Éric Demarsan
Nacimiento : 1938-10-02, Paris, France
Éric Demarsan (born 2 October 1938), also known as Éric de Marsanis, is a French film score composer.
After working as arranger for composers Michel Magne then François de Roubaix (including on Le Samouraï) he scored L'Armée des ombres (aka Army of Shadows) in 1969 then Le Cercle rouge (aka The red circle) in 1970, both by director Jean-Pierre Melville.
After that, he scored numerous movies for other great directors like Jean-Pierre Mocky, Costa-Gavras or Patrice Leconte.
Éric Demarsan also composed many songs, the Pop Symphony album under pseudonym Jason Havelock, as well as some musics for sound and light shows.
Since 2000 he works frequently with director Guillaume Nicloux and then Hervé Hadmar.
Source: Article "Éric Demarsan" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Like nobody else Jean-Pierre Melville influenced modern filmmaking. This documentary follows his creative process step by step, showing him becoming the father of the Nouvelle Vague and one of the most iconic directors of French cinema.
Music Producer
With the German Occupation in Greece (1941-1944) as a background, this film tells the love story between my father, an assistant professor at the mysterious German Scientific Institute of Athens - financed by the occupying power, Germany, but in reality a refuge for resistant students - and Nelly, a young student in Fine Arts. The film also traces the portrait of their friend Rudolf Fahrner, founder of the Institute, comrade of the Stauffenberg Brothers and one of the few conspirators of the assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler, on 20 July 1944, that survived the repression that followed.
Original Music Composer
Depardieu plays an unnamed hunter and we join him and his dog as they depart for a nearby forest to snare some rabbits - or perhaps he's hunting for something far more elusive? His excursion soon progresses from carefree meandering to a palpable sense of placelessness and it doesn't take long before the hunter's dog disappears and he finds himself lost.
Diane Siprien (Monica Bellucci) es una científica francesa que adopta a un niño en una región próxima a Mongolia. Pasado cierto tiempo, empiezan a ocurrir hechos extraños, como la aparición de una marca en el pecho del pequeño. Aunque el médico no le da importancia, Diane empieza a sospechar que quienes la rodean llevan mucho tiempo esperando algo relacionado con su hijo. Así las cosas, decide ir a Mongolia para averiguar el origen del niño. (FILMAFFINITY)
Original Music Composer
Una oficial de policía de mediana edad, Michèle Varin, se encuentra en un estado de depresión por la muerte de su hijo, ocurrida hace unos pocos años. De alguna manera, ella se culpa de su muerte, y se encuentra particularmente mal el día 29 de febrero, fecha de la muerte de su hijo. Justo por esos días, le es encargada la investigación de la muerte de una chica en el bosque.
In this documentary, produced by Philippe Quinconneau for StudioCanal, editor Françoise Bonnot, actor Jean-Pierre Cassel, composer Éric Demarsan, writer and filmmaker Philippe Labro, cinematographer Pierre Lhomme, and filmmaker Bertrand Tavernier share insights and anecdotes about Jean-Pierre Melville's 1969 film ARMY OF SHADOWS.
Married to a younger woman, Jacob sinks into jealousy, alcohol and violence.
Original Music Composer
A secret society, somewhere in France, is responsible for the major unsolved murder mysteries throughout history (such as Henri IV, Lincoln, Kennedy, John-Paul I)...
Mireille Bertillet, a provincial judge, is transferred to Paris. She inherits a heavy file compromising high personalities.
Original Music Composer
Mireille Bertillet, a provincial judge, is transferred to Paris. She inherits a heavy file compromising high personalities.
The film contains the interviews with Pierre Klossowski and Jacques Pimpanneau.
Original Music Composer
The story of Marquise De Prie, the wife of Marquis De Savoy and the mistress of King Louis XV.
A Scottish woman with her nephew travels to Russia in the Paris-Moscow express. On the same flight in the 13th carriage, the old icons are returning from France to Russia. Thieves try to replace real icons with fake ones.
A tribute to Orson Welles. When Kovacs meets Agi, he does not know what awaits him: cinema, alcohol and love do not mix well when you are a Hungarian director parachuted into Hollywood...
Original Music Composer
While being transferred to another prison, two convicts - Stéphane Carella and Paul Brandon - effect a miraculous escape. They are pursued across the Verdon Gorge before arriving at an isolated farmhouse whose owner, Laura, offers them sanctuary. Since the death of her husband, Laura has longed to get her own back on the police and she agrees to help Carella and Brandon in their scheme to rob a casino in Nice. After a shoot out with the casino’s owners, Carella realises that not everything is what it seems. Brandon is not what he appears...
