Albert Michel

Albert Michel

Nacimiento : 1909-10-03, Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France

Muerte : 1981-07-06


Albert Michel


Le greluchon délicat
La Menace
Henri Savin has managed a trucking company for his lover, Dominique Montlaur, for many years. Now he is planning to leave her for Julie Manet, the woman he has made pregnant, and Dominique is hysterical. She first threatens suicide, then shows up at a meeting of Savin and Julie. Dominique tries everything she can think of to break Savin and Julie apart, to no avail. Frustrated in her efforts, she jumps off a cliff and dies. Savin insists that he and Julie lie to the police about the encounter, although Dominique's death was a suicide and therefore they had no direct hand in it. Detective Waldeck investigates Dominique's death.
Los granujas
The photograph
Robert, alias Pierrot, es un huérfano que, tras escapar del reformatorio a los trece años, ha sido criado como un hijo por Felicia y León, jefe de una banda que se ha quedado paralítico al ser arrojado desde un tercer piso por sus rivales. En 1945, en plena postguerra, cuando la economía es un desastre y la propia policía se reorganiza a duras penas, Pierrot reúne a un grupo de amigos para organizar una banda. (FILMAFFINITY)
Muslo o pechuga
Mr. Morand, Duchemin employee
Louis de Funes interpreta a un prestigioso crítico gastronómico que edita la guía "Duchemin", y donde valora la calidad de los restaurantes... a los cuales acude disfrazado.
Les trois soeurs
Olga, Masha, and Irina Prozoroff lead lonely and purposeless lives following the death of their father who has commanded the local army post. Olga attempts to find satisfaction in teaching but secretly longs for a home and family. Masha, unhappy with her marriage to a timid schoolmaster, falls hopelessly in love with a married colonel. Irina works in the local telegraph office but longs for gaiety. Their sense of futility is increased by their brother's marriage to Natasha, a coarse peasant girl. She gradually encroaches on the family home until even the private refuge of the sisters is destroyed. They dream of starting a new life in Moscow but are saddled with the practicalities of their quiet existence. Despite their past failures, they resolve to seek some purpose and hope when the army post is withdrawn from the town.
Un amour de pluie
Cafe customer
Elizabeth and her daughter Cecile spend their holidays at a lakeside resort in the French mountains. Elizabeth falls in love with a strange Italian, Giovanni, while young Cecile is courted by an apprentice cook. It seems that mother and daughter are drifting apart from each other, but then their holidays are over.
Hassan Terro's Escape
Directed by Mustapha Badie.
Private Screening
Le concierge de Denis
Complications abound in this French film, which tells the story of a filmmaker who is attempting to put his real life into a movie; his interactions with the people in the movie he is filming create reverberations in his "real" life, although the past remains unchanged. Among the complications is his growing regard for the woman who plays his cinematic wife. She may wind up replacing his actual wife in real life. One of the highlights of this film is the insight it gives into the actual mechanics of filmmaking.
The Donkey of Zigliara
Maddalena finds that her donkey has reappeared after being missing for months. However, on the same day, a donkey disappears in a neighboring village. The unfortunate coincidence leads to "war" between the two villages.
El ejército de las sombras
Philippe Gerbier es un ingeniero civil que ha entregado todos sus esfuerzos a la valerosa resistencia francesa, de la que es uno de sus máximos responsables. Pero llega el día en que la policía colaboracionista le captura, siendo retenido en un campo de concentración bajo atenta vigilancia. Tras un traslado logrará escapar improvisando una fuga relámpago. A partir de ese momento viviremos con su testimonio el día a día de la resistencia y sus dificultades ante el poderoso invasor.
Les gros malins
Le patron du bistrot
Under the Sign of the Bull
Le bistrot ferrailleur
Gracias a la financiación de Jérôme, su cuñado, el inventor Albert Raynal logra desarrollar un revolucionario cohete espacial. Desafortunadamente el cohete estalla en su primer vuelo de prueba, lo que hace que Jérôme le retire el soporte. Dispuesto a no abandonar su idea, Raynal buscará desesperadamente los fondos que le permitan completar su proyecto. (FILMAFFINITY)
La noche del dia siguiente
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Una joven llega al aeropuerto parisino de Orly y, en cuanto baja del avión, es secuestrada por tres desconocidos: el conductor del coche, un hombre muy corpulento y una rubia de gran parecido físico con la azafata del avión en el que viajaba. Los secuestradores la llevan a un caserón apartado y la dejan al cuidado de un sujeto llamado Leer, hombre de malos instintos con quien la rehén corre un gran peligro. Mientras tanto, los secuestradores se ponen en contacto con el padre de la muchacha, al que piden un fuerte rescate a cambio de la vida de su hija. (FILMAFFINITY)
Bajo el signo de Montecristo
Albert Michel
Edmond Dantes participa, activamente, en la resistencia contra los nazis, y, por el contrario, es acusado de ser colaborador del Tercer Reich. Así, está preso en la fortaleza de Sisteron.
Don't Play with Martians
Dos periodistas incompetentes son enviados a una isla de Bretaña para hacer un reportaje sobre unos quintillizos. A la enfermera de la isla, Yvonne, le gustan las fantasías, y anuncia que los extraterrestres han desembarcado en Locmaria. Entonces llegan unos de verdad para averiguar qué está pasando, la mujer da a luz sixtillizos, y la enfermera descubre que el padre es un extraterrestre, que vuelve con la mujer y los hijos a su planeta.
