Key Animation
In the land of the pyramids, the Rainbow Prince turns everyone into pyramids! Can Anpanman find snow and water, the weakness of the Rainbow Prince, and stop him before it's too late?
Key Animation
Baikinman invades Anpanman's town on a ghost ship. Can Anpanman's crew defeat Baikinman and save Rollpanna and the marines?
Key Animation
One day Anpanman finds a big cloud over the sea, home to the School for Witches. One of the students, Lyrica, makes friends with Anpanman and leaves to join his gang. One night Baikinman and Dokinchan sneak into the teacher's room and steal the magic book, stick and glasses. Baikinman uses great magic, making the school a dark world. Will Lyrica come back to her school and friends ...?
Key Animation
Can Anpanman and friends rescue Princess Olga and regain Tsumiki Island?
Key Animation
Following in the footsteps of manga such as Doraemon and Obake no Q-Taro in that the alien Ganmo (who resembles a chicken wearing sneakers) sets out to help his adopted human friend Hanpeita.
Key Animation
En la víspera de la restauración Meiji, mientras un Japón aletargado despierta y mira hacia el oeste; un tabernero encuentra a un niño llamado Jiro en un barco a la deriva. Un brillante cuchillo acompaña al chiquillo, la Daga de Kamui. Cuando Jiro cumple los trece años, su familia adoptiva es asesinada, y él es acusado por ello. Tenkai, un sacerdote, lo salva, y lo entrena en los misteriosas artes de los Ninja. En busca de venganza por la muerte de su familia adoptiva, Jiro mata al misterioso Ninja de un solo brazo que, por lo que sabía, los había matado.
Key Animation
Professor Schgerda becomes number one in the business of international diamond trade. In order to stop his Stardust Project, Patalliro borrows the strength of Patalliro the 7th and Patalliro the 10th and creates the great Patalliro assembly.