Max Riemelt
Nacimiento : 1984-01-07, Berlin, Germany
Max Riemelt (born in East Berlin, East Germany on 7 January 1984) is a German actor. Internationally, he is best known for playing Wolfgang Bogdanow in the television series Sense8. He is also well-known for acting in movies such as Before the Fall (2004), The Wave (2008) and Free Fall (2013). At the 2004 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, he won the best actor award for ‘Napola’ and in the 2006 Bavarian Film Awards, he won the best young actor award for ‘Der Rote Kakadu’.
Riemelt's career began in Germany at the age of 13, in the TV productions Eine Familie zum Küssen and Praxis Bülowbogen. The following year Riemelt played his first leading role in the ZDF Christmas series Zwei allein (director: Matthias Steurer): the Waisenkind "Max Loser". In the video for the title song "Two of a Kind" by the Hamburg duo "R & B", Riemelt has a cameo appearance. He has starred in all of Dennis Gansel's feature films, starting with Mädchen, Mädchen. In 2013, he starred in the movie Free Fall with Hanno Koffler, in which he plays Kay Engel, a police officer in training. The movie depicts a gay love story and has been compared to Brokeback Mountain.
From 2015 to 2018, he starred in The Wachowskis' Netflix series Sense8, playing Wolfgang Bogdanow, a German safe cracker. The first season received positive reviews from critics. In 2020, he joined the cast of The Matrix 4.
Clara is studying for a Ph.D in philosophy in Berlin. In this middle-class male academic environment, she feels pushed to one side. She returns to her childhood village in former East Germany for her mother's birthday, and becomes aware that a distance has grown between her and her family.
Jan Olsmer
En un mundo compuesto por dos realidades, lo cotidiano y lo oculto tras ella, Thomas Anderson se ve obligado de nuevo a ir tras el conejo blanco. Dicha elección continúa siendo la vía de acceso a Matrix, que esta vez es más poderosa e intrincada que en ocasiones anteriores.
Cinco amigos adolescentes, se unen para descubrir quién está detrás del secuestro de un oceanógrafo desaparecido que ha descubierto un medio para deshacerse de los residuos plásticos en el océano. Así comienza una carrera contra el tiempo para salvar su vida y el futuro de ellos.
Two Afro-German half-sisters that never met before, get closer through their father's death, search their roots and find themselves.
Lutz Gehring
After missing four years, the body of a little boy is found in the forest. An unlikely pair of police officers investigate the boy's death.
Markus is a handsome and respectable architect who has a secret: he is a pedophile. Despite feeling disgust of himself, Markus can't help but feel attracted to young boys. When he thinks he won't be able to suppress his deepest feelings, he decides to isolate himself.
Family is complicated, no question. But Jan finds it particularly hard: his lesbian mother Victoria asks him to become a sperm donor for the common desire child with partner Rosalie. Jan would be father and stepbrother in one. An absurd idea? Not if Jan is shot in that same Rosalie ...
Andi Werner
Clare es una fotógrafa australiana que se encuentra de vacaciones en Berlín. Allí conoce a Andi, un joven carismático que pronto se gana la atención de la chica. La atracción entre ambos es instantánea y terminan pasando la noche juntos. Sin embargo, Clare se despierta a la mañana siguiente sola y atrapada en el apartamento de Andi.
Katharina and Steffen seem like the quintessential successful Berlin couple -- they have well-paying jobs, a loving relationship and a spectacular apartment. One night, fed up with the predictability of their lives, they decide on a radical change: They're going to extinguish all traces of their existence and start over. They set up a camera to film the process, hoping others will follow their lead. They begin to destroy their belongings, empty their bank accounts and erase the digital remnants of their lives. Even from their best friends, the couple Robert and Paul, they intend to hide their plan to disappear forever. As everything around them breaks into pieces, their film takes a turn of its own - and their secretive revolution becomes a fight for their love.
