Georg Friedrich

Georg Friedrich

Nacimiento : 1966-10-31, Vienna, Austria


Georg Friedrich (born 31 October 1966) is an Austrian actor. He appeared in more than eighty films since 1984. He won the Silver Bear for Best Actor at the 2017 Berlin Film Festival for his performance in the film Bright Nights.


Georg Friedrich


Sisi & I
Archduke Ludwig Viktor of Austria
The story of Empress Elisabeth of Austria told from the point of view of her lady-in-waiting, Irma Sztáray. Far from the kitschy “Sissi” cliché, she portrays a woman who, for years without her husband, surrounded only by women, ventured on journeys throughout Europe, mastered six languages, practiced high-performance sports and did not fit at all into the tight corset of the Viennese court.
Ewald se mudó en su día a Rumanía. Años después y entrado ya en los 40, busca comenzar de nuevo. Deja a su novia y se muda al interior. Con la ayuda de jóvenes de la zona, transforma una escuela en ruinas en una fortaleza. Los niños disfrutan de una existencia nueva y sin preocupaciones. Pero la llama de la desconfianza no tardará en surgir entre los habitantes. Y a Ewald no le quedará otra opción que enfrentarse a una verdad que ha mantenido oculta durante mucho tiempo.
Dante Otto
Cuando un estafador de un pequeño pueblo se une a la mafia local con su hermano manipulador, su obsesión por equilibrar el karma se vuelve tan divertido como brutal.
La sentencia
La historia gira en torno a Victor Dessauer, un niño judío que, en el invierno de 1944, ve cómo casi toda su familia es masacrada por los nazis. Dieciocho años después, el cazanazis Simon Wiesenthal consigue llevar ante los tribunales al responsable de la matanza... pero el sistema político y legal vienés sigue en manos de exnazis y el asesino es declarado no culpable.Además, el antisemitismo y el nazismo no solamente se mantienen en las instituciones de la capital austriaca, sino que permanecen en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad y Victor, prometedor empresario, también se ve rechazado por la familia de su novia. Así las cosas, el joven judío solo ve una manera de encontrar justicia: tomársela por su mano.
Richie Bravo, once upon a time a successful pop star, chases after his faded fame in wintry Rimini. Trapped between permanent intoxication and concerts for busloads of tourists, his world starts to collapse when his adult daughter breaks into his life.
Great Freedom (Gran libertad)
Es la historia real de Hans en tres momentos (1945, 1957 y 1969) de su relación con Viktor, un asesino convicto: un amor carcelario, propiciado por las entradas y salidas de prisión de Hans a causa de la represión a la que fueron sometidas las personas homosexuales en la Alemania democrática de posguerra.
Narciso y Goldmundo
En plena Edad Media, el rebelde Goldmundo es enviado a un monasterio por orden de su padre. Allí el joven conocerá a Narciso, un novicio inteligente, erudito y distante, dedicado por completo a la vida ascética. A partir de su encuentro, nacerá entre ambos una amistad única, eterna, puesta a prueba por el destino cuando éste tienda a separar sus caminos por formas de vidas opuestas.
Russian Oligarch Igor is as rich as he is extravagant: He plans to build his brand new villa right on a world famous and preserved bridge in the middle of Vienna! To bribe all the politicians, he needs the help of his interpreter Nadja. But Nadja has her own idea of what to do with all the bribe money.
Small-time crook Atris is tired of working for Berlin crime lord El Keitar. Yet in order to build his own syndicate, he needs money. When his friend Frank offers him a lucrative deal, Atris thinks his chance has finally come, not knowing that he is about to set in motion a fateful chain of events.
Ende Neu
Der Heiler
Nichts zu verlieren
Richard "Richy" Niedermaier
Wild Mouse
George, de 50 años, pierde su trabajo como crítico musical en un periódico vienés. Entonces se iniciarán una serie de vendettas nocturnas contra su antiguo jefe que empezarán con pequeños daños materiales para aumentar el tamaño de sus ataques. Durante el día, George se pasa el tiempo en el Prater, donde se encontrará a su antiguo compañero de clase Erich, que también está en el paro. Junto a él y su novia rumana Nicoletta, empezarán la restauración de una antigua montaña rusa que quieren reabrir. En cuestión de días, sin embargo, su vida estará fuera de control.
Bright Nights
A father tries to rekindle his relationship with his son after years of absence and lack of communication. He takes him on a car ride across northern Norway, hoping it is not too late.
