Henri Virlogeux
Nacimiento : 1924-03-22, Nevers, Nièvre, France
Muerte : 1995-12-19
Henri Virlogeux (22 March 1924 – 19 December 1995) was a French actor. He is known for "The 400 Blows" (1959), "Les rois maudits" (1972) and "Schulmeister, espion de l'empereur" (1971). He was married to Véronique Silver. He died on December 19, 1995 in Paris, France.
Source: Article "Henri Virlogeux" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
L'homme sur la terrasse (archive footage)
Documental sobre la vida y obra de Henri-George Clouzot. "L'enfer" (1964) es el título de la película que el director galo no pudo acabar: en primer lugar, el protagonista, Serge Reggiani, enfermó, y fue sustituido por Jean-Louis Trintignant; después, Clouzot sufrió un ataque al corazón que impidió que el proyecto siguiera adelante. En 1992 la viuda de Clouzot vendió el guión a Claude Chabrol, que hizo la película "El infierno" (L'enfer, 1994).
Le curé Lefèvre
A young girl who has been orphaned, meets a man who has recently escaped from an insane asylum. The two pretend to be father and daughter and after falling in love with the man, the girl discovers he is married and vows to kill his wife.
Corinne Vanier is the young and charming secretary of a computer company run by Jacques Touret. For some time now, she has been seeing on her computer screen declarations of love that are as anonymous as they are passionate. Their author, Michel Alliard, a young executive in love, is too shy to dare approach Corinne directly. While trying to obtain more precise information on the identity of her mysterious suitor, Corinne becomes convinced, through an unfortunate combination of circumstances, that he is none other than Jacques Touret, her manager. This is the beginning of a series of misunderstandings.
Isabelle's father
En este drama argumentativo y arriesgado sobre un sentido distorsionado del amor masculino-femenino, Bruno (Jacques Bonnafe), quien claramente no está jugando con un mazo completo, diseña un medio para probar el amor de su novia Isabelle (Ann Gisel Glass). Como Isabelle había estado enamorada de Alain (Xavier Deluc) en el pasado, Bruno invita a Alain a una fiesta sorpresa de cumpleaños para ella en un hotel, ¿qué mejor manera de juzgar sus sentimientos que de reunirlos? Alain llega con su actual novia Lio (Fanny Bastien) para descubrir que la "fiesta" es solo un cuarteto. Poco después de que las dos parejas comienzan la noche, sus corteses exteriores se deterioran a medida que discuten, y siguen y siguen.
Anatole Lonvy
Tom O'Connor (voice)
¡En el lejano Oeste las cosas no marchan bien! ¡Los hermanos Dalton han escapado otra vez de la penitenciaría donde cumplían condena! Naturalmente, Lucky Luke es escogido de inmediato para seguir su rastro y echarles el lazo. Y para ello contará con la inestimable colaboración de su resignado caballo Jolly Jumper y de Rantanplán, el perro más estúpido del Oeste. Pero ésta no es una fuga cualquiera, la pista de los Dalton lleva directamente hacia el norte, hacia Canadá. Allí, los Dalton buscarán refugio en el regazo de su “cariñosa” madre: Mamá Dalton. ¿Serán capaces de renunciar a sus instintos criminales y comenzar una nueva vida? El cowboy solitario tiene serias dudas sobre esta repentina buena conducta y les vigilará de cerca.
Un homme (as Henri Virlogeux)
French television adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's five-act play in verse.
Le notaire
En el futuro año 2000, Jonas (Mick Ford), un inteligente joven errante, conoce a Yoshka (Trevor Howard), un excéntrico anciano. Cuando intiman, éste le cuenta que, inspirándose en el vuelo natural de los pájaros, ha creado en su garaje una máquina que permitirá volar al hombre.
Le passant égaré
The notorious and mysterious criminal Furax steals France's famous monuments, replacing them with replicas.