El imperio de los canallas
Un grupo de atracadores trata de conseguir el robo perfecto. Uno de ellos llevaba 15 años alejado del oficio, pero, cuando un antiguo colega aparece, no puede resistir la tentación de un nuevo golpe. Todo está medido al detalle, pero... (FILMAFFINITY)
Les compagnons de la marguerite
Le charcutier
Jean-Louis Matouzec works for French National Library as an expert looking after the restoration of old manuscripts.He falsifies marriage certificates as his wife refuses divorce.
Hasta el último aliento
Marcel le Stéphanois
Gustave Manda es un peligroso criminal que, después de escapar de prisión, va a París para reunirse con sus socios y se ve envuelto en una matanza entre bandas rivales. Antes de abandonar el país, Gu necesita dar un último golpe para conseguir dinero, pero es perseguido por el inspector Blot. (FILMAFFINITY)
El falsificador de Argenteuil
le patron du bistro
Tulipe es un anciano jubilado que vive solo en un antiguo vagón, y que tiene como afición cultivar tranquilamente su jardín y la pintura al óleo, pero también tiene una fuente secreta de ingresos. Su ahijado, Noel, descubre que Tulipe es en realidad un maestro falsificador, que produce copias perfectas de billetes de 10 francos. La novia de Noel ve en esto esto una oportunidad de volverse ricos, pero deben convencer a Tulipe de falsificar billetes de 500 francos.
María Chantal contra Dr. Kha
En un tren con destino a Suiza, un agente secreto, Bruno Kerrien, roba una valiosa joya destinada al despiadado Dr. Kha y la entrega a una rica viajera, Marie-Chantal, para su custodia. Convencidos de que él todavía tiene la joya, un enjambre de agentes extranjeros persiguen a Kerrien y le capturan. Ahora que sabe que Kerrien no tiene la joya, Marie-Chantal está en peligro...
La Bonne Planque
Inspector Péquinet
Male Companion
Monsieur Leroux (uncredited)
Antoine es un tipo que ha llevado una vida a lo grande, sin trabajar, gracias a la fortuna de su abuelo. Se pasa los días pescando y perdiendo el tiempo. Pero cuando su abuelo muere, el dinero se acaba, y Antoine tiene que aprender a buscarse el sustento por sí mismo. En su periplo tendrá que relacionarse con diversos individuos de distinto pelaje.
Un ratón entre los hombres
Le caissier du 'Bon Marché'
Dos hombres honrados durante el día, por la noche se transforman en ladrones expertos. Sin embargo, serán sorprendidos por la jovencita Lucila, y estarán obligados a admitirla en la banda. Ella les propondrá robar en casa de su tía rica. (FILMAFFINITY)
Maigret, terror del hampa
Le concierge de l'hôtel
Tres americanos disparan sobre un transeúnte. El inspector Quevedos asiste al homicidio y alerta a la policía, pero cuando llegan, el cuerpo desaparece. Poco después, Quevedos es raptado por los gángsters que quieren saber qué se hizo con el cuerpo. Maigret (interpretado por tercera y última vez por Jean Gabin) lleva la investigación. (FILMAFFINITY)
Thank Heaven for Small Favors
Bad financial conditions compel an aristocratic family to do strange work.
L'auberge de l'ange gardien
Le garde-champêtre
Las cuatro verdades
Un collègue de Charles
Cuatro historias, basadas en cuatro fábulas de Lafontaine, muestran a una mujer que intenta recuperar a su marido; a un infeliz que quiere suicidarse; a un hombre celoso que llega a asociarse con su rival, y a una pareja que se queda encerrada en un apartamento.
Los siete pecados capitales
Película dividida en siete cortos, cada uno de ellos protagonizado por un pecado capital.
La gourmandise
Swiss at the church (uncredited)
Valentin travels to the burial of his father who died of indigestion, but stopping to eat on the way causes him to be late for the meal which follows the funeral.
The Counterfeiters of Paris
Charles Lepicard, Lucas Malvoisin y Éric Masson pretenden falsificar billetes. Éric cree tener bajo manga a un grabador sin igual, el de un tal Mandarès (ahora preso), Robert Mideau, le "Cave", es decir, en el argot de los truhanes, un ser ordinario, crédulo e ignorante. Pero el fraude no se puede hacer sin Ferdinand Maréchal alias "Le Dabe", antiguo falsificador de élite. Retirado en Venezuela tras un golpe frustrado, recibe la visita de Charles que le propone un último negocio con los florines, la misma moneda del golpe frustrado. Le Dabe acepta y viaja a París. El equipo se pone a trabajar.
La verdad
Un journaliste (uncredited)
Dominique Marceau es juzgada por el asesinato de Gilbert Tellier, un músico lleno de talento recién salido del Conservatorio. Los abogados intentan encontrar un móvil que explique su conducta. ¿Pasión, venganza o accidente? Entre los testigos están los conocidos de Gilbert, los antiguos amantes de Dominique y, además, su hermana Anne, estudiante de violín y prometida de Gilbert. Los datos que van proporcionando los testigos permiten reconstruir las personalidades de Dominique y Gilbert y son más útiles que las elocuentes alegaciones de los abogados.
The Baron of the Locks
Guest of the hostel
The lucky Baron wins a boat in a card game and takes off with his former lover to find new adventures. Adverse circumstances land them in a small town, where the Baron's seafaring companion leaves for more attractive scenery offered by a wealthy local man. Meanwhile, there is a certain charming cafe owner that the Baron finds irresistible -- at least for awhile.
La Marraine de Charley
Gangster Boss
Le voisin d'en face
In Paris, scoundrel mates Paolo and Antoine Venturen hope to get rich quick by asking ransom fro rich Mr. Jumelin's preteen son Eric. Masquerading as Indians, the scamp's favorite game, does the trick. They soon learn such bratty rascal is more trouble then he's worth. The boy's a P.I. instead of paying, and it gets worse.
