ummu amalia misbah


Air Mata diujung Sajadah
Scenario Writer
The film tells about Aqilla (@titi _kamall) who was lied to by her own mother, Halimah, that her baby died. Halimah handed over baby Aqilla to be raised by the couple Arif (@fedinuril) and Yumna (@citraciki) who had long wanted a child. Seven years later, Aqilla finds out that her son, Baskara (@faqih_alaydruss), is still alive. Agilla tries to get her child back, but on the other hand she cannot bear to take away the small happiness of Arif and Yumna's family. Meanwhile Arif and Yumna also cannot afford to lose Baskara, but they I also feel guilty for taking away Aqilla's only happiness.