Le directeur
Paul, a mad but innocent scientist, is asked to design the next ultra-lethal bomb. As his girlfriend has just called it quits, a dog starts to follow Paul around. Paul eventually adopts him, and discovers thanks to him the real meaning of life.
Le père de Pierre
Un joven está convencido de tener vista para los negocios, pero su comportamiento no inspira confianza. Por eso, y bajo seudónimo, inventa una sociedad que poco a poco le hará rico.
Victor Brisquet
At the turn of the century, an unusual woman refuses to become an object to be desired or played with. Instead she wants to succeed on the stage of politics in the Third Republic.
Un hombre de negocios, Xavier Maréchal, acepta encubrir a un amigo suyo que le confiesa el asesinato de un artista, virtuoso de la corrupción y del chantaje. Al día siguiente, le toca al supuesto amigo morir asesinado. Maréchal se encontrará entonces en medio de una maquinación en la que políticos y gángsters estarán dispuestos a cualquier cosa con tal de recuperar un expediente comprometedor.
Le gardien du Louvre #2
When they get wind that Herman Goering wants the Venus de Milo statue removed from the Louvre and added to his private collection of stolen artworks, three Frenchmen decide to take action.
Bernard Revest
Gabriel Axel's penetrating study of the aftermath of a crime. Bernard and Catherine lead a quiet life in retirement, enjoying their occasional sorties to the theatre or the cinema. One night, coming home on the Metro, they are jostled and jeered by a group of young hooligans who follow them out on to the street. Catherine dies. And Bernard, left alone, begins to question all the values he had previously taken for granted.
Panoramix / Iris / Le décurion (voice)
Corre el año 50 A.C. En la Galia, ocupada por los romanos, un pequeño poblado galo resiste de forma victoriosa a los insistentes ataques de los invasores. César sabe que hay que hacer algo para evitar verse humillado y ridiculizado. Por ello obliga a los habitantes del poblado a que elijan dos representantes que deberán superar doce pruebas que sólo los dioses podrían resistir. Lo que no sabe César es que los dos galos elegidos: Astérix, el guerrero, y Obélix, el portador de menhires, cuentan con la ayuda de la poción mágica cuya fórmula secreta solamente conoce el druida Panorámix.
Commissaire Barbier
Two bank robbers, an old and a young, escape from prison to get to the hidden loot.
Clever, cunning and smooth-talking, Reynard the Fox does not lack imagination when it comes to filling his stomach. A masterful puppetry adaptation of the literary cycle of medieval allegorical fables.
Le cardinal Duèze
Set during the reigns of the last five kings of the Capetian dynasty and the first two kings of the House of Valois, Tha Accursed Kings begins as the French King Philip the Fair, already surrounded by scandal and intrigue, brings a curse upon his family when he persecutes the Knights Templar. The succession of monarchs that follows leads France and England to the Hundred Years' War.
Le professeur Tournesol (voice)
Cerca del lago Flechizoft, está el profesor Tornasol, que ha invitado a Tintín y al Capitán Haddock a pasar unas vacaciones. El avión en el que viajan Tintín y Haddock sufre un accidente en extrañas circunstancias. Tras ser salvados por dos pequeños syldavos, finalmente llegan a casa del profesor, quien les muestra su último trabajo: una máquina capaz de reproducir todos los objetos en tres dimensiones. Las infinitas posibilidades que ofrece tal descubrimiento suscitan peligrosas codicias, en particular del odioso Rastapopoulos, dispuesto a todo para apropiarse del genial invento. (FILMAFFINITY)
In the 1930s, in a village in Gironde, Guillou, a young boy in need of affection, nicknamed the Sagouin, unhappy and in need of affection, leads a life of anguish and sadness in a sinister castle. He exasperates his mother who sees in him only the hated reflection of a husband she only married to become a baroness. Thanks to the kindness of the village teacher, Guillou glimpses for a moment the existence of another world, of gentleness and tenderness.