Serenade of Texas
Albert, un employé du magasin
Music seller and singer on occasion, Jacques Gardel learns from master Jérôme Quilleboeuf that he inherits oil fields located in Big Bend in Texas.
Sins of Youth
Un joueur de billard
In a small provincial town, the boarding-house is run by Mathilde Belin, the overindulging and over-demanding mother of Paul. When she is told by her envious sister Charlotte that her son is having a secret affair with Catherine, a salesgirl, she becomes furious and starts doing everything in her power to separate the lovebirds.
En caso de desgracia
Eugène, le patron du bazar (uncredited)
André, un abogado casado, deberá defender el caso de Yvette, una bella muchacha acusada de hurto. Durante la preparación de su defensa, él se sentirá atraído por ella hasta el punto que no verá que ella no está siendo sincera con él.
Le temps des oeufs durs
Mr Charretier, le concierge
De espaldas a la pared
le concierge
Jacques Decrey, un industrial, descubre que su esposa Gloria tiene un amante. Haciéndose pasar por un hombre llamado Berthier, él la chantajea. Después de un tiempo, Decrey decide hacer ver que Yves Normand, un joven actor desempleado y amante de Gloria, es el chantajista. Pero al hacerlo, ha desatado una máquina infernal...
Todos pueden matarme
Le gardien-brigadier Bricart
Cinco hombres llevan a cabo un atraco perfecto, y después ingresan en prisión por delitos menores para evitar cualquier tipo de sospechas. Sin embargo, uno a uno comienzan a morir. (
Puerta de las lilas
the grocer (uncredited)
Juju, un borracho patán que siente la necesidad de ser importante para alguien, y su amigo El Artista son forzados a punta de pistola a alojar a un fugitivo, Pierre Barbier, en la casa destartalada de Juju. La necesidad de ser necesitado es tal en Juju que deja de beber y cuida de Pierre. Pero un día Juju descubre que Pierre ha estado haciendo el amor con su chica María....
Vacances explosives
Le camionneur qui transporte le tableau
Arlette thinks she has made a wonderful gift to her daughter Sylvie, who has just married François Morel, a young journalist. And, to tell the truth, not everybody receives a posh little bar like the Royal Montmartre as a gift. The trouble is that Monsieur Jo, the former owner of the joint is also the boss of a gang of drug traffickers. And that he has managed to persuade the pair of naive lovebirds to drop a painting to a friend on their way to their honeymoon place. Now the picture is stuffed with drugs! The honeymoon trip promises to be eventful...
El jorobado de Notre Dame
Night Watchman
Adaptación del clásico de Victor Hugo, con una exuberante Gina Lollobrigida como Esmeralda y el siempre excelente Anthony Quinn interpretando al tierno jorobado enamorado de la bella zíngara.
Le garde chasse
"Poisoner" - After her fiancé is arrested Claire finds herself alone and forced to find work. She is hired by a country squire, Etienne de Montenoy, as the tutor of his goddaughter. It does not take long before Montenoy falls for her but a little longer before the young woman, reluctant at first, understands Etienne loves her truly and then requites his love. Etienne lives so happily with her that he decides to make her his heir. Shortly after, he is murdered by poison...
La travesía de París
Concierge of the rue de Turenne (uncredited)
Durante la ocupación nazi de París, un torpe e ingenuo estraperlista se ve obligado a pedir ayuda a un extraño individuo que dice ser pintor para poder transportar en varias maletas un cerdo troceado. Juntos tendrán que cruzar la ciudad en plena noche. (FILMAFFINITY)
Blood to the Head
Duleux, le chef de gare (uncredited)
François Cardinaud is one of the richest shipowners in the region. But this success arouses resentment and jealousy. When Marthe, his wife, leaves the home without warning, Cardinaud sees her life cracking little by little.
The Little Rebels
L'agriculteur voisin demandant l'échelle
Judge Julien Lamy regularly deals with the welfare of children, namely down on their luck delinquents. When an orphan named Alain Robert burns down a barn belonging to his abusive foster family, Judge Lamy has no choice but to send him to a juvenile jail. There he meets an older boy named Francis Lanoux, who is desperate to escape and be reunited with his girlfriend Sylvette. The boys eventually flee the institution, as Francis goes in search of his lost love and Alain continues looking for his parents. Unfortunately, the little rebels run into some big problems once on the outside.
Hi-Jack Highway
Le facteur
A trucker encounters a dead body on the road home. He reports the incident to the police, who suspect that Jean was responsible for the death, and his new truck is impounded. To make matters worse, the man's widow accuses him of having robbed her husband, and a gang of sinister crooks are also harassing him.
Papa, Mama, My Wife and Me
L'employé S.N.C.F. (uncredited)
Robert Langlois is now married to Catherine, the former housemaid. And they would live happily ever after if the housing crisis did not force them to live together with Gabrielle and Fernand, Robert's parents. For, despite the good will on either side, tension soon arises. What else to expect when there is too little space in their Montmartre apartment for four people (then for six then eight, the couple having... two pairs of twins!) ; the continued presence there of Fernand (who loves peace and quiet) after he is driven to retirement ; the difficult beginnings of Robert as a lawyer in a room of the apartment, etc... Other troubles follow and the harried family is on the verge of implosion...
The Fugitives
Un prisonnier
During WW2, three prisoners escape from a labor camp.
Les Hommes en blanc
Un paysan
Count of Bragelonne
Le gardien (uncredited)
Raoul De Bragelonne must uphold his musketeer father's legacy in the face of court intrigues from Cardinal Mazarin.
