Nicole Desailly

Nicole Desailly

Nacimiento : 1920-10-17, Paris, France

Muerte : 2019-12-29


Nicole Desailly


Erase una vez el diablo
Un hombre con la cara desfigurada y vistiendo un uniforme nazi se dedica a asesinar impunemente a todo el que se cruza en su camino. Tras ello un hombre y una mujer llegan a una posada donde les cuenta la historia de un navio ingles que naufrago en una noche parecida a la que estan.
The Secret Wife
It was during one of his missions in Norway that Antoine learned of his wife's death. He leaves his experimental submarine and returns to Paris. Helene was found in the Seine and had taken barbiturates. Even though he had not been with Hélène for six years, he knew her well enough to believe that she was incapable of committing suicide. So who and why?
Tout le monde peut se tromper
La seconde invitée du mariage
A young woman, employed in a jewelry store, decides to take advantage of the heist she witnesses. She shoots down one of the burglars; the other will pursue her.
La Faute
Le curé de Tours
Mlle Pinsard
Father Birotteau and Father Troubert, both of whom are priests at Tours, have separate lodgings in the house belonging to the crabby spinster Sophie Gamard in that city. Birotteau is an other-worldly, gentle, introspective type; Troubert, who is ten years younger than his fellow boarder, is very much of the world: he is a careerist devoured by ambition.
Buffet Froid
La femme divorcée
Comedia negra sobre la soledad y la deshumanización del mundo actual que narra las peripecias de tres hombres: Alphonse Tram, un joven desempleado; su vecino, el policía Morvandieu, y el asesino de la mujer de Alphonse.
Monsieur Papa
In this family comedy, Papa has no end of trouble getting his young son to accept his new girlfriend.
Gross Paris
Bernard, a journalist, and his friend Jules, a butcher by trade, are both passionate about horse racing.
Dos hombres en la ciudad
Neighbor (uncredited)
Gracias a la ayuda de un educador, Gino consigue reintegrarse en la sociedad después de salir de la cárcel. Pero, a pesar de su buena voluntad y sus esfuerzos para hacer una vida normal, un inspector de policía no cree en su inocencia y le recuerda constantemente sus delitos anteriores. La continua presión del inspector y sus sospechas acaban arrastrándolo a cometer un homicidio.
Yvonne De Gaulle
La OAS, un grupo ultra francés, contrata a un asesino profesional, cuya verdadera identidad nadie sabe, conocido como Chacal para que acabe con la vida del general De Gaulle, Presidente de la República Francesa. La policía francesa descubre el plan e inicia una operación contrarreloj para localizar y detener al asesino.
Qui êtes-vous Monsieur Renaudot ?
Marie de Médicis
Como liebre acosada
Nurse (uncredited)
Tras escapar de los gitanos que lo amenazan, Tony se refugia en Montreal, donde es testigo de un ajuste de cuentas entre mafiosos. Al principio éstos intentan eliminarlo, pero, al final, acaban aceptándolo en su banda. (FILMAFFINITY)
El Gato
Basada en una novela del escritor belga Georges Simenon. Los protagonistas son un viejo matrimonio distanciado por el tedio y la incomunicación. Ella fue acróbata de un circo, él, tipógrafo. El marido concentra todo su afecto en un gato que ha encontrado en la calle; pero, precisamente por ello, el gato es víctima del odio de la esposa.
Erotic Love-Games
Partisan of total sexual freedom, a young woman with perfect physique leads, by her example, a married friend to live like her. The two friends then engage in all kinds of erotic experiences at random from their meetings with various gentlemen, but also between them.
Le chien qui a vu Dieu
Mrs. Lucioni
Tender Moment
The Concierge
Teenage student Olivier (Verley) meets 25 year-old Frédérique (Delon), wife of race car driver Enrico (Hossein), and start an affair. But guilt and doubt storm over Olivier's mind.
El imperio de los canallas
Hélène (uncredited)
Un grupo de atracadores trata de conseguir el robo perfecto. Uno de ellos llevaba 15 años alejado del oficio, pero, cuando un antiguo colega aparece, no puede resistir la tentación de un nuevo golpe. Todo está medido al detalle, pero... (FILMAFFINITY)