Le magicien d'Afrique (Voice)
He travels to Aladdin's village, identified as being near the border with China, where he enlists Aladdin's help by pretending to be his long-lost uncle and offering to leave his wealth to Aladdin. At one point, the Magician character tells the story of his travels to China, India and Persia and we see a montage of these adventures and it's kind of interesting because of the way it invokes other cultures of the era. There is some unnecessary padding throughout as characters break into songs that do nothing but tell parts of Once upon a time, somewhere in Africa, a local magician dreamed of owning the Magic Lamp. Thanks to a Magic Ball he learned that the Lamp could be found in an Asian village and that only the innocent hand of a young person could snatch it. He traveled to the place, a village called Three Hill City, close to the Chinese border. There lived Aladdin
Scholar #2 (voice)
Cuando siete arqueólogos encuentran un antiguo templo inca, se convierten en víctimas de una antigua maldición. Una vez de regreso en Europa, caen uno por uno en un profundo sueño y solo una vez al día, todos a la vez, se despiertan durante unos minutos y experimentan alucinaciones donde aparece la siniestra momia viviente de Rascar Capac.
Parizel père
In a village in the Ardennes, during the German occupation, finding rations is becoming almost impossible. Clovis, an ordinary labourer, decides to cross the occupied zone to bring back enough potatoes to feed his family. His plan is a success but Clovis rapidly becomes obsessed with storing the precious tubers.
Le Docteur Binz
The Peddler
Aurelia, una excéntrica condesa, está triste porque para ella el mundo es un lugar infeliz y hostil. Cuando se entera de que en París hay una serie de personajes que quieren convertir la ciudad en un inmenso campo petrolífero, se reúne con unas amigas para trazar un plan encaminado a eliminar a todos los especuladores, haciéndoles creer que el petróleo se encuentra en las alcantarillas de la ciudad.
Le maître de philosophie
Le Bourgeois gentilhomme satirizes attempts at social climbing and the bourgeois personality, poking fun both at the vulgar, pretentious middle-class and the vain, snobbish aristocracy. The title is meant as an oxymoron: in Molière's France, a "gentleman" was by definition nobly born, and thus there could be no such thing as a bourgeois gentleman.
Dubois, le percepteur
Un marchante de arte especializado en la compra y venta de cuadros siempre está al acecho de alguna obra rara. Y finalmente la encuentra en el lugar que menos se hubiera podido imaginar. Se trata de un autorretrato de Modigliani que adorna la espalda de un antiguo legionario.
Le savant
un savant
Trabajando en la preparación de un gas, Eugène descubre un gas euforizante capaz de neutralizar al enemigo. Una seductora espía intentará descubrir la fórmula...
Oscar Chartier
Oscar Chartier plays a dangerous double game by selling secret plans to the German and American secret services, to ensure a comfortable future for his daughter, Sophie. But the plans are fake and Chartier decides to get help from his good friend Simon Templar.
Oscar Chartier
Le conservateur du Louvres
A thief (George Chakiris) falls in love with a maid (Marina Vlady) and goes on the run after stealing Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa."
Accomplice of Saroyan
Antoine Marechal sufre un accidente con su coche justo cuando se iba a pasar las vacaciones a Italia, el culpable, el empresario Leopold Saroyan le promete reemplazarle el coche para que no pierda sus vacaciones, y así aprovechar al pobre Antoine para que haga de "mula" conduciendo un cadillac hasta Italia para pasar por la frontera un cargamento de heroína, oro y diamantes, sin que éste lo sepa...
The swaggering Petruchio agrees to marry the spitting hellcat, Katherine.
The second guardian to 'La Santé'
A confused pair of airport luggage carriers get involved in the disappearance of some suitcases.
Un agente secreto se propone detener a un malvado científico que está a punto de desatar en el mundo una cepa biológica virulenta que ha desarrollado durante experimentos con ratas.
Mr. Pelletan's rascal son Bébert son got another F for playing in class. His punishment is an essay on the Merovingian king Dagobert. All they know is he had eight wives and reunited Francia. The ignorant knave's irreverent imagination turns that into a harem and a ludicrous war without armies, loaded with anachronisms, in a race against rival king Charibert for the crown of Reims. The king's right hand, archbishop Eloi, the later patrons saint of carpentry, is portrayed as an inventor.