Papa, Maman, la Bonne et moi
Le souffleur à la représentation (as Albert-Michel)
El rojo y el negro
Le sonneur
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Stendhal. Francia, Siglo XIX. Julian es un tipo sin escrúpulos, capaz de cualquier cosa con tal de ascender en la escala social. Aunque es hijo de un carpintero, en lugar de trabajar como sus hermanos, él se pasa el tiempo leyendo libros.
Le réptionniste de l'hôtel rouennais
Hélène and Aldo Giovanni are a circus trapeze double act and a couple. Aldo is temporarily replaced by former-partner Alexandre when the former is injured. The two get into a fight and the following day Alexandre is discovered dead. Hélène suspects her husband is responsible for the murder.
The Sheep Has Five Legs
Le patron du bistrot
A publicity-minded French mayor reunites quintuplets and their earthy father, all six played by Fernandel.
The Secrets of the Bed
Un déménageur
Four-episode Franco-Italian omnibus film. Four men from different national and cultural background take refuge in a cabin after being sidetracked by bad weather on their way to conference.
The Rebels of Lomanach
Le soldat qui se rase
A young woman has a perilous affair with a General from the opposing side during the Revolutionary war.
Tres destinos de mujer
Un moine (segment "Jeanne") (uncredited)
Tres episodios: un hombre al que nunca vemos presenta a las tres protagonistas del film. Elizabeth, una víctima de la II Guerra Mundial; Juana, que hizo la guerra, y Lisístrata, que luchó contra la guerra.
Los vencidos
Georges's father
Tras la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865), un oficial confederado llega a su pueblo dispuesto a acabar con los abusos y la arbitrariedad del gobernador, un hombre sin escrúpulos y dominado por la avaricia. Esta situación era muy frecuente en los estados del Sur, que fueron ocupados por tropas yanquis al terminar la guerra.
The Last Robin Hood
Un gendarme
While Ludovic Dubois, a young summer camp monitor in Saint-Benoît, entertains the children by playing Robin Hood, the lord's niece is kidnapped by her uncle, in the castle next door. Helped by the children and the customs inspector, the last of the Robin Hoods will free the "Princess Isabelle", and will end up marrying her.
Follow That Man
Le contrôleur de la prison
While celebrating his birthday, police inspector Basquier (Bernard Blier) recalls two of his most-celebrated cases. The first involves duplicitous moneylender Olga (Suzy Prin). The second concerns the brutal broad-daylight murder of innocent young Yvonne (Veronique Deschamps).
The Midnight Witness
Jacques Montet, a successful crime story writer, has already written a hundred books and would like to call it quits now to devote himself to loftier writing. But his wife, a cold-hearted, money-minded, bossy woman won't allow. All the more as she is the one who supplies Jacques with the plots of his detective stories. When Jacques, yearning for true love, meets young, pretty Muriel, he can't stand the situation any longer. Fortunately - for him - the plot of the 101st detective story imagined by his wife is about a ... perfect crime. He simply has to follow her instructions to ... get rid of her. Everything goes according to plan until Jacques discovers a scary detail: the presence of a mysterious witness on the scene of the crime.
Mujeres soñadas
Le facteur
Un modesto profesor de piano opta por evadirse a través de sus sueños de la triste realidad que lo rodea. En primer lugar se traslada al reinado de Luis XIII. En cada una de las épocas que visita obtendrá el amor de una mujer.
Rayés des vivants
With the help of a social worker and Isabelle, Pierre, a delinquent influenced by Marcelle, undertakes a slow and difficult reintegration.
The Moment of Truth
Le second comédien en tournée
Una llamada de última hora obliga al doctor Pierre Richard a retrasar su regreso a casa justo el día que va a celebrar su aniversario de bodas con Madeleine, su esposa. Al atender al artista Daniel Prevost en su habitación, ve una fotografía de su esposa sobre la mesita de noche. Al regresar a su casa, Richard exige explicaciones a Madeleine, quien le confiesa los detalles de su aventura con Daniel.
Full House
Le brigadier (uncredited)
Anthology film with three shorts each featuring a famous detective: Monsieur Wens, Lemmy Caution and Maigret.
Drôle de noce
Cornil's son
Mr and Mrs Barbezat,Concierges are to marry their only daughter to a butcher's boy. Both the in-laws and the groom have an obsession: come what may, they are keen on honoring their engagements: promises are made to be kept is their motto. And when, on the wedding day, the unfortunate parents cannot provide the newly weds with...the "Mérinos" mattress which is part of the bride's Trousseau ,they are desperate. The husband will spend the whole wedding festivities trying to keep his word.
Rooster in dough
A famous lawyer is irritated to see his fiancée spending her time trying to educate Languille, a tramp. Wanting to discourage his Saint-Bernard side, he asks a young engineer to introduce himself to her, under the guise of a tramp. But his plan turns against him, because the young man falls in love with his beautiful.
Matrimonial Agency
The fisherman (uncredited)
Noël is a bachelor who inherits a matrimonial agency. After contemplating selling it, he chooses to manage it.
In 1786, Jocelyn entered the Seminary. He leaves his share of the inheritance to his younger sister Julie. In 1793, on the point of being ordained a priest, the Revolution forced him to take refuge in the Alps. There he meets Laurence, first disguised as a young boy. A great friendship binds them which turns into love when Jocelyn discovers the girl's true identity. Yet faithful to the promise he made to the Superior of his Seminary, Jocelyn will not abandon his faith.
Paris Still Sings!
An agent (uncredited)
A famous comedian decrees that his fortune will go to whoever collects as many pop star autographs as quickly as possible. When he dies, two cousins ​​embark on the race for signatures.
