Philippe de Chérisey
Nacimiento : 1923-02-13, Paris, France
Muerte : 1985-07-17
A small town doctor gets a visit from a former study-friend. He doesn't know this former surgeon has become a junkie that wants to steal his morphine.
Marcel Langlois
Therese, a café owner, mourns the mysterious disappearance of her husband sixteen years earlier. A tramp arrives in the town and she believes him to be her husband. But he is suffering from amnesia and she tries to bring back his memory of earlier times.
A young woman has been run over by the car of Carlos, a brilliant embassy attaché. Feeling sorry for her, Carlos drives her to his place and decides to take her in. The young lady accepts his offer but refuses to tell Carlos her name, wanting to be called Miss Pigalle, after the Paris district where she was born. It does not take long before Yvonne (Miss Pigalle's true name) and Carlos fall in love. Life is like a dream and, when Yvonne gets pregnant, their happiness is at their peak. Unfortunately, a revolution breaks out and Carlos returns to his country in secret. Feeling forsaken and at a loss, Yvonne, who is now penniless, has no other solution but prostitute herself.
A young woman has been run over by the car of Carlos, a brilliant embassy attaché. Feeling sorry for her, Carlos drives her to his place and decides to take her in. The young lady accepts his offer but refuses to tell Carlos her name, wanting to be called Miss Pigalle, after the Paris district where she was born. It does not take long before Yvonne (Miss Pigalle's true name) and Carlos fall in love. Life is like a dream and, when Yvonne gets pregnant, their happiness is at their peak. Unfortunately, a revolution breaks out and Carlos returns to his country in secret. Feeling forsaken and at a loss, Yvonne, who is now penniless, has no other solution but prostitute herself.
A policeman
The Remi abandoned by his foster father sold to the troubadour Vasalis, in his living through the rural villages the people to entertain, gehoplen his three dogs and a monkey. In the beginning Remi takes its new master, but a demanding and hard man, and the animals have not been too much with the clumsy boy. But gradually creates a bond between Remi and his new comrades, until their friendship is suddenly disrupted when Vasalis is arrested for vagrancy and sentenced. Then Remi, alone in the world, along with his animal friends in position to try to keep ...
Paulo, a regular at the bistro
Juju, un borracho patán que siente la necesidad de ser importante para alguien, y su amigo El Artista son forzados a punta de pistola a alojar a un fugitivo, Pierre Barbier, en la casa destartalada de Juju. La necesidad de ser necesitado es tal en Juju que deja de beber y cuida de Pierre. Pero un día Juju descubre que Pierre ha estado haciendo el amor con su chica María....
Mr. Placard, impresario of shock, lost the headliner of his show, Elia Tarti. Amédée introduces himself, he can highlight his gifts of fantasy. Randomly along the way, Amédée notices a seductive hitchhiker named Cigale. This one disappears again, kidnapped by Prince Kanaga. Assisted by a friend, Amédée flies in his footsteps and discovers in Nice that Cigale is none other than Elia Tari, capricious, disdainful and snobbish star.
A young Italian fugitive and his older protective brother hide among the grape pickers at a vineyard in Provence.
Barbara Laage essays the title role in Zoe. Our heroine's adventures begin when she catches the eye of a big-city playboy named Arthur (Michel Auclair), who is attracted not only to Zoe's beauty, but by her insistence upon telling nothing but the whole truth. This trait causes no end of comic complications when Zoe moves into the palatial home of Arthur's family. The limit comes when Zoe botches a big business deal formulated by Arthur's not-altogether-honest father (Louis Seigner). Zoe is based on a stage farce by Jean Marsan.
Francis Gouard
Junio de 1940. Centenares de franceses, entre los que se encuentran la pequeña Paulette y sus padres, se dirigen en un desesperado éxodo hacia el sur de Francia. Los aviones nazis sobrevuelan el camino y bombardean sin piedad a la multitud. Los padres de Paulette y su perro mueren durante el ataque. Alguien lanza el cadáver del animal al río, pero la niña, incapaz de separarse de él, decide seguirlo, lo que propicia su encuentro con Michel, un chico de once años, que la lleva a la granja de sus padres, donde es muy bien acogida.
Adaptación de tres cuentos del escritor francés Guy de Maupassant que versan sobre el placer:
(1) Un hombre extraño, que asiste a un popular baile de máscaras en París, baila hasta caer extenuado. El médico que lo atiende descubre sorprendido que tras la máscara se oculta un anciano. Cuando lo acompaña a su casa, la esposa le cuenta al médico la triste historia del bailarín. (2) A Madame Tellier, que regenta un prostíbulo, la invita su hermano Joseph a la primera comunión de su hija. La Madame cierra el negocio y se traslada con sus pupilas a la lejana granja de Joseph para asistir a la ceremonia. Terminada la fiesta, regresan al prostíbulo en medio del regocijo de los hombres, que ya las echaban de menos. (3) Un famoso artista se enamora de su bella modelo Josephine. Sólo pinta retratos de ella y alcanza el éxito, pero su historia de amor tiene un final inesperado.
Although suspected and hunted down by policeman Sherlock Coco and inspector Hector, the Pieds Nickelés (Croquignol, Filochard and Ribouldingue) manage to save the legacy of Monsieur Miradoux, who will be very grateful to them.