Lorne Greene

Lorne Greene

Nacimiento : 1915-02-12, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Muerte : 1987-09-11


Lorne Greene (February 12, 1915 – September 11, 1987), was the stage name of Lyon Himan Green, OC, a Canadian actor. His television roles include Ben Cartwright on the western Bonanza, and Commander Adama in the science fiction movie and subsequent TV Series Battlestar Galactica. He also worked on the Canadian television nature documentary series Lorne Greene's New Wilderness, and in television commercials as a dog food spokesman. Description above from the Wikipedia article Lorne Greene, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Lorne Greene
Lorne Greene


Álamo: trece días para la gloria
Gen. Sam Houston
Narra batalla de El Álamo, hecho histórico de la Revolución Texana cuando un reducido grupo de soldados norteamericanos, compuesto entre otros por figuras legendarias como Jim Bowie, Davy Crockett, el Coronel William Barrett Travis o Sam Houston, intentaron resistir sin éxito al avance de las tropas del General Santa Ana en el fuerte de El Álamo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Noah's Ark
Noah (voice)
The story of the Prophet Noah. Violence and corruption fill the earth. To punish this wickedness, God vows to send a cleansing flood. Only one man - Noah - and his family will be spared because they alone honor God's law. God commands him to build an ark and fill it with two of every animal. Once building is under way, Noah and his sons face scorn and sabotage from their sinful neighbors - but they persevere. Noah's faith is vindicated when the heavens erupt with a rainy torrent for 40 days. But God's test of Noah's courage and commitment is just beginning.
Vasectomy: A Delicate Matter
Gino, a bank executive is not having a good day. After giving birth to their eighth child, his wife insists that he have a vasectomy, something he doesn't even want to think about. On top of that, he discovers that other family members are stealing money from his bank.
The Canadian Conspiracy
A mockumentary illustrating a supposed conspiracy to infiltrate American culture through employing Canadians in the U.S. entertainment industry.
The Nutcracker: A Fantasy on Ice
After her mechanical nutcracker is broken by her brother, Clara falls asleep under the Christmas tree with the broken nutcracker in her arms and enters a dream world where the toys come alive.
Heidi's Song
Orphan Heidi lives with her grandpa in Swiss Alps. She brings joy to all there. However, her aunt takes her to the city to live as a servant girl to a cold rich strict family and their nice but sad handicapped daughter.
La conquista de la Tierra
La Battlestar Galactica y su flota de naves finalmente localizan la Tierra, solo para descubrir que el planeta no está preparado para la inevitable invasión de Cylón.
Tiempo de Milagros
Bishop John Carroll
Elizabeth Bayley Seton es una mujer episcopaliana de alta sociedad felizmente casada y madre de cinco. Pero todo cambia abruptamente cuando su esposo, William Seton fallece en Italia después de que su negocio de barcos quebrara. Fallecen también dos de sus hijas. Como viuda con cinco hijos abre un pequeño colegio para financiar a su familia. Decide convertirse al catolicismo, a pesar de las protestas de sus familiares y amigos. La exilian socialmente, se queda sin nada, así que ella y sus hijas se refugian en Baltimore. Bajo el alero de John Carroll, el primer Obispo Católico estadounidense, abre un colegio, establece una rutina religiosa y toma votos religiosos, convirtiéndose en la `Madre Seton.' Fundará un convento y luego a las Hermanas de la Caridad. Fue la fundadora del primer colegio católico de Estados Unidos. Canonizada en 1975. Fuente: peliculasdesantoscatolicos
Las aventuras de Jack London
Inspector Sam Steele
Esta película narra el viaje épico de Jack London desde San Francisco a los campos de oro de Klondike en 1898.
A Walking Tour of Sesame Street
Ben Cartwright (archive footage)
Sesame Street celebrated its 10th anniversary in the spring of 1979 with a half-hour PBS special hosted by James Earl Jones titled A Walking Tour of Sesame Street. The special aired on individual PBS stations at various times between March and May 1979. (Muppet Wiki)
Misión Galáctica: Cylon ataca
Cmdr. Adama
La estrella de combate Galáctica está agotando su combustible cuando recibe la ayuda de la estrella de combate Pegasus, que se está enfrentando con los cylones. Montaje de episodios de la serie Galáctica con destino a su estreno en cines.
The Little Brown Burro
Storyteller (voice)
A sad little burro who feels that no one wants him and that he doesn't belong anywhere finds out differently when he is bought by Joseph to transport Mary on their travel to Jerusalem for the birth of Jesus.