Alone in Paris
Le 1er employé du commissariat
Henri and Jeannette Milliard, a newly married couple from Normandy arrive in Paris where they intend to spend their honeymoon. Unforfunately a wicket gate in the metro separates the couple. In panic, Henri looks for his wife across the capital. He ends up finding her at the hotel they were to put up. But it looks as if Jeannette has gone through some distressing adventure.
The Cape of Hope
Un joueur de cartes
Lyria, a faded beauty who runs a seedy waterfront bar, is madly in love with Bob, a crooked attorney. Bob can't bring himself to confess his love for Minnie, the pretty daughter of Simon, a safe cracker. In order to run away with her, Bob, one of the masterminds of a big-time robbery, betrays his friends. But Lyria, who has found out what is happening, makes Minnie fall into a deadly trap.
Antoine (uncredited)
Back from the war, Marceau Le Guern remembers. Educated in an orphanage run by Dominican brothers, he fell into misery when he left it. His only asset was his good looks, which did not escape the attention of Madame Alice, a shady woman who persuaded him to pose for pornographic photos meant for lonely aging women. Marceau also served as a gigolo before the war and captivity put an end to this juicy business. Now he wants to start a new life, all the more as ha has found love in the person of a pure young lady named Dominique. But Madame Alice won't hear of it...
The Prettiest Sin in the World
The servant (uncredited)
Zoé, a pretty penniless girl, decides on the advice of her neighbor to embark on gallantry. After a brief failure, she meets a young boy, Jacques Lebreton who is about to get married. After causing the failure of this arranged marriage, she will have to play the role of wife of Jacques with his family, until the arrival of the uncle from America.
Shadow and Light
le patron
A few years ago, Isabelle Leritz, a famous pianist, suffered a fit of madness, in the middle of a concert. Now recovered, she fell in love with Jacques whom she plans to marry. She does not know that he is having an affair with Caroline, his sister, director of a fashion house.
Les petites Cardinal
The Gendarme (uncredited)
Napoleon III, the Commune, the third Republic in the background. In the foreground, two pretty, talented sisters, Virginie and Pauline Cardinal. They are ballerinas at the Opera de Paris and very much courted by wealthy, elegant men. They will manage to climb in the society of their time, despite parents set on respectability but also attracted by money.
My Seal and Them
Le poissonnier
A diplomat and fast liver, François lives the good life until, one day, he is unfortunate enough to win...a seal in a raffle. From this day on his everyday life becomes complicated, to say nothing of his sentimental life. Gabrielle, his all too serious girlfriend, can't stand the heat and calls it quits. But English girls like charming Diana don't mind seals...!
Tomorrow We Get Divorced
Max and Colette often bother the lawyer Vermorel to initiate divorce proceedings, then everything calms down. An anonymous letter escalates the disputes, it borders on disaster but living together has obvious charms.
Without Leaving an Address
Monsieur Marpin - un futur papa
A woman in Paris hires a taxi driver to locate her ex-lover, father to her newborn child, who left her without leaving an address.
The Glass Castle
Le charmeur d'oiseaux
Evelyne, a judge's young wife, falls in love with Rémy while vacationing in Italy. Upon returning home, she must decide between telling her husband and continuing to see Rémy.
The King of the Bla Bla Bla
Prosper Bourrache, who has the gift of the gab, is natural born street vendor. Due to a mistake he gets involved in the burglary of a shady banker's house. In fact, the whole operation is a setup. But Prosper will finally get away with it, have the crooked financier arrested and pinch his girlfriend away from him.
Paris Incident
The cafe owner
Story is primarily based on the adventures of Antoine, a young telegraph messenger on his second night of work. He is given three telegrams, one of which is for the president of the Camber of Deputies. Excited, Antoine runs his bicycle into a truck and loses the telegrams. What follows is an amusing and agonizing search for the missing messages. He is assisted first by a glum, wise-beyond-her-years little girl, Amelie; an off-duty police superintendent, a schoolmaster, a cookie-tin maker and a fireman. The harmonica musical theme is played by Flore Falvey.
God Needs Men
Le Bail
The inhabitants of a Scottish island in the 19th century follow their own religion without need for clergy, but as strangers arrive, their faith and beliefs face a deep crisis.
Justicia cumplida
Le gendarme porteur de la convocation (uncredited)
Elsa Lundestein, criada de Maurice Vaudreamont, le ayuda en todas sus investigaciones, ya que éste está afectado por un cáncer. Sin embargo Maurice consigue que Elsa le prometa que acabará con su vida en caso de que sus investigaciones no obtengan resultados. El problema es cuando el suceso es visto ante un jurado.
Bed for Two
The SNCF controller
Robert Bobin has been an assistant accountant for twenty years now and, although meek and obedient, is getting weary of his monotonous, limited life. He tries marriage but, unfortunately, Blanche, the nurse he marries, proves to be a shrew. One day, a miracle happens : Michèle, a young orphan and fellow-worker gradually develops tender feelings for him. But will Robert be able to overcome his mediocrity and grasp this unexpected opportunity to find happiness?
Cartouche, King of Paris
The romantic life of the head of a bandit gang, wanted by the police. Cartouche gets away with being deported to Louisiana after unmasking a plot by a Duke against the throne.
Prelude to Glory
Roberto, a 10-year-old boy, is drawn to music. An old organist discovers his gifts, and begins his musical education which will lead him to the head of an orchestra.
My Friend Sainfoin
The honeymoon in Italy of Guillaume and Eugénie de Puycharmois escorted by friend Sainfoin, a second-hand driver. Sainfoin's humor displeases Eugenie. Guillaume takes the wheel in such a way that it is necessary to hire a "driver", Yolande. Jealous, Eugenie asks Sainfoin to conquer Yolande. In the working car, two happy couples drive through the Italian landscapes.
