Natalie Lambsdorff


Executive Producer
1866: The Prussian-Austrian war has left deep marks on Alois. In the snow-covered mountains, the Bavarian is robbed by a deserter, who does not turn out to be his worst enemy…
Kalveli: Shadows of the Desert
Commissioning Editor
Baskaran left India for Dubai with high hopes but came back in a coffin. His widow Sundari didn't believe he committed suicide, so the relatives recruit cousin and filmmaker Jayakrisahnan Subramanian to uncover, what really happened. On his research, Jayakrishnan discovers that his cousin's fate symbolizes the exploited dreams of thousands others and the consequences they have to face when they wake up.
sooner or later
Commissioning Editor
When you have to bury the dead, 'cause you can't make a living as a dairy farmer anymore and vegan hippies try to find their peace in a hidebound village, life starts to reveal its absurdity. The documentary sooner or later tells the tragicomic story of a villages' struggle for the future.
Hard Way: The Action Musical
Commissioning Editor
In the world's first Action Musical, Jake and his SWAT team raid an abandoned factory in order to bring down the country's most dangerous terrorist. Naturally singing and dancing.
Durante el 3 de octubre, un estudiante veinteañero de Viena mata a su amante y descuartiza su cuerpo. Su torso es encontrado en un contenedor, y otras partes del cuerpo y la cabeza permanecen desaparecidas. No hay pista alguna sobre el motivo del asesinato. Una cronología silenciosa de los eventos.
Hotel Very Welcome
Line Producer
Five young Europeans (German, English, and Irish) try to find answers to life's questions in India and Thailand.