Winnetou - A New World
Slim Miller
Esta película se sitúa en el lejano oeste, donde un grupo de hombres blancos, en compañía de algunos comanches ,entran en la granja de los Baxter con el plan de asesinar a toda la familia. A pesar de que los padres no consiguen sobrevivir, el hijo menor se esconde y consigue escapar de un final fatal. Ignorando la realidad de lo ocurrido, el plan es hacerle creer al ejército estadounidense que, los apaches, están violando la tregua pactada tras la que se espera firmar un acuerdo de paz. Años más tarde, Winnetou (Nik Xhelilaj) y Old Shatterhand (Wotan Wilke Möhring) están a punto de establecer la paz entre los colonos y los nativos, pero alguien está interesado en las tierras de los apaches y quiere mantener la guerra, por lo que los protagonistas tendrán que vérselas con ellos.
Der Hund begraben
Sometimes you just have to know where the dog is buried! A lesson that family man Hans Waldmann will learn in this snappy black comedy. Because Hans's life is in crisis. Not only is he quickly being replaced by a Finn in the paper mill, his family is also more interested in a dog than his worries. For wife Yvonne and daughter Laura, the dog becomes indispensable in no time. All the more hopeless Hans's situation, after he has run over the four-legged rival in an inattentive moment. When then the supposed friend Mike offers his help, ...
Hotel Rock'n'Roll
Marija, a young Ukrainian woman, earns a living as a cleaning woman in a hotel in Dortmund, but dreams of having her own hairstyling salon, and puts away some money each month. But when she is fired without notice, her dream is suddenly postponed to an uncertain future. Jobless and under financial pressure, she is forced to look for alternatives but, in order to achieve her goal, she is ready to discard her body, her social relationships and her own feelings.
An anarchist young woman breaks the tacit contract with civilization and fearlessly decides on a life without hypocrisy or an obligatory safety net.
Aloys Adorn es un detective privado taciturno, un lobo solitario cuyo trabajo consiste en filmar a otras personas, observándolas en secreto y permaneciendo invisible. Un día se emborracha y se duerme en un autobús y, al despertarse, descubre que su cámara y sus cintas han sido robadas. La misteriosa mujer que le llama poco después parece tener algo que ver con ello. (FILMAFFINITY)
Pokerface - Oma zockt sie alle ab
"Pokerface - Grandman Takes Them All" - Rosa Hofer accidentally discovered that her son-in-law Udo is highly indebted . She follows and observes him secretly and finds out that he is trying to make some money in illegal poker games in a more than dubious cafe. To avoid the worst and save the family , and the house , which is already overwritten on the children, Rosa treading unusual ways for her. After initial differences, she gets help from Charly, who works in this cafe.
Eric solo piensa en hacerse cargo de su taller de motos y en pasar el rato con su nueva novia y con la hija de esta, pero de repente entra en escena Henry, un tipo raro que se pega a Eric como un parásito. Sin embargo, Henry podría ser de utilidad cuando un mafioso comience a amenazar a Eric y a los suyos.
Nick Gutlicht
Nick Gutlicht lives of illegally selling valuable books, owes money to a bunch of other crooks and has to hide from them. By chance he ends up in the mansion of the famous, now very old philosopher Curt Ledig, who despite the age related forgetfulness and pathological kitchen phobia resists to move to his daughter. Nick is hired by the family as watchdog. Now Curt can work on a presentation for the upcoming symposium, which anybody thinks he's capable of anymore. Nick thinks he has an excellent hiding place. This partnership of convenience of the two individuals quickly develops its own momentum. Curt regards Nick as an exciting research object and subjects him to an absurd therapy. For Nick it's a unique opportunity to fund his finances with Curt's phenomenal library. The strange couple is going through turmoil of incalculable proportions.
My Blind Heart
Kurt, who suffers from an incurable disease, gets obsessed with the idea of freeing himself from his sick body - at any price.
A short crime movie directed by Christoph Brunner and Stefan Brunner.
Midiendo el mundo
Slave Trader
Alemania a comienzos del siglo XIX. La película sigue a los brillantes y excéntricos científicos Alexander von Humboldt (Albrecht Schuch) y Carl Friedrich Gauss (Florian David Fitz) a lo largo de su periplo vital.
When Ruslana floods her Munich flat, Vladan, a former Boxer from Serbia, comes to her rescue. It is the night when Ruslana's son Bogdan should finally come from Kiev. He rather falls in love with the spoiled pop-starlet Maria, for whom he is working. Both, however, are depending on Maria's rich patron Jora. The same night in Belgrade Vladan's son Zoran meets Jelena. But she intends to leave her homeland the next day, forever. Three cities. Three Love-Stories. One night in Europe.