Le 84 prend des vacances
Gaston Bernod is a Parisian bus driver. Honest, upright and hard-working, he is held in high esteem by his superiors. Gaston has always pampered "his" bus, going as far as to equip it with a fuel-saving device of his invention. Very close to his vehicle, he may have somewhat neglected his wife Paulette, who lets herself got round by the smooth words of Pierrot. The gigolo has indeed managed to persuade her to follow him to the Mont Saint-Michel, "a wonderful nest for their burgeoning love" as he says. The trouble is that Gaston, while driving his dear 84, catches sight of the car, and suddenly aware of his misfortune, sees red. He immediately sets off in pursuit of the culprits, involving his load of helpless passengers in the chase.
A Night at a Honeymoon
Gaston wants more than anything to marry the naive Simone. But where he is, there is Sidonie, a local singer romantically pursued by the police commissionaire.
A defendant (uncredited)
A young rogue kills an old lady to rob her. Arrested, he believes it is for this crime, hides nothing from his lawyer, who soon tells him that he is only accused of another theft prior to his crime. Sentenced to six months suspended prison sentence, he will also have to answer for the crime of the old lady.
Keep an Eye on Amelia
Young Amélie is currently enjoying life as the kept woman of her reasonably well off boyfriend Étienne. But when Étienne is called off for military duty, he enlists his playboy friend Marcel to keep an eye on her....something of a problem seeing that he is currently looking for a woman with which to create a sham marriage so he can quickly inherit a large sum of money from his father. Then suddenly the Prince of Palestra enters into the picture and boldly asks for Étienne's romantic favors to assess whether or not he would consider taking her as his bride. What's a free-spirited girl to do?
A Royal Affair
Mme Beaudrier, the wife of a Parliamentary Senator, hurls a pastry at visiting King Joan IV of Cerdagne, sparking off a series of farcical events involving all levels of the government and their mistresses.
Ève et le serpent
Georges, a medical student, falls in love with Louisette, his pretty neighbor, and gets engaged to her. They are as happy as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. One small hitch is that Georges' father has serious money troubles and cannot support his son anymore. But what does it matter? Georges and Louisette just have to find work. The latter is hired by a rich tenant of the apartment building she lives in with her fiancé. Another hitch lies in the fact that Monsieur Grompat, her employer is a bit like the serpent in the Book of Genesis : he only aims to tempt her and to seduce her out of the arms of Georges. But Louisette is not Eve and she manages to emerge unscathed from the adventure. She will live happily with the man of her heart for the rest of her days.
Just Out
Satire of publishing circles, featuring a ferocious boss, Moscat, a successful but handsome author, Maréchal, another successful but bitter author, Bourgine, a writer plagued with ambition, Brégaillon and the hero, Marc Fournier Zola Prize winner. Naive, the latter quickly becomes formidable, especially since his wife's infidelities have provided him with the material for a new novel.
Mademoiselle de la Ferté
Le facteur
Anne seeks revenge on Jacques who betrayed her trust. She decides to poison him and the people close to him.
Un moine (uncredited)
Lovers since childhood, Sylvain and Angelina do not see their lives separated from each other. However, Sylvain is sent to war and the young woman desperately awaits his return. Years pass and the latter is forced by her father to marry Jean-Marie, a man she does not love. One day, while Angelica and her family are climbing in the Alps, an avalanche sweeps them away. Safe and sound, she comes face to face with her childhood sweetheart, Sylvain.
Thus Finishes the Night
The inspector
In the train that takes her back home, Catheine Beryl meets concert pianist André Fuger, a childhood friend of her husband's. The musician is both good-looking and seductive and Catherine soon falls for his charms. The two young people spend the evening and the following night together. The next day, a lost powder compact gives the affair away. At a loss, Catherine runs away from her husband but she has an accident. When she regains consciousness in her hospital bed, Catherine finds Georges, her husband, by her side, pretending nothing has happened.
I Love Only You
Un garçon de café du Négresco (uncredited)
Ronaldo, a singer with the growing reputation dedicating himself body and soul to his art, sacrificing his marriage.
The Cupid Club
Le gardien
Isabelle is a lawyer who has Flip, a private detective, convicted of speeding. But shortly after, a murder is committed of which Isabelle's best friend is suspected. To save her, Isabelle is forced, despite her reluctance, to ask Flip for help, who agrees to look for the culprit.
La bataille du feu
Activities and exploits of firefighters in the context of a village then the capital and under the bombardments of the Second World War where the saving of lives was more important than that of factories.
Jo la Romance
The valet
For love, the singer Georges Hyverlin gives up his profession to work with his father-in-law in his car factory. When the passion for song takes him back, he manages to resume his career thanks to the support of his wife Martine.
L'échafaud peut attendre
Male nurse
A trio of criminals gradually become entangled in theft and crime. Serge is arrested, his mistress, Hélène, and his accomplice, Michel, both become lovers, try to exonerate him and use false fingerprints first, then after Serge's conviction, gloves covered with the same fingerprints of the prisoner.
Fantomas 4: Fantomas contra Fantomas
Un agent (uncredited)
El inspector Juve decide enfrentarse al maestro del disfraz Fantomas, utilizando sus mismas armas. Cuarta entrega del serial dirigido por Louis Feuillade, basada en los folletines de Pierre Souvestre y Marcel Allain. En esta ocasión, la novela adaptada fue "El policía apache".
