Dirk G. Engelhardt


Cuando el padre de Willi es secuestrado y solo es liberado por una valiosa estatua de su colección de arte, Tim es el único que cree a Willi que la policía está en el camino equivocado. Junto con la hija del policía inteligente Gaby y el extraño inteligente Karl, comienzan a investigar por su cuenta. Contra viento y marea, los cuatro descubren una conspiración. En el curso de su primera gran aventura de detectives crecen juntos en una comunidad comprometida, por lo que Tim, Klöschen, Karl y Gaby se convierten en la banda TKKG.
Kundschafter des Friedens
Four very retired, ex-GDR spies, or "Kundschafter des Friedens" as they were officially named, led by the once legendary Jochen Falk, are called on by the German government. Their mission is to rescue the interim president of the divided Republic of Katschekistan, who has been kidnapped by separatists, along with Berlin's official man on the ground, Franz Kern. To keep Jochen and his maybe no longer so crack team under control, all of whom are determined to prove they were treated unfairly by history, they are put under the command of the young and enthusiastic BND agent Paula Kern.
My Brothers and Sisters in the North
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a country with a very strong social cohesion and the unprecedented admiration of the people for their leader, which is absolutely unique and incomprehensible especially from a Western point of view. The native Korean director Sung-Hyung Cho tries to understand this by accompanying several Koreans from different backgrounds in their daily lives. The film shows the country and its people in a way, as it is rarely done in Western media, non-judgmental and respectful towards the people.
Entre nosotros
Cuenta la historia de Gitti y Chris, una extraña pareja que intenta disfrutar de unas vacaciones alejadas de todo. Se trata de un retrato íntimo de dos personas que sólo pueden ser ellas mismas cuando están solas: sus rituales, sus tonterías o sus sueños incumplidos... Sin embargo, su encuentro con otra pareja aparentemente más exitosa, va a desestabilizar el equilibrio que existía entre ellos.
Hotel Very Welcome
Five young Europeans (German, English, and Irish) try to find answers to life's questions in India and Thailand.