Richie Bravo, once upon a time a successful pop star, chases after his faded fame in wintry Rimini. Trapped between permanent intoxication and concerts for busloads of tourists, his world starts to collapse when his adult daughter breaks into his life.
Segunda parte de la trilogía de Seidl sobre el "Amor", la "Fe" y la "Esperanza". Si "Liebe" se centraba en el sexo, en este caso el relato se centra en la religión y cuenta la historia de Annamaria, una técnico de hospital muy devota que se hace misionera.
Studentin am Fenster
The inner lives of six people are explored. Each has a connection to the Viennese subway station Schottentor.
Olgas Freundin (Ukraine)
Historia de dos personas que toman caminos opuestos. Olga, una enfermera cansada de vivir con el dinero contado, deja atrás Ucrania y viaja hacia Occidente buscando una vida mejor. Esa vida mejor será en Viena como limpiadora y más adelante como modelo porno en internet. Paul ya está en Occidente, es austriaco, vive en Viena y es un guardia jurado en paro. Las chapuzas que le permiten ir tirando son cada vez más miserables y los amigos a los que dar sablazos ya casi no quedan. Cada mañana le resulta más difícil encontrar un motivo para levantarse de la cama. Paul decide emigrar al este y acaba en Ucrania como transportista y reparador de máquinas tragaperras. Y siguen faltándole motivos para levantarse por las mañanas.
Ozren is raised in Vienna by his mother Silvija, who works as a prostitute, and his aunt and uncle. The film shows the demimonde of Vienna in the early 1990ies and deals with Ozren's finding out that his mother is not a waitress (as he was initially told) and with the way he copes with it.
Viktor is a highly successful and wealthy actor. For years, he has sought distraction from his inner poverty through his relationships with women. In this movie, his marriage to an emotionally overwrought woman comes under strain when he hops into bed with a teen-aged adorer. However, this isn't the relationship his wife should worry about. The actor has a far more sinister relationship with a plain, hard-faced woman who expresses her deep contempt for the actor. The more she does so, the more he loves her; the more he loves her, the more contempt she shows. Eventually, he comes to see that these relationships are mirrors of his inner life -- which arouses him to despair, as he cannot bear to own up to this.
О неполноте и недостаточности простейших чувств: осязания, зрения, слуха. В кино такой взгляд традиционно обозначает коллизию между подлинным и иллюзорным. Истины и мнимости даны в фильме как образы чувств. "Я люблю с вами забыть время, — говорит героиня слепому возлюбленному и добавляет, — Вы самый зрячий из всех зрячих".