Lullaby Ride
Life could be wonderful for Livia and Marco: good-looking, young, and Tim's parents. Tim is nine months old. His screaming every night drives his parents around the bend, although he was supposed to cement their relationship. But instead of slumber and sex, it's the same every night: jump out of bed and into the wobbly old Golf whose engine sound is the only thing that calms Tim down. One night, the unbelievable happens…
Karl Swoboda
Rudolf Kienast
Roman Kogler tiene la oportunidad de ser liberado con antelación de su centro de detención juvenil. Pero todo está en su contra: es poco comunicativo, solitario, sin familia y no parece adecuado para resocializarse. Lo único que le ayuda es su trabajo en una funeraria.
Above Us Only Sky
Alexander Runge
A woman discovers the man she has lived with for years is not who she thought he was...
Ambientada en el siglo XIX. Se basa en la leyenda alemana de Fausto, un sabio que hace un pacto con el diablo, y en las adaptaciones literarias del mito por parte de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe y Thomas Mann.
My Life in Orange
A look at a Bavarian commune of the Indian Bhagwan cult.
My Best Enemy
Rudi Smekal
Poland 1943: An unlikely pair - a concentration camp prisoner and a captain in Hitler's notorious SS - free themselves from the wreckage of a crashed SS airplane. The two appear to be strangely familiar with each other and the extent of their extraordinary relationship is thrillingly revealed.
At Ellen's Age
La vida de una azafata alemana se tuerce hacia abajo después de dejar a su marido, renunciar a su trabajo y unirse a un grupo radical de activistas por los derechos de los animales.
About a pathologist with a complicated life. His problems with himself, his colleagues and patients who come down to him, dead or alive.
Flores negras
Gerhard Kemp
Michael Roddick, espía al servicio de la RFA, consciente de que la más que probable caída del régimen soviético relegará a toda una generación de agentes secretos al ostracismo, abandona el servicio tras el fracaso de su última misión, y desaparece llevándose con él a Elena, la hija de una espía rusa muerta en extrañas circunstancias. Michael y Elena se instalan en Barcelona, donde abren un pequeño restaurante que les permitirá olvidar su pasado turbulento. Pero sus antiguos compañeros reaparecen reclamando asuntos pendientes y Roddick se ve inmerso de nuevo en una vertiginosa pesadilla.
Contact High
Gangster boss Carlos orders the dodgy Viennese junkyard owner Harry to bring him a bag from Poland. Harry passes the order on to his "best man" Schorsch. Schorsch, not exactly the brightest, is currently without a driver's license and completely fixated on the 24-hour car race of Le Mans. So he gives the order to Mao and sends in their place the takeaway lessees Hans and Max to Poland. Their journey leads to a seemingly endless drug trip full of extraordinary phenomena.
Cara norte
Edi Rainer
Durante el verano de 1936, dos militares bávaros, Toni Kurz y Andi Hinterstoisser, deciden lanzarse a la conquista de la cara norte del Eiger, en la más pura tradición del alpinismo alemán. Conocida por ser una de las escaladas más difíciles de la cordillera de los Alpes, esta legendaria ascensión en condiciones climatológicas adversas será narrada por varios periodistas entre los cuales se encuentra la novia de Toni, que trabaja para una publicación alemana. Por si fuera poco, Goebbels no dudará en transformar a ambos alpinistas en héroes del Tercer Reich, a pesar de que ninguno de ellos era miembro del partido nacionalsocialista.
German TV adaptation of Grimm‘s fairy tale “Rumpelstiltskin“.
Pfleger Andi
Historia de dos personas que toman caminos opuestos. Olga, una enfermera cansada de vivir con el dinero contado, deja atrás Ucrania y viaja hacia Occidente buscando una vida mejor. Esa vida mejor será en Viena como limpiadora y más adelante como modelo porno en internet. Paul ya está en Occidente, es austriaco, vive en Viena y es un guardia jurado en paro. Las chapuzas que le permiten ir tirando son cada vez más miserables y los amigos a los que dar sablazos ya casi no quedan. Cada mañana le resulta más difícil encontrar un motivo para levantarse de la cama. Paul decide emigrar al este y acaba en Ucrania como transportista y reparador de máquinas tragaperras. Y siguen faltándole motivos para levantarse por las mañanas.