Los raíles del crimen
La concierge d'Eliane (uncredited)
Durante un viaje en tren desde Marsella a París, seis personas comparten un coche-cama. Cuando uno de ellos aparece asesinado, la policía comienza a investigar.
El hombre del cadillac
Mrs Chenu, Marshal's concierge (uncredited)
Antoine Marechal sufre un accidente con su coche justo cuando se iba a pasar las vacaciones a Italia, el culpable, el empresario Leopold Saroyan le promete reemplazarle el coche para que no pierda sus vacaciones, y así aprovechar al pobre Antoine para que haga de "mula" conduciendo un cadillac hasta Italia para pasar por la frontera un cargamento de heroína, oro y diamantes, sin que éste lo sepa...
La caza del hombre
Julien, soltero experimentado, intenta convencer a su amigo Antoine de renunciar a su idea de casarse. Lo consigue: La noche de bodas, Antoine escapa rumbo a Oriente Próximo.
Mata-Hari, agente H-21
París 1917. Mientras se habla de una guerra que no termina, Mata Hari, un espía con un gran poder de seducción, utilizará sus encantos para conseguir arrebatar importantes secretos militares. Su principal objetivo: seducir a un capitán francés…
The Good Life
After twenty-seven long months spent in Algeria, Frédéric Simon, a young photographer is determined to forget this time of trouble. Now that the Army has finally discharged him he wants to live the good life. And at first, things go according to his wishes: not only does he marry Sylvie but they are invited by a wealthy man to Monte Carlo, where they spend a dream honeymoon. But back in Paris, hard times await them. Not finding work easily along with having to live in a cramped apartment make Frédéric bitter and unpleasant. When Sylvie becomes pregnant, he slams the door and finds consolation in the arms of Christine, an ex girlfriend, which he soon regrets. At last, the situation improves. Frédéric finds work and starts making money as a fashion photographer. But the good life cannot go on: one morning a policeman knocks at the young couple's door: the country wants Frédéric back in the Army.
L'été en hiver
Movie for French TV - Jean, a highly sought-after reporter, and Diane, an actress, have been married for three years, but are often separated by their respective professions. They have not lived together for more than six months. During the winter, they decide to spend a vacation together in Meschers, to relive the first moments of their relationship.
La Parole est au témoin
Los siete pecados capitales
(segment "La colère") (uncredited)
Película dividida en siete cortos, cada uno de ellos protagonizado por un pecado capital.
The Case of Dr. Laurent
L'infirmière (uncredited)
Le Cas Du Dr. Laurent (The Case of Dr. Laurent) stars Jean Gabin as a Paris-based doctor who tries to spread the gospel of Natural Childbirth. Working in a cloistered rural community, Gabin runs up against the stone walls of fear and prejudice. His theories are proven sound when unwed mother Nicole Courcel gives birth within Gabin's methodology. The childbirth sequence is filmed straight-on with a delicate combination of taste and frankness. Nonetheless, the lurid ad campaign of Cas Du Dr. Laurent sensationalized this sequence all out of proportion.
The Bouquinquant Brothers
A provincial, Julie Moret, is hired as a servant in a Parisian bourgeois residence. She is courted by one of the Bouquinquant brothers, Léon, who does not take long to ask her to marry him. Alas, Léon turns out to be violent, alcoholic and lazy. Faced with her misfortune, Julie gets closer to her brother-in-law Pierre, the opposite of Léon, serious and hardworking, and they become lovers. The drama will rush when Julie becomes pregnant with Pierre.
Girl with Grey Eyes
A village lost in the mountains where Catherine called L'Airelle's love affair takes place with a young doctor. Catherine's father is the local bonesetter whose wife threw herself into a glacier out of despair of love and whose body reappears intact twenty years later. In addition, the pharmacist of the country is accused of having seduced a young girl who is avenged by her mother. The bonesetter also dies, the village fortunately continues to live.