Jean de la Lune
Stamped gentleman (uncredited)
Marceline is pretty but inconstant. She has a brother, eccentric as well as invading, who serves as a go-between between the fickle young woman and her lovers. She has been the mistress of Richard for a while when Jeff, an engaging but but unrepentant dreamer, falls madly in love with her. Marceline first turns him down but finally accepts him after she breaks up with Richard. But the coquette has not given up her escapades to which the young florist, nicknamed "Jean de la Lune" for his naivety, turns a blind eye. Little time after their wedding , Marceline becomes infatuated with the good looks of a superficial young man, Alexandre. But Jeff, who has developed a fondness for Jean, intervenes to save the couple.
The Cupboard Was Bare
The aunt of Alfred Puc, a meek tax-collector in Paris, dies while riding in a moving van. The driver, not wishing to be bothered by a police interrogation, hides her corpse in a cupboard before notifying Alfred. But the van is stolen. Alfred, being the heir of a rich lady, begins a frantic search to locate the missing van and the cupboard because one can't claim an inheritance if there is no 'corpus delecti.' In his search, he gets caught up in an underworld web and finds the body of a murdered gangster in his room. He finally locates the cupboard but promptly loses it again. But, wait, it isn't "finis' time, yet.
Cité de l'espérance
Father La Fraise
The City of Hope is the place where left-behind artists subsist by scraping by. When one of them is accused of murder, all try to find the real culprit.
Man to Men
The story of the Swiss soldier, Henri Dunant, who was responsible for the founding of the Red Cross, and who was offered the first Nobel Peace Prize.
Monsieur Coignard - le sous-directeur de la banque (uncredited)
A beautiful young pianist falls for her mentor.
Cruise for the Unknown One
The bosun
Kohlman, the attorney for the Fournil bank, diverts money from the institution. To hide his malpractices, he imagines to remove the director, the young and overconfident Clement Fournil, during a cruise at sea on the yacht Emile Frechisse.
The Killer is Listening
April fools in a studio where a radio host pretends to shoot dead all the performers....till a true crime occurs.
Danger of Death
Loiseau the pharmacist mistakenly mixes potassium cyanide into a batch of cough syrup and sells five bottles. With horror he discovers his mistake and sets out to find the buyers. He finds only four. The fifth, not a regular customer, comes back to the pharmacy...
Third at Heart
Maitre de Latour Martin had been reported missing during the war. Peace returned, he finds his two wives. Guilty of bigamy, he shelters the ladies in his home and a third woman arrives whom a dowry hunter had married thanks to the papers lost by the lawyer. Life at four is stormy and Maitre Latour regrets his life as a soldier.
A Cop
Georges, hunted by the Germans, had taken refuge with his brother, Commissioner PJ Paris. Once released, he teams up for the sake of a girl with the lackluster Zattore. A bank is robbed, but the police is fast and Georges will either lose his life.
El diablo en el cuerpo
Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Basada en un polémica novela escrita en 1923 por Raymond Radiguet. Narra la relación amorosa entre un adolescente y una joven cuyo marido está en el frente. A pesar de su éxito, tuvo problemas con la censura en varios países. En 1986, el director italiano Marco Bellocchio hizo otra adaptación del mismo título, pero ambientada en los ochenta.
Last Chance Castle
Rather than commit suicide, it is better to stay at the clinic of Professor Patureau-Duparc. This practitioner experiments on his clients with a serum that modifies their personality. Thus Yolande and Albert become new Romeo and Juliet. They end up marrying each other after having regained their primitive selves. Their married life is then a hell and they welcome with joy the proposal of a new injection of serum.
Last Chance Castle
Rather than commit suicide, it is better to stay at the clinic of Professor Patureau-Duparc. This practitioner experiments on his clients with a serum that modifies their personality. Thus Yolande and Albert become new Romeo and Juliet. They end up marrying each other after having regained their primitive selves. Their married life is then a hell and they welcome with joy the proposal of a new injection of serum.
The Fan
Martine is a lonely girl in an exclusive boarding school who conjures up a glamorous existence in order to make her dull life tolerable and to impress the other girls. One of her flights of fancy is a love affair with Brevannes, a famous composer. She leaves the school and goes to the French Alps to find the life she's only dreamed about, where she meets Brevannes and a December-May romance develops until she meets a young mountain guide, Henri Vidal.
Silence Is Golden
Emile is a French film producer at the beginning of the century. One of his friends leaves his daughter Lucette in his house, when he is starting a tour through France. Emile falls in love with her. Problems starts when his younger friend Jacques come back from military service and after complaining his misfortune with women, follows Emile's advice in starting affairs with women and he meets Lucette.
Six Hours to Lose
Le porteur
A traveller is stuck in an unknown town because his connecting train will only arrive in six hours. He decides to kill time by taking a stroll. He is not prepared to get confused with somebody else. In fact the citizens are eagerly awaiting the visit of a famous man and the clueless traveller is his doppelgänger. Soon he experiences what that means.
A Lover's Return
Le pompier de service (uncredited)
1946, a man walks in Lyon. He makes a pilgrimage to the places of his childhood. Another man, Edmond Gonin, recognizes him. It was Jean-Jacques Sauvage, whom he had ousted in a "radical" way with a young heiress. Only Savage is not dead, and here he is on the scene of his first love.
Alert Nights
Hélène, a young waitress working in a bar frequented by German soldiers, saves the life of Pierre, a Resistance fighter. Her jealous lover has her arrested first and then released. Later on, Hélène is wounded while walking in the streets. Pierre has her transported to friends with the hope of taking her to London with him. Unfortunately, owing to lack of space in the plane, Pierre has to fly alone. Hélène has to wait several weeks before being able to board a new plane. When the day comes at last, the Germans are waiting for the plane on the clandestine airfield.
The Sea Rose
A mechanic
Jérôme owns a boat with his crook of an uncle, La Rose de la Mer. They sail with a band of crooks hired by the uncle to scuttle the ship and collect the insurance premium.
