Herr Kornmann
Since Ben has been living apart from his ex-wife Mira and his children, his life has fallen apart. But unexpectedly, he gets a second chance: when Mira, pregnant to the teeth, has to be hospitalized, his children live with him again. This time, everything will be fine - he thinks! But his son Oskar brings a small problem: he wears a dress that he doesn't want to take off.
Herr Rebentisch
It's been 25 years since they graduated from high school or could have done it if they had not left before, made honors rounds or simply failed. Now they meet again at the class reunion, the former best of class, the former genius, the ex-class brat, the ex-class-ass, in their mid-40s, and suddenly face the people with whom they dreamed their future life , But what actually happened in the meantime?
Self - Narrator (voice)
A walk by American writer Paul Auster’s world, his past —his family, his youth, his work—, and his present, which is the publication of his novel 4321 in January 2017, an exploration of human identity and a glimpse to the soul of New York, a city that Auster has depicted as nobody has ever done.
Minister of National Education Lange
Adaptación de Lars Kraume (El caso Fritz Bauer) del relato autobiográfico de Dietrich Garstka, que sigue la historia de un grupo de jóvenes de bachillerato de la Alemania Oriental que, tras una votación unánime, decidieron demostrar su solidaridad con los insurgentes húngaros durante el levantamiento de 1956, contra los invasores soviéticos.
Dr. Weiss
Painter Freddy lives with his wife and child on Lake Tegernsee and is working on his comeback until one day his life suddenly turns upside down: He is accused of beating up his wife and as a result of which he is said to have custody of his eight-year-old son withdrawn . But Freddy can not remember having committed the alleged acts and protests his innocence. In this grave crisis, Eddy appears, Freddy's childhood friend. Both look confusingly alike and Eddy immediately begins to interfere in Freddy's life, in which worse things happen. Only Freddy knows that he has a doppelganger, an imaginary one at that - how is he supposed to convince those around him that it is Eddy who is to blame for all the disasters? Freddy is slowly losing control of his life...
Vorsitzender Richter
A hijacker threatens to bring down a passenger plane to a crowded football stadium. Fighter pilot Lars Koch decides to shoot down the machine. The court of Berlin should decide whether Lars Koch is a hero or a murderer. The viewers become jurors, and their decision determines the outcome of the film.
Johannes Joachim
Hace un siglo, una chica nació con piel peluda. Este fenómeno afectará a su vida y a la pequeña comunidad en la que vive.
Jean Jovet
The family of Katharina Krohn is shocked when they learn that she is a member of a Swiss organization that helps people who have decided to leave this life, even though she has no life-threatening disease like many of the other members, but because she has lost the will to face life after the death of her husband.
Georg Wilhelm Steller (voice)
It starts with "Peter Schlemihl's Miraculous Story", which tells of a man travelling the world in seven-league boots. Adelbert von Chamisso wrote the tale before setting off to Russia on scientific expedition in 1815. He analysed the flora of Alaska and then explored the Northwest Passage, just like Cook and voyager Bering had done previously, the latter with physician and naturalist Steller in tow. A porthole reveals the view. Thus begins Ottinger's journey from Alaska to Kamchatka via Chukotka, with her predecessors’ log books to accompany her on her way.
Harald Ott
Década de los 60. Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética se encuentran en plena Guerra Fría. El 1 de mayo de 1960 un avión espía americano fue derribado por el ejército enemigo cuando sobrevolaba territorio soviético. Sorprendentemente, el piloto, Francis Gary Powers, logra escapar gracias a su paracaídas. Cuando ya se creía a salvo, es capturado por los rusos. El abogado James B. Donovan es el encargado de negociar la liberación del soldado.
Fritz Bauer
En 1957, doce años después de la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) y del fin del Tercer Reich, el Fiscal General Fritz Bauer se comprome a detener a los criminales nazis. El hecho decisivo es la localización del Adolf Eichmann, miembro clave de las SS.
Es la impresionante historia sobre George Elser, el carpintero de la resistencia que intentó asesinar a Hitler en Munich el 8 de noviembre de 1939. Por solo 13 minutos de diferencia, si el Führer no hubiese abandonado su podio antes de lo previsto, podría haber cambiado la historia.
