Thomas Morris

Thomas Morris

Nacimiento : 1966-05-21, Vienna, Austria


Thomas Morris is an Austrian stage, film and television actor and published author. He studied acting at the Franz Schubert-Conservatory in Vienna, Austria.


Thomas Morris
Thomas Morris
Thomas Morris
Thomas Morris
Thomas Morris
Thomas Morris
Thomas Morris
Thomas Morris
Thomas Morris


Climate Rescue for Beginners
Bernd Schreiber
What use is a good Abitur if the climate is changing? For 17-year-old high school student Lilly, there are more important things than school. It looks correspondingly bleak with their admission to the Abitur! While father Martin fails with a bang to lure her with a dream trip, mother Nina makes an unusual deal: if Lilly really crams from now on, her parents will in return help protect the climate. From now on, only fresh food will be cooked at home, lavender will replace industrial washing powder and you can go to work by bike! There are only exceptions for little brother Tom. But the road to an emission-free life is not a sure-fire success. After weeks, agency owner Nina and chief physician Martin are not only looking for secret exceptions to the rules, but also get into discussions about their lives up to now. And since Lilly doesn't quite stick to the deal with her parents either, the initially abstract discussion about climate-friendly living escalates into a true family crisis.
Sky Sharks
Klaus Richter
Sky Sharks es una película dirigida por Marc Fehse (Sex, Dogz and Rock n Roll) y escrita junto a A. D. Morel que cuenta la historia de un grupo de geólogos que viaja al Ártico para descubrir un laboratorio que utilizaban los nazis en los últimos días de la Segunda Guerra Mundial para realizar experimentos. Al encontrar el laboratorio, por accidente los geólogos activan el último experimento de los nazis: tiburones modificados genética y tecnológicamente. Los tiburones causan el caos y un grupo especializado debe frenarlos con armas si no quieren que toda la situación se convierta en un gran desastre con repercusiones terribles.
Die Büffel sind los!
Veterinärmediziner Dr. Bertram
The Virgin Soldier
Two soldiers, Daniel and Jerome, flee a war we don’t see and we know nothing about. Jerome is badly injured, he will die, he says it, he knows it, he is afraid. Then Jerome confesses to Daniel his last will: he does not want to die a virgin, he wants to die loved…
Alexander Tschirsch
A few people decide to found their own little state n the middle of Germany, near Berlin...
Real Buddy
Eric Gladhart
This Life
Hans Müller
Una familia de posaderos toma las armas durante la ocupación de Dinamarca para combatir a los ocupantes alemanes. En la lucha por la libertad, algunos deben morir para que otros puedan vivir. (FILMAFFINITY)
La ramera errante
Pfalzgraf Ludwig III
Constanza, año 1410. Marie, hija del burgués más rico de toda la ciudad, está en vísperas de casarse con un prestigioso abogado, hijo de un conde. Aunque el compromiso colma de orgullo al padre de la joven, ansioso por ennoblecerse, a Marie no le acaba de convencer su prometido, al que sólo ha visto dos veces. Sus recelos se ven trágicamente confirmados la víspera de la boda cuando, tras firmar el contrato nupcial, irrumpe en la casa un desconocido que asegura que Marie se ha acostado con otros hombres a cambio de regalos, como una vil ramera. A partir de ese momento, la vida de la muchacha dará un inesperado y terrible vuelco. Sola, arruinada y con su reputación perdida, no tendrá más opción para sobrevivir que asociarse con una prostituta y echarse a los caminos...
Ángeles y demonios
Urs Weber
Robert Langdon descubre la prueba de la reaparición de una antigua hermandad secreta conocida como los Illuminati: la más poderosa organización secreta en la historia, que a su vez también se enfrenta a una amenaza que hace que peligre su existencia: la Iglesia Católica. Cuando Langdon se entera de que los Illuminati conspiran en contra de la Iglesia intentando detonar una bomba de antimateria, él se dirige a Roma, donde une fuerzas con Vittoria Vetra.
The International: Dinero en la sombra
Chief Inspector Reinhard Schmidt
El agente de la Interpol Louis Salinger (Clive Owen) y la agente del distrito de Manhattan Eleanor Whitman (Naomi Watts) están dispuestos a llevar a los tribunales a uno de los bancos más poderosos del mundo, entre cuyas fechorías se encuentran el blanqueo de dinero, el tráfico de armas y el acoso a la clase política. Las investigaciones les llevan de Nueva York a Estambul, pasando por Berlín y Milán. Cuanto más investigan, más peligro corren sus vidas.
Tristán e Isolda
Producción de los hermanos Ridley Scott y Tony Scott sobre una leyenda medieval que relata el trágico amor de una princesa y un guerrero, que pondrá en peligro la frágil paz entre Inglaterra e Irlanda.
Macho Undercover
