Morten Faldaas

Morten Faldaas

Nacimiento : 1959-03-08,


Morten Faldaas


Hawaii, Oslo
Cinco historias de amor a través cinco destinos, cada uno influenciándose entre sí. Léon se prepara a festejar sus 25 años, momento en el que encuentra a Ana, el amor de su infancia, a quien no había visto en 10 años. Segundo film de la trilogía temática de Eric Poppe, que el realizador inició con Schpaaa (1996) y finalizó con Troubled Water (2008).
North Star
Durante la fiebre del oro de Alaska de la década de 1800. En sus esfuerzos por obtener el control de un pequeño pueblo minero, Sean McLennon está comprando cada lote minero que quede disponible, por lo general después de la muerte de los propietarios anteriores en las manos de McLennon de "Asistentes". Uno de los mineros en la mira del McLennon, un cazador medio indio llamado Hudson Saanteek, se las arregla para escapar de sus matones a sueldo y vuelve a entrar en la ciudad en busca de re-establecido su reclamo y obtener venganza. McLennon y sus hombres tienen la advantange de los números y las armas, pero Saanteek tiene sus habilidades de supervivencia y el conocimiento de la naturaleza de Alaska.
Dangerous Waters
A dangerous criminal, named Falken, robs a bank together with a redneck small-criminal. They have to take a hostage and escape in a racing boat. When the hostage jumps overboard they have to stay at a lighthouse to wait for a boat. Here the conflicts starts.
Det var en gang
Based on three classic Norwegian folk tales collected by Asbjørnsen and Moe: The Little Boys Who Met the Trolls in Hedal Forest, Three Lemons and The Twelve Wild Ducks.
El corazón de las tinieblas (TV)
Cuenta la historia de Marlow, un aventurero contratado por una empresa colonial británica. Realiza un interesante viaje por el río, donde oye historias sobre un tal Kurtz. Cautivado por el personaje que inspira terror y admiración a partes iguales, decide ir en su busca. Cuando lo encuentra descubre a un ser perturbado capaz de las mayores atrocidades. Adaptación televisiva de la famosa novela de Joseph Conrad.
The Blue Wolves
Pelle's father joins an activist group and Pelle has to face up to his father.
The Last Lieutenant
Norwegian war drama. The old sea-captain retires, but the next day German WWII occupation of Norway begins. He then kisses his wife good-bye and is off to Army HQ. There he finds a lack of leadership and morale that offends him. They even laugh at him and his out-dated uniform and officer-rank. Secondloitnanten then finds and leads his private troop of volunteers against the German attack. The movie tells the story of a man that refuses to give up, even when everybody else leaves. He will fight for the country he loves and do his duty.
The Perfect Murder
Film director Pierre is making an erotic thriller with his girlfriend Greta. When men start disappearing, parallells between the movie and real life becomes obvious.
Dyret i brystet
One morning, 6-year-old Zora discovers that there is a dead body under the living room table in the apartment where she lives with her mother.
Roy Indiana
Allan and Lisa flee the war-torn city of Sweetwater with their young son for the safety of the municipal dump in this sleepy war drama. They join other displaced survivors who were driven from their homes. After Lisa gives birth to another child and Allan has a fling with the prostitute Mary Diamond, he trades Lisa for a gun. Allan leads a resistance group trying to retake their city who would rather fight and die than live in exile.
Brun bitter
Hard asfalt
This melodrama is based on the best-selling autobiography of Ida Halvorsen, a part-time prostitute with a life that was difficult to survive. Ida (Kristin Kajander) grew up with an alcoholic father, and after she married an alcoholic, her life went from early marital bliss to misery. She had a child during that marriage, took drugs, and turned to prostitution to get the money she needed. Along the way, many characters she met were dangerous and in more than one instance almost killed her. For Norwegians who are familiar with her story, the ending to the film will be recognized as incomplete, the story continues. For other audiences the ending might be a little grim.
The Dream Castle
The families are talking about moving together in a house, and finally does it. After a year renovating, they are to celebrate their new collective. But the year living together has taken it's toll on their relations.
Nebel im Fjord
Nils Okkerdal