Aline Van Dine


Tooth Fairy, Where Are You?
Matilda (voice)
Dottie, a clumsy little fairy with glasses, red curls and a yellow raincoat is training to become a good tooth fairy. One night, it's her turn to make a visit to the house of a little girl named Lori, who had begun to doubt the existence of fairies. Dottie accidentally wakes up Lori as she is searching under her pillow, and even though Lori is very happy to see her, Dottie knows she's broken one of the most important rules of the tooth-fairies. Lori, who also wears glasses and has freckles, invites Dottie to stay in her home for a few days...
En 1926, China vive su particular guerra civil. El vagabundo Ted Beaubien (Kevin Costner) es secuestrado y obligado a presenciar la ejecución de su novia. Luego él consigue escapar y jura vengar la muerte de la mujer a la que amaba con locura. Pero primero tiene que conseguir armas, y no le queda nada de dinero en los bolsillos. Se pone en contacto con su familia, pero le dicen que es un plan descabellado. Ted está solo, y solo tendrá que actuar si quiere vengar la memoria de su novia.