Galáctica, el Universo en Guerra
Commander Adama
Galáctica, una futurista aereonave espacial del tamaño de una pequeña ciudad, navega en una remota galaxia seguida por un convoy de naves espaciales, escapando de la destrucción de la raza humana. Dirigidos or el comandante Adama, estos supervivientes han emprendido el viaje hacia la Colonia Hermana Número Trece, en una lejana galaxia -un planeta llamado Tierra. Battlestar Galáctica narra las aventuras de estos refugiados interestelares y sus batallas con los temidos Cylones.
El bastardo
Bishop Francis
Phillipe Charboneau es el hijo ilegítimo de un duque Inglés. Cuando viaja de Francia a Inglaterra para reclamar su herencia, incurre en la ira de la familia de su padre y se ve obligado a huir a América, donde se ve envuelto en los acontecimientos que condujeron a la Revolución Americana.
¿Quien mató a J. F. Kennedy?
Matthew Arnold Watson
Habría sido uno de los juicios criminales más relevantes en la historia de los Estados Unidos. Pero un único disparo impidió que se celebrara. Este extraordinario drama se atreve a preguntar qué hubiera ocurrido si Lee Harvey Oswald hubiera vivido para ser sometido a juicio por el asesinato del presidente John F. Kennedy. Un excelente reparto, que incluye a Lorne Greene, Ben Gazzara y John Pleshette, dan vida a este hipotético escenario donde en una fascinante batalla judicial se plantean las controvertidas cuestiones que aún persiguen al pueblo americano. ¿Actuó Oswald solo? ¿O quizá se trataba de una conspiración que involucraba al FBI, la CIA y el crimen organizado?
Aeropuerto 78: Vuelo supersónico
Marshall Cole
El primer vuelo supersónico con pasajeros está a punto de despegar con destino a París, repleto de personalidades y trasportando un cultivo biológico. En pleno vuelo, los mandos comienzan a fallar haciendo imposible cualquier maniobra. La situación se agrava cuando el cultivo biológico empieza a propagarse y afecta a los pasajeros.
Man on the Outside
Wade Griffin
A retired police captain storms angrily out of retirement when his son is shot down before his eyes and his grandson is kidnapped by a syndicate killer in this pilot for Lorne Greene's brief "Griff" series, which went off the air 18 months before this film was aired.
Nevada Smith
Jonas Cord
A half-breed gunslinger and a friend he hasn't seen in years join together to escort a shipment of explosives across Utah.
Wings in the Wilderness
The first man to train or imprint Canada geese goslings using a radio-controlled model airplane is documented in this award-winning film that thrills audiences with the first shots of the geese taken from a camera mounted on that airplane.
High Country Calling
Nature study of a photographer raising a pack of wolf cubs. Narrated by Lorne Greene.
Rex Harrison Presents Stories of Love
Pilot for a proposed television anthology series with stories about love, either dramatic or comedic. In this pilot, there were three different segments: in the first, a computer falls in love with its programmer; in the second, a World War II vet falls in love with a murderer; in the third, a woman falls in love with a penniless painter.
Sam Royce
La historia de varias personas que se quedan destrozadas cuando un terremoto alcanza la ciudad de Los Ángeles. El ingeniero de construcción Stuart Graff, distanciado de su esposa celosa y posesiva llamada Remy, tiene un romance en secreto con Denise Marshall, la viuda de un antiguo compañero de trabajo. Mientras tanto, Remy trata de persuadir a su padre y jefe de Stuart, Sam Royce, para que trate de impedir esos encuentros. Lew Slade es suspendido de la policía de Los Ángeles por haber golpeado a un oficial. Jody es el gerente de una tienda alimenticia. Amici Rosa es la hermana de Sal y Miles Quade es un motociclista temerario.
The Legend of Amaluk: An Arctic Journey
Nature film that takes place in the Yukon as it follows am Eskimo named Amaluk
The Special London Bridge Special
Fiddler on the Roof
In 1972, the Arizona State Park bought the London Bridge. Tom Jones (as himself) is magically transported to the bridge's new location where he, befuddled, sings with other celebrities, has adventures and gets kidnapped by “the villain”.
The Harness
Peter Randall
A gentle John Steinbeck tale from 1938 about a farmer who is dominated by his ailing wife until a free-minded young woman turns up at his ranch with her eight-year-old son.
The Gifts
The Gifts is a 1970 American short documentary film about water pollution in the United States. The film was produced by Robert McBride for the United States Environmental Protection Agency. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short.