Ibiza, a principios de los 90. Jo es una compositora de 25 años. Ha llegado desde Berlín y quiere ser parte de la naciente revolución de la música electrónica, a poder ser obteniendo un trabajo como DJ en un club nocturno de la isla, Amnesia. Martha ha estado viviendo sola en su casa frente al mar durante 40 años. Una noche, Jo llama a su puerta. Su soledad le intriga. Ambos iniciarán una amistad a medida que los misterios en torno a ella se acumulan: ese cello en una esquina que rechaza tocar, la lengua bávara que rechaza hablar… mientras Jo la atrae hacia su mundo de música tecno, Martha empezará a cuestionarse lo vivido previamente. (FILMAFFINITY)
Wolfgang Bogdanovic
Viaja alrededor del mundo con el detrás de cámaras de "Sense8” y acompaña al elenco durante la producción de la exitosa serie.
Bruder Krapp
Verano de 1968. Wolfgang, de 14 años de edad, es llevado por su familia a un apartado internado de la Iglesia. Una cosa está clara para Wolfgang: su anhelo de libertad no podrá ser enterrado fácilmente en el pantano.
Fate has taken its toll on the aging cabaret singer Ruth and the young but terminally ill Jonas. Yet despite their great age difference and their entirely opposite experiences in life, they form an intense bond and give each other a reason and purpose to live.
Ciudad de Varsovia, Polonia, 1 de agosto de 1944. Los ciudadanos han experimentado actos inhumanos de terror y violencia durante los cinco largos años de ocupación nazi. Mientras el ejército soviético se acerca implacablemente, los más jóvenes y valientes de entre ellos se levantan como uno y se enfrentan a la tiranía luchando calle por calle, pero el precio a pagar será alto y difícil el camino hacia la libertad…
Bernd Rosemeyer
Volar es su pasión. Inspirada en la historia de la pionera de la aviación Elly Beinhorn. Circunnavegó el mundo en solitario en 1932 y fue una de las primeras mujeres en atravesar el Atlántico sola.
Ralf Seifert
Adrian Davids
A young financial auditor, promoted to his first serious position, soon finds himself following in the fatal footsteps of his predecessor.
Kay Engel
Marc (Hanno Koffer) es un agente de policía que vive con su novia Bettina, embarazada, y con la que en apariencia mantiene una genuina relación de amor y comprensión. Es una pareja feliz, pero las dudas llaman a la puerta de Marc cuando conoce a Kay (Max Riemelt) en un curso de formación. El desconcierto, el miedo, la incomprensión de sentirse atraído por otro hombre, una clase de deseo que hasta ahora desconocía, que incluso repudiaba, despierta dentro de él.
Durante su infancia Hanna y Clarissa fueron las mejores amigas. Pasaban las vacaciones con sus padres en una vieja casa de verano en una pequeña isla. 25 años más tarde Hanna está casada y tiene una hija de siete años. Las dos mujeres retoman su amistad donde lo habían dejado y deciden pasar unos días en la isla, al igual que en los viejos tiempos. Algo terrible ocurrió en la isla años atrás. La verdad que sale a la luz es mucho más terrible y horrorosa de lo que Hanna nunca podría haber imaginado.
Daniel Gerber
Three young soldiers are called up to one of the most dangerous trouble spots in the world - Afghanistan. But it's not just the constant psychological pressure that gets to them, the different cultures and ways of life in the country also pose problems for the young and impetuous men. However, it is precisely the interpersonal aspect that moves them, and so they become friends with Malik Jamil (Omar El-Saeidi) and his children. Life and the situation at the post seem to relax as a result. But then there is a dramatic turn in the life of Malik's daughter, caused by the insurgent Taliban. And in times of battle, one fate affects the lives of others and the soldiers must painfully realize that war is never just.
Friedrich Burg
Cuenta la historia de amor entre Sulamit, hija de inmigrantes alemanes judíos y Friedrich, hijo de un inmigrante alemán nazi, quienes se conocen durante su adolescencia en Buenos Aires durante los años 50. Su amor transcurre con el telón de fondo de los grandes cambios políticos en la Alemania del 68 y de la dictadura militar en la Argentina.
