Nicolas Vogel

Nicolas Vogel

Nacimiento : 1925-05-27, Paris, France

Muerte : 2006-09-17


Nicolas Vogel (born in Paris, France, May 27, 1925 - died in Paris September 17, 2006) was an actor and comedian who was featured in numerous films and television shows in the 1960s and 1970s, including The Man from Chicago (1963), Le Gitan (1975), Mado (1976), and Cop or Hood (1979). Vogel also held a small role in the 1995 film Les Misérables, directed by Claude Lelouch. Source: Article "Nicolas Vogel" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Nicolas Vogel


After a life of emotional and professional upsets, Alex finds himself headwaiter in a chic Parisian restaurant. Well into middle age, divorced but still very much a ladies’ man, he has one great ambition: to open an amusement park by the sea. One day, an old flame, Claire, suddenly re-enters his life. For Alex, the fires of love are easily re-kindled, but Claire has another man in her life…
The Hostage Tower
A flamboyant master criminal and several specialists stage an audacious scheme to capture the Eiffel Tower and hold as hostage one of its visitors, the U.S. President's mother, while the head of a UN security force tries to stop them.
Yo impongo mi ley a sangre y fuego
Marcel Gaston
Un agente secreto es enviado desde París a Niza para investigar el asesinato de un policía. Una vez allí, tendrá que enfrentarse no solo con los criminales, sino también con la corrupción policial.
Un empresario de media edad, Simon Leotard encuentra su futuro en peligro cuando su compañera Julien se suicidad por las deudas. Su enemigo en los negocios, Lépidon, le ofrece comprarle la empresa por una irrisoria cantidad. Simon decide no caer en la trampa y salir de la crisis a su manera, aunque para ello tenga que contratar a una prostituta llamada Mado.
Alias el gitano
Hugo Sennart es un gitano francés, buscado por la policía por ladrón. El mismo inspector que lo persigue también busca a un ladrón de joyas, Yan Kuq, cuya mujer ha muerto bajo circunstancias sospechosas justo después de un gran robo. El Gitano necesita un último golpe para asentarse y, por pura coincidencia, su camino se cruza con el de Yan, que se está escondiendo en el hotel de una amiga y antigua amante, Ninie. El Gitano vive según un código de honor, lo que lo pone en peligro a menudo; y desprecia a todo aquel que trata a su gente como a los perros. Pero, ¿hay honor entre los ladrones?
Tres amigos, sus mujeres... y los otros
Drama sobre un grupo de amigos y sobre los valores de la vida: amistad, matrimonio, trabajo. (FILMAFFINITY)
OAS Agent
La OAS, un grupo ultra francés, contrata a un asesino profesional, cuya verdadera identidad nadie sabe, conocido como Chacal para que acabe con la vida del general De Gaulle, Presidente de la República Francesa. La policía francesa descubre el plan e inicia una operación contrarreloj para localizar y detener al asesino.
Ella, yo y el otro
Poker player (uncredited)
Rosalie, una mujer divorciada con una hija pequeña, divide su tiempo entre su familia y César, el hombre del que cree estar enamorada. Cuando Rosalie conoce a David, su plácida vida se verá alterada por su incapacidad para elegir entre los dos hombres.
Don't Take God's Children for Wild Geese
An advisor of Charles (uncredited)
Rita is a girl that lives on taking gangsters as lovers. But when the money stops coming, she swears revenge.
Tormenta en San Petersburgo
Dr. Lazovert
Rusia, 1909. Rasputin, un monje, accede a la Corte Imperial tras salvar la vida del hijo de la Emperatriz Alexandra. Cuando estalla la guerra, muchos ven en él un opositor y se confabulan para matarle.
La noche de los generales
Plotting German Officer (uncredited)
En Varsovia, durante los primeros días de la ocupación alemana, en 1940, una prostituta es salvajemente asesinada. Un testigo afirma que el asesino ha sido un general alemán, al que no vio el rostro, pero sí el uniforme. El mayor Grau es el encargado de investigar el caso. Sin embargo, sólo tres generales en Varsovia carecen de una coartada. Los tres generales se verán implicados en el asesinato de la prostituta. Todas las investigaciones apuntan a que ha sido un alto cargo del ejército y el caso queda archivado hasta que la justicia descubre al verdadero psicópata.
Brigade Anti Gangs
The struggle between a ruthless leader of a bank robbers - Raymond Pellegrin - and the cops who are determined to put him in jail for long.
Do It Again Callaghan
A 1961 French language film written and directed by Willy Rozier featuring private detective Slim Callaghan
Las vírgenes de Roma
La acción tiene lugar cuando Roma aún no domina Italia. Derrotados sus ejércitos por los pueblos vecinos, los romanos deben entregar a sus jóvenes vírgenes como rehenes.
El FBI y las damas
Lemmy Caution ha de descubrir a un espía cuyo nombre es Varley.
Las relaciones peligrosas
Jerry Court
Juliette y Valmont forman un matrimonio liberal y poco convencional. De mutuo acuerdo, los dos tienen amantes, aunque lo mantienen en el más absoluto secreto. Ante amigos y conocidos, Valmont es un marido fiel; Juliette, por su parte, aparenta ser una mujer honesta, fiel y muy pudorosa cuando se trata cualquier asunto de índole sexual. Pero de puertas para adentro son una pareja cínica y libertina. Su relación comienza a tambalearse cuando, a petición de su esposa, Valmont intenta seducir a la joven Cécile, pero se enamora de la virtuosa Marianne de Tourvel... Adaptación de la famosa novela de Choderlos de Laclos, ambientada en los años sesenta.
Un domingo maravilloso