Legendre, le pharmacien
It's the spring of 1944 and Therese is in a hurry to get back to Paris. The trains aren't running from the village where she has gone to visit her father's grave and to fill two suitcases with food. Some British and American planes have been shot down and the Germans want to know where the pilots are hiding. An acquaintance has clearance to drive to Paris with a truckload of goats. After she is in the truck Therese discovers that two British pilots and an American pilot are back there with the goats. She must get the men on a train to Paris and to a safe house there, where there is no room for the American. Can she leave him at the Metro station trying to figure out the map?
Charles acaba de salir de la cárcel. Su mujer le propone que inviertan sus ahorros para montar un chiringuito en la Costa Azul y comenzar una nueva vida. Pero Charles ya no es joven y lo que desea es dar un último y gran golpe que le permita retirarse a lo grande. Tiene un plan perfecto para acceder a la cámara acorazada de un casino en Cannes, que contiene cien millones de francos. Para llevar a cabo el trabajo cuenta con la complicidad de Francis, un joven compañero de prisión.
Chess Player / Gestapo Court President
Durante el último año de la II Guerra Mundial, un grupo de hermosas jóvenes, prisioneras en un castillo francés, son utilizadas por soldados alemanes para saciar su apetito sexual. (FILMAFFINITY)
Pierjan, un homme de la troupe
André Laroche, an industrialist, has just passed away. Face to his grave, as he is being buried, Anne de Vierne, the wife of a magistrate, confesses to her son François that Laroche was in fact Lupin and that he is his natural child. But he is not the gentleman thief's only offspring! Lupin had indeed another son by a housemaid, Gérard Dagmar, a dancer, magician and - occasionally - burglar. Which complicates the task of François who, to respect the last wishes of the testator, has gone in search of the treasure of Poldavia. For he keeps finding Gérard on his way and his efforts are constantly thwarted by his half-brother. Will Gérard prevent François from becoming the worthy successor to their father or will the two young men decide to join forces? That is the question.
Antonin (segment "La gourmandise") (uncredited)
Película dividida en siete cortos, cada uno de ellos protagonizado por un pecado capital.
Antonin (uncredited)
Valentin travels to the burial of his father who died of indigestion, but stopping to eat on the way causes him to be late for the meal which follows the funeral.
Robert La Rocca y a su amigo Xavier, están condenados en prisión por estar implicados en el asesinato de una banda rival. Cuando salen de la cárcel se muestran dispuestos a cambiar de vida, pero el pasado acabará marcando su destino.
le garde-champêtre
The Fenouillards (Sophie Desmarets and Jean Richard are the parents, Annie Sinigalia and Marie-José Ruíz are the daughters) are shopkeepers with higher aspirations. The Monsieur wants to run for mayor of their town, but the family acknowledges he has little experience of the real world -- and so they all take off to experience it together. After starting out by getting lost, the family goes through an odyssey that takes them to Brazil, the Antarctic, and Japan in a series of episodic adventures.
Dany Robin plays the title character in the French comedy Mimi Pinson. The plot is strictly formula stuff, with Mimi being thwarted on all sides by those who have designs on her money and her virtue. Happily, our heroine triumphs over her foes and predators, finding true romance in the arms of Raymond Pellegrin.
Un employé du Racinet (uncredited)
A young Parisian woman attends a school for coquettes in order to rise in society.
A bossy count has trouble marrying off any of his six sons. When one of them, Adam, finally makes wedding arrangements, something happens to his bride to be: she develops amnesia after an accident.
Le cantonnier
Le garçon d'étage de province
Princesse Nadia Vronskaïa is a veteran con artist who uses her feminine wiles to bilk wealthy, susceptible old men. Inevitably, she outsmarts herself when she falls in love with one of her victims. In concert with her new beau, she turns the tables on her former partners in crime.