hallbauer. First, Katharina is anything but pleased about this "watchdog".
Rosamunde Pilcher: Liebe im Spiel
Das bisschen Haushalt
Jassna Kärner
For the career of her husband, Irina has renounced her journalistic career and has become a housewife. After countless job-related processions, the two return to their hometown of Munich to finally start a family. When Reinhard has to leave for New York in the short term and leaves his wife with empty accounts and a debt mountain, Irina is forced to take the initiative for the first time. She founds a housekeeping agency. Her old school friend Frank stands by her side.
Utta Danella - Die andere Eva
Bibi, la pequeña bruja
Frau Hübner
La alegría invade a los habitantes de un lugar llamado Neustadt: Bibi acaba de salvar a dos niños de una muerte segura con un poco de magia un tanto involuntaria. Su madre Bárbara, una bruja de prestigio, se siente orgullosa de ella.
Utta Danella - Die Hochzeit auf dem Lande
With a pounding heart, the horse madman Martina Kilian awaits the wedding with the glamorous jumping rider Arndt Graf Solm-Weltingen. When the Count hangs up the cavalry just before the marriage to enter the catering business of his future parents-in-law, Martina painfully notes that Arndt is not the man of their dreams. While the wedding preparations are in full swing, Martina falls in love with sympathetic veterinarian Erik.
Liebe und andere Lügen
Ein Scheusal zum Verlieben
Schwester Barbara
Die Ehre der Strizzis
A crime comedy directed by Peter Weck. The movie follows "Geliebte Gegner" (1998).
Comeback für Freddy Baker
Frau Schmidt
Hotel Mama - Mama auf der Flucht
Geliebte Gegner
A crime comedy directed by Peter Weck. The movie was followed by "Die Ehre der Strizzis" (2000).
Der Heiratsvermittler
Andrea Morgenstern
A comedy directed by Erich Neureuther.
Desideria, el anillo del dragón
Un temido rey medieval lleva en su mano un anillo con la forma de un dragón que simboliza su poder. El monarca tiene una hija llamada Desideria. Tras regresar de uno de sus viajes, el rey lleva al castillo un bebé que ha sido criado por lobos. Desideria, al hacerse mayor, se enamora de Victor, el jefe de un grupo de rebeldes que ha sido capturado. Telefilm/miniserie emitida en dos partes dentro de la serie 'Grandes relatos'. (FILMAFFINITY)
Alles Lüge
Lizzy Portmann
Keep on Running
Go Trabi Go
Gerda Amberger
Family Struutz lives in Bitterfeld (GDR). After the fall of the wall, they take the opportunity to go on holiday with their car, an old Trabant. They simply want to visit Italy. But there are some incidents during their journey. (IMDb)
Ewald - Rund um die Uhr
Der neue Mann
Frau Becker
Carmen Müller
Beim nächsten Mann wird alles anders
Birgit Döpp
Der Junge mit dem Jeep
Im Himmel ist die Hölle los
Mimi Schrillmann
Teenage girl idolises television game show host, and gets a chance to be his assistant
Neon City
Episode movie about the no-future generation of the early 1980s.
Night of Destiny
Betty Bisquit
A horror comedy directed by Helmer von Lützelburg.