Lymari Nadal

Lymari Nadal

Nacimiento : 1978-02-11, Ponce, Puerto Rico


Lymari Nadal
Lymari Nadal
Lymari Nadal


The Blackout
An expecting couple, a survival expert and four teenagers deal with a global blackout and the disintegration of society around them. In their plight for survival, they must endure the worst of human behavior.
Light from the Darkroom
Light in the Darkroom is the story of two best friends whose faith is tested when their friends disappear during a religious pilgrimage.
América, a 30-year-old mother who lives in a remote Caribbean village, suffers the hardest hit when her lover takes her daughter from her. Fury and fear push her to run away. In her new life as a nanny in New York City, with support from relatives and other latinas, América finds comfort and hope. When she dares to dream of a life without violence, reality hunts her down. Will she survive to tell her story?
América, a 30-year-old mother who lives in a remote Caribbean village, suffers the hardest hit when her lover takes her daughter from her. Fury and fear push her to run away. In her new life as a nanny in New York City, with support from relatives and other latinas, América finds comfort and hope. When she dares to dream of a life without violence, reality hunts her down. Will she survive to tell her story?
Battlestar Galactica: El plan
Giana O'Neill
Los Cylons comenzaron como los criados-robot de la humanidad. Pero ellos se rebelaron y se desarrollaron y ahora ellos se parecen a nosotros. Su plan es simple: destruir a la raza que los esclavizó. Pero a su ataque devastador, logran huir sobrevivientes humanos, así los Cylons tienen que improvisar. Battlestar Galáctica: El Plan trata de la historia de dos líderes poderosos Cylones, trabajando separadamente, y su determinación de terminar la tarea de exterminar la humanidad.
American Gangster
Nueva York, 1968. Frank Lucas es el taciturno chófer de un importante mafioso negro de Harlem. Cuando su jefe muere inesperadamente, Frank aprovecha la oportunidad para construir su propio imperio. Gracias a su talento, se convierte no sólo en el principal narcotraficante de la ciudad, inundando las calles con productos de mejor calidad y precio, sino también en un hombre público muy respetado. Richie Roberts, un policía incorruptible marginado por su honradez que conoce bien las calles, se da cuenta de que una persona ajena a los clanes trepa por la escalera del poder. Tanto Roberts como Lucas comparten un estricto código ético que les aparta de los demás y los convierte en dos figuras solitarias en lados opuestos de la ley. Cuando se encuentren, el enfrentamiento entre ellos será inevitable.
Ladrones y mentirosos
The film is set in the island of Puerto Rico. Because of its central location in the Caribbean, the island has become one of the main ports of drug entry from South America into the United States. The film follows the lives of three families in different levels of society affected by drug trafficking and crime in the island.
Kreep follows a young Hispanic woman, aka Kreep , whose being pursued across West Texas by the dangerous bounty hunter, Grady. Along the way she crosses paths with farmer, Whitman Thaw, and together the two are thrust into a life or death situation.
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