Destiny of a Spy
Peter Vanin
A veteran Russian spy is brought out of retirement to be sent to the West to do an important sabotage job. However, he finds himself falling in love with an attractive British double agent.
The Dean Martin Christmas Show
Self (uncredited)
A Classic Holiday Celebration with Dean and Friends.
Rowan & Martin At the Movies
This public service short for U.S. Savings Bonds starts out with Rowan and Martin arriving at a TV studio, ostensibly to host a show. It turns out that trumpet player Herb Alpert is the only other performer listed in the credits who is actually there in person. The others appear in clips, some from their own U.S. Savings Bonds spots, others from unidentified movie or TV appearances. Singer Barbara McNair is shown entertaining U.S. troops in Viet Nam, and the youth group The Young Americans also sings.
Christmas with Lorne Greene
The Bonanza star hosts this yuletide half-hour with the UNICEF Children's Choir on their imaginary trip to the Charles Dickens-era of England.
Bonanza: La película
Ben Cartwright
Western de 1966 elaborado con dos capítulos de la séptima temporada de Bonanza.
The New March of Dimes Presents: The Scene Stealers
A TV movie with intertwining music numbers and sketches.
El justiciero
Clem J. Cummings
Robert Taylor interpreta a un eficaz agente de la ley que tiene en su haber un récord de capturas de criminales. En una ocasión llega a un pequeño pueblo persiguiendo a un sospechoso de robo, pero sus esfuerzos para detenerlo fracasan, porque el presunto ladrón es muy querido en el lugar.
La trampa
El abogado Ralph Anderson regresa a Tula, una ciudad aislada en medio del desierto. Su llegada causa un profundo efecto en su familia, incluso en su ex-novia, que se ha casado con su alcohólico hermano. Pero Ralph no ha vuelto por casualidad: está preparando la huida del país de su jefe, un poderoso capo mafioso, y poco a poco Tula empieza a llenarse de gángsters.
Los bucaneros
Remake de 'Corsarios de Florida' (1938). En 1812, Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña luchan por el dominio del territorio de Louisiana. La intervención en la contienda del pirata Laffitte podría ser decisiva, puesto que controla una pequeña isla de gran importancia estratégica. Pero Laffitte se encuentra ante un dilema: apoyar a los americanos, que es lo que realmente desea, o tomar partido por los ingleses, cuya superioridad militar es evidente. La lucha, en cualquier caso, será desigual.
El último pistolero de la frontera
Michael O'Reilly
Un pistolero llamado Ellison emprende una complicada misión, consistente en encontrar a un hombre desaparecido en México. Allí tendrá mil y una dificultades. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sombra enamorada
Grant Allan
El físico Bill Beck se casa con Julie, la recepcionista de un médico. Tras cinco felices años de matrimonio, ella se entera de que padece una grave enfermedad cardíaca. Temiendo dejar solo a Bill a causa de su prematura muerte, decide adoptar a Hitty, una dulce y fantasiosa huérfana.
Vidas borrascosas
District Attorney
Sexo, frustraciones y violencia se ocultan bajo la tranquila apariencia de una pequeña ciudad de Nueva Inglaterra, cuya clase alta no está dispuesta a reconocer la irregular conducta de sus miembros.
Un hombre duro
Rice Martin
Steve Burden es un agente de la ley famoso por entregar muertos a muchos fugitivos. Cuando acepta la propuesta del sheriff de El Solito de ser su ayudante, corre el peligro de caer en una trampa del cacique local.
The Edge of Innocence
Lowell Williams
An unscrupulous criminal lawyer falls in love with a wealthy widow and becomes involved with her brother's disappearance and murder.
Emperor's Aide
Mayerling is the name of a notorious Austrian village linked to a romantic tragedy. At a royal hunting lodge there, in 1889, Crown Prince Rudolf--desperate over his father's command to put away his teenage mistress, the Baroness Marie Vetsera--shot her to death and killed himself. The misfortune may indeed have been a murder-suicide, but perhaps it was a political assassination, or even the result of a lunatic family vendetta: scholarship is still catching up with the facts.
Hojas de otoño
Mr. Hanson
Milly (Joan Crawford) es una mujer que dejó pasar la juventud entregada al cuidado de su padre. Un día, asiste a un concierto y se enamora de Burt (Cliff Robertson), un hombre bastante más joven que ella. Pocos meses después de casarse, Milly recibe la visita de Virginia (Vera Miles), la antigua mujer de Burt.