The Unpolished
Stevie, a precocious 14-year-old girl must cope with the instabilities of her immoderate parents. When they decide to move to a small provincial town in Germany, Stevie attempts to slip into a normal life. Whilst her parents playfully escape their responsibilities, Stevie tries to make a good impression in town, spreading stories of grandeur and claiming to be the daughter of a diplomat. She makes progress. Yet the good weather doesn’t last and before long, she discovers that her parents have once more resorted to illegal means, as a way of supporting their leisurely lifestyle. As friends and hangers-on of her parents fill their new home, the chaos continually mounts. It is in this atmosphere of physical and emotional destruction, that Stevie must now start to define herself and perhaps even break free.
Eight Miles High
La película de Achim Bornhak se centra en la agitada vida de Uschi Obermaier, el icono del movimiento de 1968 en Alemania y el Groupie. A la edad de 16, Uschi se aburre de su trabajo en un laboratorio fotográfico, y pronto se convierte en la "it Girl" de la escena del club de Múnich. Cuando conoce a Rainer Langhans, se trasladan a Berlín y viven en "Kommune 1", la primera comuna por motivos políticos en Alemania. Mientras que los otros ocupantes afirman que no es lo suficientemente política, Uschi sólo quiere divertirse, trabaja como modelo y lleva a las estrellas internacionales de la música a la tentación...
Five former high school friends reunite for an evening of fun, remembrance and sadness in this Altmanesque portrait of female friendship. A look at how youthful idealism turns into adult pragmatism, and how one can fight such changes, from the director of Free Radicals.
Tough Enough
Holger Hagenbeck
From the youth directed novel of the same name by Greogor Tressnow comes a film by Detlev Buck that is a realistic portrait of life in the section of Berlin called Neukölln. It’s about power and weakness, delinquents and victims, and the difficulties a 15-year-old faces in a poor and criminal environment.
Young Waiter 1
Retrato del artista austríaco Gustav Klimt, cuyos suntuosos y eróticos cuadros marcaron el estilo Art Nouveau de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX.
Fariba es perseguida en Iran por ser lesbiana y para escaparse de esta persecución, vuela a Alemania. Pero su formulario para conseguir asilo político en Alemania es rechazado. Su desesperación por salir del país la llevan a robar la identidad de un conocido llamado Siamak, quien recientemente se ha suicidado y a quien le han dado un permiso temporal de residencia antes de su muerte. Ya en Alemania Fariba comienza a trabajar ilegalmente en una fábrica donde conoce a Anne. Las dos comienzan a acercarse y pronto Anne comienza a sospechar sobre la verdadera identidad de Fariba. (FILMAFFINITY)
Kabale und Liebe
Ferdinand's father, the president of the residence, can not tolerate a serious relationship between his son and a commoner, and moreover intends to marry him to Lady Milford, the prince's mistress, to increase his own influence at court.
You Bet Your Life
A compulsive gambler is forced to take a chance with his own life
Keller - Teenage Wasteland
Sebastian and Paul are two bored boys about 16 years of age. They drink alcohol, steal - and attend a private school. They can't find a sense of meaning in their present adolescent existence. They abduct Sonja and lock her in an old, abandoned factory building. But what shall they do with her? Disorientation, fear, desire and also love are changing to cruel aggressivity.
A killer for the Russian Mafia in Vienna wants to retire and write a book about his passion - cooking. The mafia godfather suspects treason.
Welcome Home
Another one of those stories we hear almost every day: refugees are picked up on Austria's border after a dramatic chase. And then nothing more is heard of them. The problem is apparently resolved in the usual way, through incarceration and deportation. But it's different this time: the story continues in Ghana, where everything is suddenly turned upside down.
Hausmeister Josef
A man who accused a catholic bishop of abusing him when he was a child dies in the Austrian city Salzburg. Everyone except his widow and the eccentrical detective Simon Brenner keeps silent and believes that the man killed himself.
Fräulein Phyllis
'Clemence M. Schönborn"s first feature film is a typical Austrian black comedy, dealing with an easy-going forty-something, who likes playing games with others, which has serious consequences... Phyllis, in her early 40s, still lives together with her mother, whom she loves and hates at the same time. When she gets to know Henry, supporting actor of a soap opera, she pretends to love him, but sleeps with the show's lead actor Walter, whom she finally runs over with her car, which makes Henry the show's new star - and the new lover of the lead actress Doris. However, Phyllis isn't done with him...