Captain Werner Ebernach
El cónsul sueco Raoul Nordling está muy preocupado a medida que sube la escalera secreta que conduce a la suite del hotel Meurice en que se aloja el general von Choltitz: el gobernador alemán de París es el último de un linaje de militares prusianos que no tienen ninguna duda a la hora de obedecer a sus superiores. El cónsul hará uso de todas sus armas diplomáticas para tratar de convencer al general de no ejecutar la orden de activar los explosivos que pueblan los bajos de los principales monumentos de la capital francesa: el Louvre, Notre-Dame, la torre Eiffel…
Oberst Haar
Jesper is a soldier in the German army, who reports for a new tour of duty in Afghanistan. His unit is to protect a village from the Taliban.
Helmut Maurer
Judge Prado
Tras un encuentro casual con una mujer, un profesor suizo de lenguas clásicas abandona su trabajo y va a Lisboa con la esperanza de localizar a cierto personaje: un doctor y poeta que luchó contra el dictador portugués Antonio de Oliveira Salazar.
Joseph is in his mid-sixties and has just lost his beloved wife. Everything in his big old mansion reminds him painfully of the years they spent together. One day several visitors turn up unexpectedly. They seem to be relatives of his deceased wife. In the beginning, the uninvited guests treat Joseph with loving care, but bit by bit the situation begins to change. The visitors slowly, almost unnoticably, become aggressive, even hostile, invaders. They try to get rid of Joseph and take over his house, his world, his thoughts. Is this just the paranoia of an old man or really a ruthless invasion?
Felix Glick
Nono quiere ser como su padre - el mejor inspector del policía del mundo - pero está constantemente metiéndose en problemas. Dos días antes de su Bar Mitzvah, lo lleva con su tío Sjmoel, quien, supuestamente, va a enderezarlo. Sin embargo, a lo largo del viaje en tren Nono tiene una última oportunidad para probarse a sí mismo... Junto con el maestro ladrón Felix Glick - un viejo conocido de su padre - para el tren y se introduce en un mundo de disfraces, persecucciones, canciones francesas y Zohara, una misteriosa mujer cuyos secretos cambiarán la vida de Nono para siempre. Película ganadora del Premio del Público Joven de los EFA (European Film Awards)
Friedrich Gehlmann
40 years after her husband is shot and killed by a terrorist while on duty as a police officer during a routine traffic check, Erika Welves (Senta Berger), aided by a journalist (Felix Eitner) finds evidence leading to the murderer. For the killer has vanished. Is living in freedom. Because the state is protecting him, keeping him safe. He in turn has supplied information concerning other terrorists. Erika Welves considers this blatant injustice. But now, finally, there is a chance at revenge...
Gustav Merfeld
El joven proefsor Konrad Koch es elegido para enseñar inglés en una regia y disciplinada escuela alemana de finales del siglo XIX. El reformador director de la institución Von Merfeld ha contratado a Koch como uno de los primeros profesores de inglés dentro de la caduca institución, con el fin de introducir un nuevo vigor en ella. Pronto, Koch se da cuenta de lo necesario que es introducir muchas otras reformas.
Vater Buff
After aspiring poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe fails his law exams, he's sent to a sleepy provincial court to reform. Instead, he falls for Lotte, a young woman who is promised to another man.
Krischan Mittich
En un caluroso día de verano, se encuentra una bicicleta en un campo de trigo, en una escena exacta a la de un crimen cometido hace 23 años que no se pudo resolver. Esta vez es Sinikka, de 13 años de edad, la que ha desaparecido. Mientras que el investigador del caso sin resolver y un joven colega inician la investigación, para los padres de Sinikka comienza un período de agonía e incertidumbre.
Jakob Künzler
2010 documentary film on the Armenian Genocide by the Young Turk government of the Ottoman Empire during World War I. It is based on eyewitness reports by European and American personnel stationed in the Near East at the time, Armenian survivors and other contemporary witnesses which are recited by modern German actors.
The Pastor
En 1913, en vísperas de la Gran Guerra (1914-1918), extraños acontecimientos, que poco a poco toman carácter de castigo ritual, se dan cita en un pequeño pueblo protestante del norte de Alemania. Los niños y adolescentes del coro del colegio y de la iglesia dirigido por el maestro, sus familias, el barón, el encargado, el médico, la comadrona, y los granjeros conforman una historia que reflexiona sobre los orígenes del nazismo en vísperas de la I Guerra Mundial.