Testimonio fatal (En un aprieto)
Benjamin Costain
Tras un cuarto de siglo de gobernar a su antojo el mundo del hampa, Ben Costain va a ser juzgado por un tribunal Federal de los Estados Unidos. Pero el principal testigo de cargo es asesinado por los secuaces del mafioso. El fiscal recurre entonces a una reclusa, cuyo testimonio puede ser vital para condenar al gángster.
El cáliz de plata
Antioquía fue la cuna de los grandes orfebres de la plata. Un padre vende a su primogénito a un hombre rico, para que éste pueda desarrollar las grandes dotes como escultor que su hijo posee. Posteriormente, será vendido como esclavo, hasta que una mujer le haga un encargo: esculpir las efigies de los Apóstoles en el cáliz sagrado.
Social-Sex Attitudes in Adolescence
An educational film from 1953 to encourage parents talk to their children about adolescence.
George Orwell's novel of a totalitarian future society in which a man whose daily work is rewriting history tries to rebel by falling in love. Episode 1 of Season 6 of Studio One's anthology series.
Farewell Oak Street
This documentary presents a before-and-after picture of people in a large-scale public housing project in Toronto. Due to a housing shortage, they were forced to live in squalid, dingy flats and ramshackle dwellings on a crowded street in Regent Park North; now they have access to new, modern housing developments designed to offer them privacy, light and space.
Meaning Of Adolescence
An overview of the social, emotional, mental and physical changes which occur in the adolescent with suggestions on how adults can help.
Age of Turmoil
An afternoon and evening in the complicated lives of six teenagers.
The Cliff Hangers
Self - Narration (voice)
Over a gleaming ice field and up steep cliffs of bare rock, the camera follows members of the Alpine Club of Canada. Before they set out we are introduced to the climbers' basic equipment and learn the uses of rope and ice axe. Excitement mounts as the alpinists leap gaping chasms, inch their way along icy ledges, and drag themselves up what looks like a sheer wall of rock. Arriving breathless at the top, they pause in triumph for a view of the magnificent mountains lying around their vanquished peak.
A Capital Plan
This short documentary features a portrait of Ottawa in the mid-20th century, as the nascent Canadian capital grew with force but without direction. Street congestion, air pollution, and rail traffic were all the negative results of a city that had grown without being properly planned. French architect and urban designer Jacques Gréber stepped in to create a far-sighted plan for the future development of Ottawa. With tracks moved, factories relocated, and neighbourhoods redesigned as separate communities, Ottawa became the capital city of true beauty and dignity we know today.
What's on Your Mind
The treatment of mental illness and psychological disorders--including electroshock therapy--brought about by the stresses of modern life are shown in this film, which mixes staged scenes with documentary footage.
Tomorrow's Citizens
Examines contemporary educational methods and policies in the light of an age that has released new natural energies, to be used for or against mankind. It reiterates the question sociologists ask: is the development of social responsibility in today's children keeping pace with their technical knowledge?
Johnny at the Fair
At the Canadian National Exhibition, a young boy gets separated from his parents and meets some celebrities.
Headline Hunters
Narrator (voice)
Headline Hunters is an 11-minute 1945 Canadian documentary film, part of the wartime Canada Carries On series, produced by Alan Field. The short film was made by the National Film Board of Canada. The film was a tribute to Canadian war correspondents who reported from the front lines in the Second World War.
Suffer Little Children
Himself - Narrator
This short documentary is part of the Canada Carries On series. At the end of World War II there were sixty million sick and starving children in Europe. The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration undertook to provide food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education and sympathetic attention to these terrorized victims of war.
Gateway to Asia
Narrator (voice)
This short film highlights the province of British Columbia and its position after World War II. Located on the Pacific Coast, it is the gateway for those travelling to Asia and Russia and a vital link between the rest of Canada and its neighbours in the Far East. The film looks at British Columbia's population, natural resources and industries along with some of its social issues.
The War Is Over
A short film about the end of World War II and Canada's contribution to the effort.
Now—The Peace
Narrator (uncredited)
Short film produced and directed in 1945 for the National Film Board of Canada series The World in Action. Over its nearly 21-minute running time, circumstances during the immediate postwar period following the Second World War, leading to the formation of the United Nations are discussed.
Ordeal by Ice
Narrator (voice)
This short documentary is part of the Canada Carries On series. The secret winter manoeuvres of the British Army's Lovat Scouts took place in the Canadian Rockies during the winters of 1944 and 1945. In combined operations with the Canadian Army, these elite mountain commandos tested themselves and their equipment in temperatures of -50°F.