Three loser-type ex-students who earn too little money and don´t get laid as much as they want, try to change that by producing a home made porn movie starring themselves. They loan money from a pimp and begin casting the girls. When filming starts they find out that sex in front of the camera is hard work. Also you should know how to work a video camera. Frustration, relationship problems and cabin fever culminate in a dope induced garden orgy. But is it a film?
To the Future through the Night
Nick, a jobless cook, falls in love with Anna, a film student. Some time after their adventurous first night she leaves him. Then time starts to run backwards - for everybody but Nick. He finds himself in a backwards world, everybody talks, runs, eats backwards. He accepts the situation, realizing that Anna is bound to return to him this way. He wants them to live together, him forwards, her backwards...
Free Radicals
Following the death of Manu (Resetarits) in a car accident, the film relates the interwoven stories of several people who become indirectly connected by the events and aftermath of the crash.
La pianista
Man in drive-in
Una mujer, profesora de piano en un conservatorio, frecuenta cines porno y tiendas de sexo para escapar de la influencia de su dominante madre. Uno de sus alumnos se propone seducirla.
Días perros
Angetrunkener Freund von Vikerl
El término Hundstage es como llaman en Austria a la época más cálida del año. La historia sigue a varios personajes de una zona residencial de Viena a lo largo de dos días de calor: un jubilado y una señora que se ocupa de su casa, una joven y su novio, que es muy temperamental y está obsesionado con su coche, una profesora que tiene una relación sadomasoquista con su compañero, un amante de la cerveza muy parlanchín, una pareja separada que sigue viviendo bajo el mismo techo y, por último, Anna, una maniaca del auto stop que se suele cruzar en el camino del Señor Hruby, un especialista en sistemas de alarma que tiene que salir de un oscuro asunto de vandalismo.
Rebelión en Polonia (Sublevación en el Gueto)
German Guard Outside of Shack
Varsovia, septiembre de 1939. 350.000 judíos son confinados por los nazis en el gueto de Varsovia, una pequeña área, donde están condenados a enfermar y a morir de hambre. Al ver cómo la mayoría de sus amigos y familiares mueren a manos de los soldados alemanes, algunos judíos crean un grupo de resistencia: la Organización de Lucha Judía (OLJ), fundada por los profesores Mordechai Anielewicz (Hank Azaria), Yitzhak Zuckerman (David Schimmer) y la joven Tosia Altman (Leelee Sobieski).
Gelbe Kirschen
Honest cop Rudi is a new member of a police unit commanded by his brother-in-law Otto which deals with foreigners. Rudi falls in love with Alena, a young Czech living illegally in Austria
Shrill, Bright World
Three stories by three directors, three journeys into the world of teenagers and countercultures. The stories are interlaced with each other. Characters with a small performance in one story will play a major part in one of the other two stories so we will learn more about them, on the other hand central characters appear again in the periphery of one of the other stories. It is done in a casual way, comparable with the situation in daily life when two friends are running into each other by chance. Petra and Nicole in their shrill world of brightness. Loafing around, bumming and teasing guys.
Opera ball
The Vienna State Opera on Thursday before the Carnival. As every year the large ball rather is attended by celebrities from politics and the media. Just the arrival of newcomers is finished and the Polonaise faded as it is in the best tradition: "Alles Walzer". transferred with 20 cameras live throughout the world. Television journalist Fraser (Heiner Lauterbach) views the event from the control room, outside in the hall leads his son has one of the cameras. Suddenly all hell breaks loose: poison gas flows from hidden containers, hundreds of guests die in agony, millions of horrified spectators experience it on the TV screen...
After the last concert of a long tour, Dr. Kurt Ostbahn retires to his favorite café to relax. He is suddenly dragged into a bizarre criminal case. His vacation then fills with vice, perversion and murder. Of course, this is not just a story; Dr. Kurt Ostbahn experienced everything himself! The characters are not inventions; they are personal acquaintances of Dr. Ostbahn. Only the names and details have been changed so as to make them barely recognizable. And the story is more exciting than real life.
71 fragmentos de una cronología del azar
Tercera parte de la trilogía de Haneke sobre la violencia en la sociedad moderna (los otros dos films fueron "Siebente Kontinent" y "Benny's Video").
El séptimo continente
Fault Service of the Post Office
Basada en hechos reales. Una familia burguesa decide desprenderse de todos sus bienes y vivir según una concepción espiritual del mundo, que llevarán hasta las últimas consecuencias...
Die Försterbuben