Prison clerk
Marie Leroux, who is married to Charles, an honest, understanding country doctor, lives an uneventful, rather monotonous life.Her husband is a kind man but he does not give her any thrill or excitement. One day, Marie meets Olivier Dumas-Beaulieu, a handsome industrialist, who is in the process of leaving his fiancée Corinne, despite her being pregnant by him. It is easy for the confirmed womanizer he is, to seduce Marie, who very foolishly thinks she has found true love. Shortly afterward Charles is shot dead by Olivier while the two men were having a quarrel about Marie. The latter, who finds the corpse, believes her husband has committed suicide. Which is not the police's opinion and Marie is arrested and condemned to ten years in prison. Annihilated by such unfair treatment and, worse, by the separation from her beloved eight-year-old daughter, she still manages to survive and to serve her sentence.
Thirty and Forty
Stutterer traveler in the train
The scene is set during the Second Empire. Captain Bitterlin watches jealously over his lovely daughter Madeleine but he cannot prevent nature from demanding its rights and Madeleine soon finds herself a suitor in the person of Mario, a dashing young songwriter. Bitterlin, who wishes his daughter to "evade the grip" of the young man, takes her away to Monte Carlo. There, the captain does what he had sworn he would never do, he gambles in a casino. And even more upsetting: Mario might well be hereabouts...
The J3
During the Second World War, in occupied Paris, a group of high school students is more active at selling cigarettes and silk stockings than at studying. But the day a new philosophy teacher takes charge of their class, things begin to change. It must be said that Mademoiselle Bravard is not only a gifted educator but a charming young woman as well. Thanks to her, all the students end up passing their finals.
Behind These Walls
Correspondent from Holland
June 1944, a French town towards the end of the occupation. Following several attacks perpetrated by the resistance, the inhabitants who listen to English radio are rounded up by the Germans in a prison and considered as hostages. In one of the cells are found men from all walks of life: an aristocrat, the Viscount of Saint-Leu, Doctor Noblet, a resistance fighter, Béquille the wanderer with a wooden leg, and a strange character nicknamed "Black Market". The latter arouses mistrust among the prisoners, because it could well have been introduced by the enemy.
Sylvia and the Ghost
A teenager becomes fixated on a painting of the handsome suitor who died in a duel for her grandmother's love. On her sixteenth birthday, her father hires three men who pretend to be the ghost of the suitor to entertain her. Little do they know, the ghost of the suitor himself is roaming the castle halls.
François Villon
Accused farmer
An episode in the life of the tumultuous poet who murdered his rival, in love with Catherine de Vauselles.
The Hunchback
The knight Henri de Lagardère wants to avenge the death of his friend, the duke Philippe de Nevers assassinated by the prince de Gonzague, a few years before.
L'Enfant de l'amour
This woman's melodrama pivots around a child that a famous actress had in her youth, but whom she has concealed from the wealthy businessman she is now with.
The Island of Love
Allilaire's butler
A Corsican fisherman is the victim of a vendetta, when he was wrong to date the niece of a businessman proposing to create a seaside resort, much to the anger of the islanders.
Life of Pleasure
An aristocrat instigates divorce proceedings against his son-in-law, a commoner and the ex-owner of night club "La Vie de Plaisir".
Voyage Without Hope
Un membre d'équipage (uncredited)
Gohelle, escaped from prison, seeks to flee occupied France for Argentina. The captain of a cargo ship is willing to smuggle him out out France for a price but Gohelle has no money. His mistress, Marie-Angel tries to charm the money out of wealthy Alain Ginestier who seems the ideal pigeon but Marie-Angel falls in love with Ginestier.
In Paris in 1887, Irène works as a governess to Douce, the grand-daughter of the dowager Countess de Bonafé. Douce believes she is in love with Fabien, the handsome manager of the estate. However she cannot hope to marry him because of their class difference. Douce's widowed father, the Count de Bonafé, has a wooden leg, and is infatuated with Irène. Douce discovers that Fabien is planning to flee to Quebec with Irène, and also finds out that the Count has asked Irène to marry him. So Douce tells Fabien this and convinces him to run away with her, causing consternation in the family.
Haut le vent
A boat passenger
In 1906, François left the Basque country with his father, who had decided to settle in Argentina following an incident between him and Esteban. Having become a powerful industrialist, he returned to France in 1940 on the occasion of the signing of a contract. He learns that the Haut-le-Vent estate, occupied by his aunt Anna, is his. Greeted with mistrust by the villagers, he manages to make himself sympathetic and decides to stay on the estate with Gisèle, Esteban's daughter.
Sideral Cruises
Un employé au commissariat (uncredited)
Robert and Françoise Monier make a hot air balloon to fly to the stratosphere. After a visit to Venus, they return home, but have only aged 15 days whereas 25 years have passed on Earth.
Despite a perfect marriage and a superb career as a singer, Jean Dupray cheats on his wife. She dies while listening to the song he dedicated to her, "Maria". He then retired to the south where he led a life in complete anonymity. But his best friend's fiancé recognizes him and seduces him. Following a fight with his best friend, he decides to return to order by becoming a monk.
Pontcarral, Empire Colonel
For 15 years after Waterloo, a baron refuses to accept the defeat. He reluctantly marries one of 2 Bourbon sisters but lands up dueling with the wife's former lover. Finally he gets a chance to prove himself again in battle.
Bearer Check
Returning from America where he received a large inheritance, Alaric would like to have a wedding before returning to the family home where his sister, who is as cantankerous as she is uncompromising on principles, awaits him. He asks a “porter” from the station who looks like him to replace him.