Two young guys in a bar hit on the woman they fancy by sending one of them over who tells her that the other one is terminally ill...
In the 1980s, an Israeli refugee, deemed a traitor, coaches West Germany's basketball team.
Un periodista descubre una trama terrorista en Moscú mientras investigaba al servicio secreto ruso.
Lars Dewenter
When novelist Andrea Dewenter dies in a car accident, the lives of her husband Christian, grown-up son Lars, and adolescent daughter Elaine go off the rails. For all three, the few days between Andrea's sudden death and her funeral turn into an emotional roller coaster that eventually shows them the virtue of being a family.
Deseosos de explorar el misterioso mundo escondido bajo la metrópolis de Berlín, un grupo internacional de exploradores urbanos contratan a un guía local, Kris, que los lleva por el laberinto de túneles y fortificaciones subterráneas que hay bajo la ciudad. Una vez comenzada la exploración, Kris tiene una mala caída, y dos personas del grupo, van en busca de ayuda. Armin, un guardia de fronteras de Alemania aparece de la nada y llega hasta el joven herido. Denis, otro muchacho que cuida de Kris, agradece la ayuda de Armin, pero pronto se dará cuenta que acaba de hacer el mayor error de su vida.
Thomas Hafner
Tom Serner
Una noche, Louise, la líder de un trío de vampiras, muerde a la joven Lena, cuya vida desde entonces será a la vez una bendición y una maldición. Al principio, disfruta de una libertad sin límites, del lujo y de las fiestas. Pero, al mismo tiempo, no puede soportar los instintos asesinos y la sed de sangre de sus compañeras. Además, se enamora de Tom, un joven policía, y entonces no tendrá más remedio que elegir entre el amor o la inmortalidad.
When Momo leaves his small home town to go to university, he is full of enthusiasm and confidence, but slowly the pressures of study and campus living begin to grind him down. Half way through his course he finds himself at a crossroads with both his relationship and studies.
Five friends spend their holidays on a faraway island in the sea. On the last day of the holidays, out of the blue, Björn informs his friends that he will not return home but intends to stay in this paradise forever. There is no sign of life from Björn after that. His best friend Meikel is very concerned about the mysterious disappearance - but nobody cares and no one helps him in his search for the lost friend.
Andreas Niedrig
He lived the junkie's life as a heroin addict. Triathlon transformed him. Biopic of the record breaking Ironman Andreas Niedrig.
En otoño de 1967 Ron Jones, un profesor de historia de un instituto de Palo Alto en California, no tuvo respuesta para la pregunta de uno de sus alumnos: ¿Cómo es posible que el pueblo alemán alegue ignorancia respecto a la masacre del pueblo judío? En ese momento Jones decidió hacer un experimento con sus alumnos: implantó un régimen de extrema disciplina militar en el aula, restringiéndoles las libertades. Ante el asombro del profesor, los alumnos se entusiamaron hasta tal punto que a los pocos días empezaron a espiarse unos a otros y a acosar a los que no querían unirse al grupo. Al quinto día Ron Jones se vio obligado a acabar con el experimento antes de que las cosas llegaran demasiado lejos. El director alemán Dennis Gansel (Napola) ha trasladado esta experiencia a nuestros días y a su tierra natal: Alemania. Esta vez es el profesor quien hace la pregunta a sus alumnos: ¿Creéis que es imposible que otra dictadura vuelva a implantarse en Alemania? Y comienza el experimento…
Young Bundeswehr soldiers Tom and Charly are stationed in Kosovo with the KFOR peacekeeping force. Their mission is to secure peace. Although the brutal war between the enemy Serbs and Albanians is officially over, the hatred between people continues to smoulder. When Tom and Charly rescue the young Serbian Mirjana from the fatal shot of the young sniper Durcan, they get caught between all fronts. They lose their professional distance due to the resulting closeness to Mirjana - who has to learn that her father was a war criminal - but also to Durcan - whose entire family was wiped out. Soon they are entangled in a conflict about guilt, manipulation, love and revenge...
