Pierre Petit


Mammifères marins - les maîtres des abysses
Camera Operator
2017,  The Disaster Diaries
The year 2017 was marked by several major Atlantic hurricanes (including Harvey, Irma and Maria), flooding in South America and a serious earthquake in Mexico. In Europe, deadly forest fires struck Portugal. Madagascar was flattened by a Category 4 typhoon that wiped out the country’s infrastructure. The financial costs are unprecedented with billions of dollars of damage. Thanks to spectacular footage filmed at the heart of the action, this film shows a selection of the most notable natural disasters to strike this year. Expert analysis and photo-realistic animation allow the audience to understand the forces at work behind these catastrophes.
Angkor redécouvert
Aerial Camera
Weekends of a Perverted Couple
A very sexually active older couple spots Beatrice on the beach and decide to draw her into a threesome.
La brigade en folie
Director of Photography
A police brigade and a financial brigade are sent to Switzerland to dismantle a banking sector.
Los amores de Lady Hamilton
Lady Hamilton, esposa del embajador británico en Napóles, murió en la miseria, volviendo a ser una pobre campesina por culpa de la nobleza inglesa.
Caza sin cuartel
Le Rital es un asesino a sueldo que debe matar a un dictador sudamericano. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dead Run
Director of Photography
A thief gets hold of some top secret papers and is chased around Europe by the sinister Organisation.
Le Saint prend l'affût
The Second Twin
Director of Photography
Middle-aged attorney Pierre falls for a young woman who dances in a discotheque to work her way through medical school. The lovestruck lawyer can't bring himself to leave his wife over the young woman. When the dancer's wealthy suitor is murdered, Pierre is accused of the crime.
Misión especial en Caracas
Director of Photography
Un grupo de exiliados franceses en Venezuela experimenta una bomba de enorme poder destructivo y paralizador ante representantes de una organización anticastrista. Estos compran la bomba por un importante valor en diamantes; junto con ellos se meten en una cartera los planos de la bomba. Para su construcción deben ser enviados a Francia.
Circus Angel
Philippe Avron plays a bumbling burglar whose crime career is a textbook case of failure. One evening, Avron comes upon an abandoned nightgown. Upon donning the garment, he feels he has been transformed into an angel. Avron then joins a strange circus, whence he hopes to dispense goodwill to the other misfits of the world. As with the other works of director Albert Lamorisse (The Red Balloon) Lamorisse, it is virtually impossible to determine where reality leaves off and fantasy takes over in Circus Angel, a fact that was instrumental in the film's winning a "Best Special Effects" award at the Cannes Film Festival.
El hombre de Cocody
Las peripecias de un diplomático, quien de pronto se ve envuelto en un espinoso asunto de tráfico de diamantes y tiene que enfrentarse a los miembros de una secta secreta.
La cena de los cobardes
Camera Operator
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). En la Francia ocupada por las tropas alemanas, un matrimonio que colabora con la Resistencia tiene que tomar una terrible decisión: cuál de sus vecinos será ejecutado por los nazis en represalia por la muerte de un oficial alemán. (FILMAFFINITY)
Coplan prend des risques
Director of Photography
In a factory working for the National Defense, an employee steals a prototype. In charge of the investigation is Francis Coplan.
Death, Where Is Your Victory?
Director of Photography
Feeling complicit in a heinous act of her husband, a woman sinks into decay, then recovers and becomes a nun
Ladies First
Director of Photography
An FBI agent works to arrest David Griffin, a murderous drug trafficker, and protect Juliette, the beautiful widow of Griffin's late partner.
La máscara de hierro
Director of Photography
Adaptación de una novela de Alejandro Dumas. Aunque los parisinos viven en la miseria, Luis XIV (1643-1715) disfruta de toda clase de lujos y placeres. En la corte se conspira para destronarlo, pues se ha sabido que el rey tiene un hermano gemelo que permanece en prisión desde hace muchos años oculto bajo una máscara de hierro. Mazarino le confía al mosquetero D'Artagnan (Jean Marais) la misión de encontrarlo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Arsène Lupin vs. Arsène Lupin
Director of Photography
André Laroche, an industrialist, has just passed away. Face to his grave, as he is being buried, Anne de Vierne, the wife of a magistrate, confesses to her son François that Laroche was in fact Lupin and that he is his natural child. But he is not the gentleman thief's only offspring! Lupin had indeed another son by a housemaid, Gérard Dagmar, a dancer, magician and - occasionally - burglar. Which complicates the task of François who, to respect the last wishes of the testator, has gone in search of the treasure of Poldavia. For he keeps finding Gérard on his way and his efforts are constantly thwarted by his half-brother. Will Gérard prevent François from becoming the worthy successor to their father or will the two young men decide to join forces? That is the question.
