Evert Meulie


Associate Producer
Sundown is the story about how a person's perception of life can change once they accept their own mortality. We go through life fearing death for the longest time. An inherent subconscious thought of a distant certainty. So when you reach a point in our lives when death looms, you can either deny the inevitable, or embrace your mortality and begin to live life unafraid of its conclusion.
Renegades: The Requiem: Part 1
Everything the Admiral has feared for the Confederation, begins to come to pass. As a secret cabal enacts plans for galactic dominance on a scale never before seen, The Admiral and his crack team of Renegades do everything in their power to stop them. But their enemy is more powerful than they can imagine and The Admiral is left with a decision he never wanted to make. But will the sacrifice be too great?
Why Just One?
Consulting Producer
Big Buck Bunny
"Big Buck Bunny" es un corto animado en el que un enorme conejo bonachón se encuentra con tres vecinos del bosque, Frank, Rnky y Gamera, que se divierten maltratando pobres criaturas, tirándoles frutas, nueces y rocas. Tras aplastar a dos de sus mariposas preferidas y cargar contra el propio Bunny, éste responde con una ofensiva en la que olvida su carácter amable y orquesta su venganza. El corto (de nombre en clave "Proyecto Peach") está producido por el Instituto Blender, parte de la Fundación Blender, y al igual que la anterior película de la fundación ("Elephants Dream") está realizado enteramente con software libre.