While filming on location in Tahiti, a small-time actor seizes an opportunity to make it big, but the attention may be more than he bargained for.
Alain Tescique trabaja en una plataforma petrolera en el Mar del Norte. De regreso en París, alquila un apartamento para pasar las vacaciones y escucha en la radio la conversación entre un hombre y una mujer que resultan ser sus vecinos. Algunos días después, esa pareja aparece asesinada. Poco a poco, Alain se ve implicado en una extraña historia, en la que también participan otros vecinos y una hermosa mujer.
A troubled gentleman named David ponders whether vegemite can be consumed undiluted without posing a health risk. Meanwhile his friend, a senior government official, returning from an evening, has a car accident and his passenger dies in the accident. He puts the corpse in the driver's seat, but there is a witness. To eliminate this annoying witness, he calls on his David, a physicist, who wants to make it a perfect crime by quantifying the risk taken in each of its stages. And compressing it enough to make the execution of the most improbable.
Roberte, 40, resistant during the war, Calvinist and anticlerical, is deputy to the chamber and inspector of Censorship. She married Octave, an old Catholic aesthete, professor of canon law, whom she saves from impeachment for collaboration during the war. He submits his wife to a perverse custom: the laws of hospitality or prostitution of the wife by the husband.
Roberte, 40, resistant during the war, Calvinist and anticlerical, is deputy to the chamber and inspector of Censorship. She married Octave, an old Catholic aesthete, professor of canon law, whom she saves from impeachment for collaboration during the war. He submits his wife to a perverse custom: the laws of hospitality or prostitution of the wife by the husband.
Original Music Composer
In a seaside villa, under the care of a nanny, a group of children spend most of their days watching violent television shows.
Seeking medical advice to lose a few pounds, a woman lands up finding out about the usefulness of a computer, not just for her diet but also for work, with her parents,and to find a new boyfriend after the previous one has left her.
Original Music Composer
The hero of this bleak science-fiction story is a married man who, along with his wife, survives the mysterious destruction of the world. After his wife dies, he makes plans to seek out whatever remnants of civilization exist. However, the arrival of a group of children and their older mentor changes his plans.
Based on the idea by Roland Topor (screenwriter of Roman Polanski's The Tenant), this very curious completely silent melodrama tells the story of Mona, who has left her father, the railway gatekeeper, after being raped on the train track. She is kidnapped and taken to a Parisian whorehouse. However, a disinherited prince, Dudu who tries to rescue her, is himself kidnapped and forced to serve as a male prostitute. The two captives meet there and fall in love. They are taken away by different rich people - he to an Arab "harem," she to a surgeon's home.
Original Music Composer
A mentally disturbed man named Jérémie is scouring the area in search of women he can strangle with his scarf, which is embroidered with an ibis.
Original Music Composer
Laurent, a seemingly normal young man, is looking to join a witches’ sect that resides in a forest near his house. The only thing is Laurent’s wife Aline also needs to join the sect in order to complete his initiation. Aline is understandably reluctant, so the sect’s heads design a series of events designed to break her down.
Original Music Composer
Agosto de 1941. El gobierno de Vichy ha creado una Sección Especial cuyo objetivo es la ejecución de chivos expiatorios para aplacar la ira de los nazis cuando algún oficial alemán es asesinado por la Resistencia. Las víctimas, cuatro comunistas y dos judíos elegidos aleatoriamente, serán juzgados por un tribunal corrompido. Mientras que un joven magistrado intenta hacer valer sus influencias políticas para conseguir el indulto, uno de los procesados, periodista de L’Humanitè, denuncia públicamente al tribunal por su sumisión a las fuerzas de ocupación. (FILMAFFINITY)
Original Music Composer
"The Holy Family" - A woman of powerful character and a priest create a religious sect, through a nun who practices automatic writing dictated by the Virgin Mary.
Original Music Composer
Mientras Corey sale de prisión tras cumplir condena en una cárcel francesa, Vogel, un criminal custodiado por el temible comisario Mattei, escapa del tren en el que viajan. Después de robar a un antiguo socio, Corey se encuentra con Vogel y le propone formar equipo para realizar un meticuloso robo de joyas.
Original Music Composer
Philippe Gerbier es un ingeniero civil que ha entregado todos sus esfuerzos a la valerosa resistencia francesa, de la que es uno de sus máximos responsables. Pero llega el día en que la policía colaboracionista le captura, siendo retenido en un campo de concentración bajo atenta vigilancia. Tras un traslado logrará escapar improvisando una fuga relámpago. A partir de ese momento viviremos con su testimonio el día a día de la resistencia y sus dificultades ante el poderoso invasor.