La Gamberge
Director of Photography
Les croulants se portent bien
Director of Photography
In his desirable mansion, a widower wants to marry again with a twenty-year old brunette. His children disagree and they tell him so .
Todo el oro del mundo
En la pequeña localidad de Cabosse, los lugareños disfrutan de una gran longevidad. Partiendo de este hecho como reclamo comercial, Victor Hardy se propone construir una urbanización en unos terrenos de poco valor. El único obstáculo es Dumont, un viejo obstinado, que, a diferencia de los demás, se niega a venderle sus tierras.
Marie of the Isles
Director of Photography
Un noble del siglo XVII hace que piratas secuestren al gobernador de una isla tropical.
The Night of the Hunted
Un joven y desafortunado ladrón de Amberes, que trabaja para una banda liderada por Taretta, se pelea con su jefe y lo mata durante una pelea. Con la ayuda de su hermana, trata de deshacerse del cuerpo en el puerto, pero atrae la atención de un vigilante nocturno que busca sacar provecho de la situación.
It Only Happens to the Living
Director of Photography
A young garage owner, Henri, whose business is not going well, fixes the lovely Gloria's car on the road. She suggests he let part of his garage to her friends.
The Tiger Attacks
Paul Lamiani, a wizened mobster, is asked to return to duty following the disappearance of secret documents of extreme importance. It is assumed that they are in the hands of a friend of Paul. But the case becomes even more delicate when Lamiani's son is kidnapped.
Clara and the Villains
Director of Photography
A rich kid, the daughter of an oil tycoon, lives a life of luxury. Bad guys kidnap the heiress.
The Tricyclist
Director of Photography
Antoine Peyralout is baker Mouillefarine's tricycle delivery man. Comical and stuttering, Antoine shows more interest in the local soccer team than in professional integrity. A wedding cake pays the price for it and the young man is dismissed. Not dispirited in the least, Antoine decides to go to Nice, where his favorite team will play the final of the Cup. On his merry (and eventful) way, he has the opportunity to save a pretty camper, Popeline, with whom he falls in love. Once in Nice, he discovers that Dabek, the brilliant goal-keeper is not up to his task following bad news...
Based on Cornell Woolrich's 1940 story, "Cinderella and the Mob"
The Aristocrats
A novel by Michel De Saint Pierre was the source for Les Aristocrates. Pierre Fresnay stars an aging Marquis, who tries his best to uphold the traditions of nobility in an ever-changing world. The Marquis' children prefer the trappings of modern society and pop culture and regard their father as a relic. This cultural clash nearly results in tragedy when two of the Marquis' offspring substitute recklessness for common sense.
Les Hommes en blanc
Director of Photography
La condesa de Castiglione
Director of Photography
La condesa de Castiglione fue considerada la mujer más bella del mundo. Una de las más célebres amantes de Napoleón III. Llegó a París con 19 años, pues su primo Cavour, primer ministro del rey Víctor Manuel II de Cerdeña y Piamonte, la induce para conquistar a Luis Napoleón III, con el propósito de conseguir el apoyo del soberano francés a la causa piamontesa.
Director of Photography
Gregory Iefommovich Raspoutine is a monk with healing powers and a liking for debauchery who manages to insinuate himself into the court of the Romanoffs thanks to Princess Dikvona. Being the only person able to heal he son of Czar Nicolas II and Czarina Alexandra from his hemophilia, he becomes a very powerful man, which infuriates many.A group of nobles, determined to save the monarchy, start conspiring to murder him.
Les corsaires du bois de Boulogne
Tres cantantes callejeros sin éxito deciden, para atraer la atención, convertirse en náufragos. A bordo de una balsa, zarpan de Saint-Tropez y naufragan en la playa vecina. Vuelven a París en olor de multitudes...
Los crímenes del castillo
Director of Photography
Un historiador llega al ducado de Koenigsmark para efectuar ciertas investigaciones. No obstante, se dedica a seducir a la duquesa, a la que salva de las diabólicas intrigas de su ex marido, el duque Federico.
The Forest of Farewell
Director of Photography
A young girl marries a man she doesn't love and delights in humiliating him.
Le crime du Bouif
Director of Photography
A poacher nicknamed "Le Bouif" is accused of having murdered his son-in-law, trainer of a horse stable in Maisons-Laffitte.
La montagne est verte
The Kids Are Leading the Investigation
Director of Photography
When Monsieur Crauqual, the supervisor, is found hanging, all wonder why this rather rich person decided to kill himself. And when a pupil is found hanging too, François and his friends decide to investigate. They are certain there is a killer within the walls of Collège François 1er and determined to prevent him from going on running wild.