Tom Kostner is a macho man. He cheats on his two girlfriends, drives a flashy Cobra and works as an editor for a car magazine. He lives in a chic penthouse with his roommate, the bartender Ecki . But it is more appearances than reality: he is soon fired from the magazine. His girlfriend Manu catches him with his other girlfriend and leaves him too. He applies to some other magazines, but has no success there. When his Cobra is towed because he is behind on the installments, he grasps at his last straw: he applies to a women's magazine. However, since they prefer to hire women and homosexual men, he plays the gay man. At first he makes a few mistakes, but ultimately manages to convince the other employees.
Das allerbeste Stück
Pigs Will Fly
A man struggles with memories of his violent childhood.
Das beste Stück
Mark Demski (Jan Sosniok) discovers his girlfriend is cheating on him and thinks it has happened because of his small penis. Sad, he dumps the girl and promises himself never again to fall in love, but he fails. When he encounters Lara Singer (Doreen Jacobi) he must fight with his own fears.
The Journey to Kafiristan
Deutscher 2
In 1939, the author Annemarie Schwarzenbach and the ethnologist Ella Maillart travel together by car to Kabul, but each is in pursuit of her own project. Annemarie Schwarzenbach, who was among Erika and Klaus Mann's circle of friends in the 30s, is searching for a place of refuge in the Near East to discover her own self. Ella Maillart justifies her restlessness, her need for movement and travel, with a scientific pretext: she would like to explore the mysterious Kafiristan Valley and make a name for herself with publications on the archaic life of the nomads living there. Both women are on the run, but political developments and their own biographies catch up with them again and again. Their mutual journey through the outside world, which runs from Geneva via the Balkans and Turkey to Persia, is compounded by the inner world of emotions with a tender love story.
Why Don't We Do It in the Road?
In the middle of the road on Potsdamer Platz, Berlin's heaviest tourist attraction and as close to Times Square as Germany will ever get. How they manage to "do it" there is Zarah's idea, a postmodern creative artist, who likes doing it with Anton in the most quaint and daring of public places - right where and when the traffic is the heaviest. This time, to heighten the fun, Zarah hits upon a special object of desire . . .
Requiem por un imperio
British Sergant
Una vez terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Steve Arnold (Harvey Keitel), un oficial estadounidense, trata de convencer a sus subordinados de que Wilhelm Furtwängler, el famoso director de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Berlín en tiempos del Tercer Reich, fue un colaborador de los nazis. Impulsado por una actitud maniquea, intenta inculpar a Furtwängler, sin tener en cuenta que si el director no se rebeló contra el régimen fue para poder seguir con su actividad musical.
The Waiting Time
Willie Muller
When British Intelligence Officer Tracy Barnes attacks visiting German politician Dieter Krause, solicitor's clerk Joshua Mantle is called to help unravel the events which led to the assault.
Kubanisch rauchen
Paul and Bernd take over a small upscale antique store together. On one nightly excursion, Bernd introduces Paul and Lisa with each other. What was intended as a little variety to marriage-like everyday life develops into a great romance accompanied by a threat: If Eva hears about the affair, the financing for the shop will be in danger. Slowly but surely, Paul is ready to give up everything for Lisa: the shop, Eva and especially the loan. Bernd knows that Dragan is his only hope.
Eine schräge Familie
Jochen Reiter
Baby Rex
A TV movie explaining the origins of the famed police dog, Kommissar Rex. Prequel to the long-running Austrian/German TV series.
Tierra del crimen
Una década después de que la Unión Soviética se deshiciera en una caótica mezcla de países, poderosas familias mafiosas emergen de la anarquía para hacerse con el lucrativo contrabando de armas y tecnología. El centro de estos negocios es Praga, encrucijada entre el Este y el Oeste.
Post Mortem - Der Nuttenmörder
Robert Stein
Eingeschlossen - Die Nacht mit einem Mörder
Robert Unger
Saubere Aktien
La lista de Schindler
Oskar Schindler, un hombre de enorme astucia y talento para las relaciones públicas, organiza un ambicioso plan para ganarse la simpatía de los nazis. Después de la invasión de Polonia por los alemanes, consigue, gracias a sus relaciones con los nazis, la propiedad de una fábrica de Cracovia. Allí emplea a cientos de operarios judíos, cuya explotación le hace prosperar rápidamente. Su gerente, también judío, es el verdadero director en la sombra, pues Schindler no tiene el menor conocimiento industrial.
A gasman at work. A couple who go big-game hunting have a collection of trophies. Daily life in the jungle of the city, biding time and drinking tea.
Im Dunstkreis
Ulrich Grabner
The film tells the story of three young men who land in an Austrian prison for various reasons. They have been sentenced for minor misdemeanors and are confronted by the prisons merciless subculture.
Richie (as Thomas Unger)
The film tells the story of three young men who land in an Austrian prison for various reasons. They have been sentenced for minor misdemeanors and are confronted by the prisons merciless subculture.