Gefreiter Kerner
19-year-old NVA soldier, Alex Karow, is sent to the West German-East German border in May 1974, shortly after Willy Brandt's resignation and during the World Cup. The army is dominated by brutal rituals, tolerated or used by the officers. Alex understands that the ideals of balance, democracy and human dignity are propaganda. The question of what happens when the other appears in the sights of the Kalashnikov occupies the soldiers day and night, interrupted almost exclusively by the games of the World Cup with the historic encounter between the GDR and the FRG. Alex draws strength from his love for Christine, a confident tractor driver who lives in the neighbouring village. Christine encourages him not to do what his father expects, but to follow his dream of becoming a photographer. But when her brother sends Alex's photo from the border fortifications to the West, everything gets out of control...
Edgar (Polizist), Art. 2
Carl-Friedrich von Krempin
The story of the German sail-training ship Pamir that sunk in a hurricane.
A coming-of-age story set in Germany in the 1960s. Siggi becomes involved in a love triangle when he falls for Luise, but the tightening political climate forces him to make a fateful decision.
Ben lives with his father in a dreary highrise housing estate, earning a bit of money delivering leaflets. The young man′s big dream is to one day write travel logs as a journalist. His unemployed father has been thrown hopelessly off balance with the death of his wife. Ben has since then been carrying all responsibility, taking care of the household, and making sure that all ends meet on his own. The financial pressures he increasingly stands under finally lead him to become criminal.
Friedrich Weimer
Berlín, 1942. Friedrich, de 16 años, que acaba de finalizar el bachillerato elemental y es un hábil boxeador aficionado, sueña con ser alguien en la vida. Su oportunidad le llega al fijarse en él durante un combate de boxeo por un joven simpático que es profesor de una escuela de elite de los nazis y ayuda a Friedrich a ingresar en el centro. Allí, el joven profesor se convierte en el mentor de Friedric, a quien ayuda a soportar el rigor de una escuela sometida a una estricta disciplina. Entre los nuevos amigos de Friedrich se encuentra Albrecht, hijo de un alto funcionario. Albrecht, un chico frágil que prefiere desarrollar su mente más que su cuerpo, se muestra crítico con la ideología nazi que se pretende inculcar en la mente de los educandos.
Mädchen, Mädchen 2 – Loft oder Liebe (Girls On Top 2) is a German-language comedic film directed by Peter Gersina. The movie is the second movie about Inken (Diana Amft), and her friend Lena (Karoline Herfurth),who, having left their parents' homes decide to go in search of a flat of their own. The character Vicky from the first movie played by (Felicitas Woll) is not in this movie and a new friend Lucy (Jasmin Gerat) is an added character. They despair at the price of property in Munich and decide to try and find a rich man to help them in their exploits.
Björn Michels
"Bad luck in the game, luck in love": Astrid Seibel knows the saying, of course - but until now she did not know that the two seem to be linked. The mother of two children, who has just been left by her unfaithful husband, actually types six correct numbers in the lottery, but the receipt for the lottery ticket disappears. The lucky finder is her new chance acquaintance Felix, who at first has no idea whose winnings he is holding in his hands. When he finds out, it is already too late: Astrid already knows that he has kept the lottery win from her.
The adventures of three teenage girls - Inken, Vicky and Lena - and their quest to have their first orgasm.
Thirteen-year-old Julia leaves Berlin, where she resides with her father, to spend vacation in the Czech Republic. While there she experiences first love, and also tries to help the local kids rescue a circus bear from a rich German hunter who's willing to pay for a bit of sport. If the parents get their way they'll use Mr. Big Game to finance the circus and even contribute to local pensions. The children and the bear head for the forest.
During World War I, a group of women who are left behind in an English farming community become romantically involved with several German prisoners of war.
Upcoming science-fiction thriller directed by Dominik Graf.