An ill man’s dying wish reunites four old friends.
Alemania después de la II Guerra Mundial. Michael Berg (David Kross), un chico de 15 años, pierde el conocimiento mientras regresa del colegio. Hanna Schmitz (Kate Winslet), una mujer seria y reservada que le dobla la edad, lo recoge y lo lleva a su casa. Entre ambos surge un apasionado y secreto idilio que se ve interrumpido por la misteriosa desaparición de Hanna. Ocho años más tarde, siendo estudiante de Derecho, Michael vuelve a verla, pero en una situación que nunca hubiera podido imaginar.
Georgia's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 2008
Herbert Neumann
Dr. Gunthen
Yella decidida a no renunciar a sus sueños, abandona a un marido violento y posesivo para buscar un trabajo más prometedor y una nueva vida. Las cosas empiezan a irle bien cuando Philipp, un joven ejecutivo, le da la oportunidad de ser su ayudante. Aunque no conoce en absoluto el mundo de las finanzas, empieza a triunfar entre los despiadados hombres de negocios. Las armas que explican su éxito son su belleza y su extraordinaria sangre fría.
19-year-old NVA soldier, Alex Karow, is sent to the West German-East German border in May 1974, shortly after Willy Brandt's resignation and during the World Cup. The army is dominated by brutal rituals, tolerated or used by the officers. Alex understands that the ideals of balance, democracy and human dignity are propaganda. The question of what happens when the other appears in the sights of the Kalashnikov occupies the soldiers day and night, interrupted almost exclusively by the games of the World Cup with the historic encounter between the GDR and the FRG. Alex draws strength from his love for Christine, a confident tractor driver who lives in the neighbouring village. Christine encourages him not to do what his father expects, but to follow his dream of becoming a photographer. But when her brother sends Alex's photo from the border fortifications to the West, everything gets out of control...
Hermann Droemer
For ten years Lena Drömer has been traveling to Tuscany alone for four weeks every November - at least that's what her husband, the Protestant pastor Hermann, and her daughter believe. But this time it will be a journey without return. Shortly after her departure Lena is killed in a bus accident near Bremen. Her death gives up Hermann Rätsel. Why did she die in the north, when she wanted to go to the south? When, as every year in November, a postcard from Lena arrives from Italy, Hermann sets off in search of the truth.
Prof. Udo Keller
Karl Klingler
En los años 70, en una ciudad del sur de Alemania, vive Micaela, una muchacha que se ha criado en una familia profundamente religiosa, con un padre cariñoso pero débil y una madre fría y distante. A pesar de llevar años librando una dura batalla contra la epilepsia, Micaela desea fervientemente salir de casa para ir a la universidad. Una vez allí, saborea la libertad por primera vez. Su incipiente amor por Stefan y su amistad con Hanna hacen que se rompa el escudo de la fe y de la familia, bajo el cual siempre se había sentido segura y protegida. Basada en el mismo personaje que inspiró la historia de "El exorcismo de Emily Rose". (FILMAFFINITY)
Ausreißer [The Runaway] is a 2004 German short film directed by Ulrike Grote, with Peter Jordan and Maximilian Werner. It follows Walter, an unemployed architect, who is getting ready to go for an interview. But just as he is about to leave his flat, an eight-year-old boy, Yuri, approaches him at the door, claiming to be his son. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
Justus Hardenberg
Jan (Daniel Brühl), Peter (Stipe Erceg) y Jule (Julia Jentsch) están disfrutando de su rebelde juventud. Les une su pasión por cambiar el estado del mundo. Se convierten en "The edukators", cuyas acciones no violentas tratan de avisar a los ricos locales de que sus días de abundancia están contados. Las complicaciones aparecen cuando Jule se enamora de ambos jóvenes. Además, una de sus operaciones se complica, y lo que se convierte en un rapto no intencionado acaba por ponerlos cara a cara con la ley.
Ernst Richert
Autobiographical movie about the publicist Carola Stern.
A great mosaic, a labyrinth of scenes, dialogue splinters, interviews, portraits of people surrounding Hamlet and wanting to be part of his story.