Trans-Canada Express
Narrator (voice)
This short documentary from the Canada Carries On series celebrates the contribution of Canada’s railroads to the war effort. The film includes a sequence from Buster Keaton's 1926 silent comedy The General, as well as a re-enactment of Lord Strathcona driving the final spike into the Canadian Pacific Railway Line.
Train Busters
Narrator (voice)
This short film depicts the strength and resources of the Royal Canadian Air Force, with its 32 overseas squadrons. It includes footage that explains the Allied air strategy of hitting the German army's nerve centres and features Canadian airplanes destroying a German munitions train.
Fighting Sea-Fleas
Narrator (voice)
First half of film portrays life in port, including rum issue, distribution of letters, and taking on ammunition, the remainder tells the story of an action against German S-boats, in a stock-shot compilation including some captured film. Officers briefed; boats leave harbour, put to sea, "action", a Nazi naval flag is reclaimed from wreckage in the sea, and the motor torpedo boat (MTB) returns to port flying it below the British White Ensign. Film ends with a sequence showing the funeral of a Canadian seaman.
Himself - Narrator
On June 6, 1944, supported by an immense naval armada, Allied troops, including the First Canadian Army, led by General Harry Crerar, launch an amphibious invasion of Normandy, France. Facing a fierce resistance by Nazi forces, the Allied armies establish a beachhead on the Normandy coast. Seeking redemption after their earlier rout at the Dieppe raid in 1942, the Canadians are able to gain control of Juno Beach. Before regrouping for an advance into France, Allied troops are replenished by transport of war materiél and reinforcements. The Canadian contingent is tasked with an attack on Caen, France, held by the German 7th Army.
The Mask of Nippon
Narrator (voice)
An anti-Japanese propaganda film produced during World War II.
Warclouds in the Pacific
Narrator (voice)
This short film examines the Japan that emerged at the beginning of the 1900s and was firmly established as an industrialized nation by the outbreak of World War II. Facing the greatest threat in their history, the democracies of the Pacific took careful stock of this new Japan and its strength, and erected a vast system of defence across the world's greatest ocean.
Heroes of the Atlantic
Narrator (voice)
A view from Canada of the North Atlantic convoy route during the Battle of the Atlantic, presented in the framework of the turnaround of a single convoy at Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Battle of Brains
Narrator (voice)
This film illustrates the difference between World War II and the war of 1914, emphasizing the importance of mechanization, and contrasting the mobile tactics with the immobility of trench warfare. The scientific approach, both to problems of military strategy and to new weapons, is all-important. The film shows some of the work done by Canadian scientists to make these weapons as effective as possible.
Churchill's Island
Narrator (voice)
The people of Britain resist the German air force and navy with help from North America.
Wings of Youth
Narrator (voice)
This Canadian produced film spotlights the young flyers of the Canadian Air Force in the early days of World War II. Quite well done and rarely seen. Narrated by Lorne Greene later the star of Bonanza.
Children from Overseas
A WWII film about children evacuated from Britain and sent to Canada for their safety. The film begins in England with children seeking shelter as anti-aircraft guns roar outside. On their arrival in Canada, they are thrilled by the brightly lit cities, powerful Canadian trains, hot dogs and ice cream. They find, too, that instead of becoming Mounties or cowboys, they have to go to school. The closing sequence shows them learning to ski and skate and preparing for Christmas in their new homes.
Atlantic Patrol
This short documentary about the Canadian seamen who manned Canada's eastern ports during WWII is the first film in the Canada Carries On series. The film depicts the work of the Royal Canadian marines who accompanied convoys of military supplies to the Allied Forces and those who remained on the eastern coast to defend against the Germans.
Home Front
This short documentary is part of the Canada Carries On series of morale-boosting wartime propaganda films. In Home Front, the various WWII-era social contributions of women are highlighted. From medicine to industrial labour to hospitality, education and domesticity, the service these women provided to their country is lauded.
Front of Steel
This short WWII propaganda documentary drives home the point that steel and committed steel workers can make the difference between winning and losing in modern warfare. A short sequence demonstrating the depravity of the Nazis is followed by a detailed explanation of the manufacture of Bren guns, ambulances, transport trucks and submarine chasers in Canada during World War II.
Death Follows a Psycho
Private eye Wade Griffin finds himself in an intense stand-off with a "human time-bomb", who is holding four people hostage and will kill them all unless Griffin delivers the person that the bomber really wants dead.