Chartier, un dessinateur
Jean es diseñador en una agencia publicitaria y se vuelca totalmente en su trabajo para intentar olvidar a su mujer, que le abandonó cinco años atrás. Casualmente un día la encuentra en el autobús y descubre que todavía le gusta y que él también ejerce atractivo sobre ella. Los sentimientos de Jean serán entonces contradictorios, por una lado querría matarla y por otro volver a conquistarla.
El club del crimen
Jim Maloney
Antes de suicidarse, Granworth Aymes envía a su esposa una importante suma de dinero en billetes falsos. Cuando el agente del FBI Lemmy Caution se entera, se desplaza a Italia para intentar esclarecer el asunto. En el curso de la investigación descubre una gran organización de falsificadores de moneda dirigida por… Granworth Aymes en persona, que había simulado su suicidio.
Cita con la muerte
FBI Agent Lemmy Caution is sent after a missing two million in Casablanca while mob boss mistress Carlotta plays both sides of the law.
The Respectful Prostitute
un client du night-club
Fred, the nephew of a senator,has murdered a Black man on a train. The two only witnesses are Lizzie McKay, a prostitute from New York, and Sidney, a colored man. Fred decides to seduce Lizzie in order to make her give false evidence according to which Sidney has attempted to rape her. The uncle also puts pressure on the young woman. After much hesitation, Lizzie finally accepts but Sidney, who has nearly got lynched, takes refuge at her home...
Desperate Decision
Ireland, 1922. In the midst of a national uprising, Catherine, a young orphan employed in household chores, goes in search of her brother whom she has heard in a dream calling for help.
La Demoiselle et son revenant
Rosette is young and charming but she is crippled so she cannot make the most of her life. Which upsets Jules Petitpas, a single inventor, her eccentric but kind-hearted neighbor. Jules pledges to help her by creating a potion that will cure her. Unfortunately he dies before being able to achieve his aim. But a promise is a promise, and the good man comes back to the land of the living as an ... ectoplasm! And he manages to involve a whole tribe of ghosts to assist him in the noble task of saving the young lady. All is well that ends well.
Judgement of God
Bavaria, 1433. Reason of state rules that Prince Albert is to marry Princess Bertha of Wurtemberg. But the fine-looking young man is loath to become the husband of a woman with pimples,flat feet and no breast. Nevertheless, he has to obey his authoritarian father, Duke Ernest, and accompanied by faithful Count Törring, he mounts his steed and sets out for Würtemberg. Stopping in Augsburg, he falls in love with the daughter of a local barber-surgeon, pure and beautiful Agnès Bernauer. The couple is soon secretly married and both take refuge at the castle of Margravine Josepha, Albert's aunt, waiting for Ernest's consent. Unluckily Albert's father will not accept his son's union with a commoner and Albert, supported by Josepha and an army of common people, declares war on the Duke. They seem about to be victorious when Brother Enrique, a monk formerly in the Holy Inquisition, finds a way to reverse the situation: accusing Agnès of witchcraft...
Alone in the World
François wants to buy a house to help underprivileged children. He lacks money, but a generous donor allows him to realize this dream.
Wolves Hunt at Night
Jim, le chauffeur de Mollert
A secret agent is summoned by the head of a counter espionage organization, to Trieste where he is to unmask a potential enemy operating in Venice.
Under the Paris Sky
Un gréviste
Fates of multiple otherwise disconnected characters intertwine miraculously under the sky of Paris. And it all happens in one day.
Et dix de der
A police inspector tries to capture international robbers who are actually also police.
Danielle Darrieux stars as Arabella Delvaire in this baroque adaptation of Pierre Benoit's novel Bethshabee. Arabella is a woman of the world who arrives at a remote Foreign Legion outpost for a rendezvous with her current lover, Captain Duveuil. It so happens that one of Arabella's previous amours, Captain Somerville (Paul Meurisse), is also serving at the same post. So much for joining the Foreign Legion to forget. A climactic knife duel "solves" the film's various plot complications. Despite its Foreign Legion background, Bethsabee has next to no action, which must have made things difficult when the film was distributed to the U.S.
Sky Battalion
Film in two eras.1st era: They are not angels. Chronicle of a Free French parachute training camp during the Second World War. 2nd era: Terre de France. A group of paratroopers landed in Brittany sabotages the German installations.
Brussels in the year 1568, as the Flemish people are fighting against the tyranny of the Spanish occupiers. Led by Count de Rysoor, the revolt against the ruthless Duke of Alba, is meant to help Prince William of Orange to get into the city and come to power. Now, the count's lieutenant, has an affair with Elisabeth, Rysoor's wife. For the time being, the count, who thinks of his homeland first, turns a blind eye. But such a relationship might well undermine the whole rebellion movement.
Journalist (uncredited)
Petrus, a Montmartre photographer, is accidentally wounded by Migo, a dancer at the Frou Frou night club, when she is trying to shoot her faithless lover Rodrigue, a counterfeiter. Though Petrus tries to reconcile the lovers, Migo lands up with him after Rodrigue is finally killed by another jealous dancer.