Robert Kerner
Berlín, octubre de 1989. Unos días antes de la caída del Muro, la madre de Alex, una mujer orgullosa de sus ideas comunistas, entra en coma. Cuando despierta ocho meses después, su hijo hará lo posible y lo imposible para que no se entere de que está viviendo en una Alemania reunificada y capitalista. Su objetivo es convertir el apartamento familiar en una isla anclada en el pasado, una especie de museo del socialismo en el que su madre viva cómodamente creyendo que nada ha cambiado.
Georg Krause
Klaus Lebert
Benjamin is a 16 year old with lousy grades in math, who switches to a boarding school to reach grammar school. Acclimatization to the new environment is difficult in the first place and he has to struggle with the various problems of coming of age, when he falls in love to the school's dream girl Malen.
Caspar Richter
Albrecht Seibel
Narra la historia de Karl Koch, un hacker alemán conocido como Hagbard Celine, que en los años 80 vendió información al KGB en plena guerra fría. Sufría adicción por la cocaína y al que se le volaron los patos con el número 23 (tan recurrente en el cine y los paranoicos).En la historia se puede ver como el protagonista se relaciona con el Chaos Computer Club, el momento en el que decide escribir un troyano
Axel Wornitz
Jakob Windisch ha escrito el best seller número uno de la novela. Puesto que él es muy tímido, nadie lo ha visto, excepto Uhu Zigeuner que es el director designado de la adaptación a película. Zigeuner está a la caza de la mujer de sus sueños, una mujer que también debería desempeñar el papel principal en la película. Mientras tanto, el despiadado productor de Reiter Oskar quiere comprar los derechos cinematográficos a todos los costos, y además está luchando por el amor de la bella Valerie. Estas y muchos más egos se reúnen cada noche en un restaurante llamado "Rossini", donde todos deben ir para que todo el mundo los vea.
Rudi Fährenberg
Herr Leer
After the death of their parents, the sisters Astrid and Britta want to make the Winkelmann fashion house number one in their hometown. Astrid accepts that her already troubled marriage to Bernd suffers from the ambitious goal - until Bernd agrees to have a relationship with Britta. When she gets pregnant, there is a scandal between the sisters.
Werner Kraengel
By 1941, Adolf Hitler had taken personal command of the German military apparatus. His initial successes made this seem like a good idea at the time, but by 1944, after an unparalleled series of military defeats that Hitler refused even to acknowledge, a group of high-ranking military and political figures in Germany decided to assassinate him and take over the government. Unfortunately for them, their assassination attempt failed, and the knives were out to find all the people involved in the attempt. The most wanted person in the coup was Carl Goerdeler (Dieter Schaad), a respected figure in German public life for many decades. Twenty years earlier, a girl by the name of Helene Schwärzel (Katherina Thalbach) met Goerdeler. After the coup attempt, during the nationwide manhunt, Helene recognized him and notified the authorities. In addition to receiving a huge reward, she became the focus of a nationwide propaganda campaign, and was widely resented for her "success."
When Micha's mother leaves his irascible father, he tries to prevent their divorce by any means he can think of, but his attempts to hold the family together lead to a catastrophe...
Black comedy about a lucrative business. Grandmother, mother and daughter live together in a love-hate-relationship and run their business with divided responsibilities: via marriage ads they are looking for candidates. It’s the daughter that gets dressed and styled according to the new mission: no matter if vamp or tree-hugger she twists the men around her little finger until they clear their accounts from all the savings. The money ends up in coffee tins stored in grandma’s fridge. But where do the men end up when they discover the secret of the trio?
Here is the third and last of three self-contained shorts by Helke Sander from her series of shorts entitled From the Reports of Security Guards & Patrol Services . BTW the numbering of the parts is a bit confusing, the only existing parts of the series are No. 1,5 and 8.
Story concerns two friends, Freya and Irmtraut and their relationships with the same man, Traugott, who finds it impossible to choose between the two women.
Laberdan, Wünschelrutengänger
1934, Hamburg. Adolf Hitler is about to visit the city. Hamburg's executioner falls ill, and is unable to deliver the sentence of four communists who are awaiting capital punishment in jail. Fearing that this would spoil Hitler's visit, SS leader Footh offers a local bankrupt butcher, Albert Teetjen, 2,000 Marks in order to carry out the verdict. The broke Teetjen agrees and follows suit. When his neighbors hear of the execution, they shun him. His wife cannot tolerate her husband's deed and puts an end to her life. Eventually, Teetjen also commits suicide.