Héctor Babenco

Héctor Babenco

Nacimiento : 1946-02-07, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Muerte : 2016-07-14


Director de cine argentino, nacionalizado brasileño, natural de Buenos Aires. Huérfano de padre con apenas un año, recibió el apoyo de su madre para estudiar en Europa y viajar por todo el mundo, mientras se introduce en el mundo de la literatura y de la música. Instalado definitivamente en Brasil a comienzos de la década de 1960, comienza su carrera como director con el documental El rey de la noche (1975), tras la que hace Lucio Flavio, el pasajero de la agonía (1977) y Pixote, la ley del más débil (1980), dándose a conocer internacionalmente con El beso de la mujer araña (1985), sobre la novela de Manuel Puig y protagonizada por William Hurt y Raúl Juliá, que le abre las puertas de la producción estadounidense. Ya en la industria de este país dirigió Tallo de hierro (1987), con Jack Nicholson y Meryl Streep, Jugando en los campos del señor (1991) y Foolish Heart (1995).


Héctor Babenco
Héctor Babenco
Héctor Babenco
Héctor Babenco


Babenco: Tell Me When I Die
Besieged by cancer and nearing the end, the genius Argentine-Brazilian filmmaker Héctor Babenco (1946-2016) asks Bárbara Paz, his wife, for one last wish: to be the protagonist of his own death.
Talk to Him
Hector Babenco
Dr. Drauzio Varella has a hypothetical conversation with his friend Hector Babenco, a filmmaker who died in 2016. The importance of friendship is addressed in the documentary based on the death of a friend — and shows the decrease in happiness and the irreplaceable void left by this game.
Julian Schnabel: Un retrato privado
Documental que muestra la vida del pintor Julian Schnabel desde sus niñez en Texas hasta su llegada a la escena artística neoyorquina en los años 80 pasando por su faceta como director de cine de títulos como Build a fort, Set it on fire centrado en la figura de otro pintor, Basquiat.
Mi Amigo Hindú
Diego es un director de cine que, al enterarse que su enfermedad maligna puede ser fatal, se casa con su mujer de muchos años, se despide de sus amigos y entra en una rutina de largas jornadas en un hospital. Lidiando con el dolor y conversando con la muerte conoce a un niño hindú, que se vuelve su más nuevo amigo. Un día, el niño ya no aparece. Diego recibe alta, pero su vida ya no será la misma. Se acaba su matrimonio y, solitario, empieza a cuestionarse si no se está muriendo y nadie le dice nada, hasta que conoce una nueva mujer...
Mi Amigo Hindú
Diego es un director de cine que, al enterarse que su enfermedad maligna puede ser fatal, se casa con su mujer de muchos años, se despide de sus amigos y entra en una rutina de largas jornadas en un hospital. Lidiando con el dolor y conversando con la muerte conoce a un niño hindú, que se vuelve su más nuevo amigo. Un día, el niño ya no aparece. Diego recibe alta, pero su vida ya no será la misma. Se acaba su matrimonio y, solitario, empieza a cuestionarse si no se está muriendo y nadie le dice nada, hasta que conoce una nueva mujer...
About Cinema
An abandoned tumbledown theater in the outback of Paraíba state is the initial setting of a film about cinema, which explores the testimonials of the novelist and playwright Ariano Suassuna and other filmmakers such as Ruy Guerra, Julio Bressane, Ken Loach, Andrzej Wajda, Karim Ainouz, José Padilha, Hector Babenco, Vilmos Zsigmond, Béla Tarr, Gus Van Sant and Jia Zhangke. They all respond to two basic questions: why do they make movies and why do they serve the seventh art. The filmmakers share their thoughts about time, narrative, rhythm, light, movement, the meaning of tragedy, the audience‘s desires and the boundaries with other forms of art.
Sabotage: Maestro do Canão
Mauro Mateus dos Santos was known by another name: Sabotage. Growing up amidst poverty in São Paulo, the musician, who became a legend after his death, is one of the most important names in national rap.
Words with Gods
The first of four installments in the groundbreaking Heartbeat of the World anthology film series. Comprised of several short films by some of the world's most exciting directors, Words with Gods follows the theme of religion - specifically as it relates to an individual's relationship with his/her god or gods...or the lack thereof. In Words with Gods, each director recounts a narrative centered around human fragility, as well as environmental and cultural crises involving specific religions with which each has a personal relationship; including early Aboriginal Spirituality, Umbanda, Buddhism, the Abrahamic faiths, Hinduism, and Atheism. An animated sequence by Mexican animator Maribel Martinez is woven through each of the film segments, with each segment narratively connected as a feature-length film.
Words with Gods
The first of four installments in the groundbreaking Heartbeat of the World anthology film series. Comprised of several short films by some of the world's most exciting directors, Words with Gods follows the theme of religion - specifically as it relates to an individual's relationship with his/her god or gods...or the lack thereof. In Words with Gods, each director recounts a narrative centered around human fragility, as well as environmental and cultural crises involving specific religions with which each has a personal relationship; including early Aboriginal Spirituality, Umbanda, Buddhism, the Abrahamic faiths, Hinduism, and Atheism. An animated sequence by Mexican animator Maribel Martinez is woven through each of the film segments, with each segment narratively connected as a feature-length film.
Héctor Babenco
Three metropolitan stories entwine in São Paulo. Would-be actress Marina arrives in the city looking for independence, falls madly in love with Justine, a bisexual rock singer, and is swept up into her wild, edgy lifestyle. Marina shares a flat on Avenida Paulista with Suzana, a mysterious transsexual lawyer who begins a relationship with a male colleague who is unaware of her condition. Jay lives a few floors above them. He is a frustrated writer trying to give a meaning to his life by idealizing a stunningly beautiful prostitute, whom he transforms into a sort of muse. Following the frenetic pace of the city, the three "Paulista" characters will experience the euphoria of passion and its downside.
Tangled Web: Making Kiss of the Spider Woman
Documentos raros y detalles de la historia de la película. Desde su opción inicial hasta su recepción y legado críticos. El director David Weisman, que también produjo "El beso de la mujer araña", aparece como la fuerza creativa legítima detrás de la producción, ya que era su verdadera pasión.
Seventy critics and filmmakers discuss cinema around the conflict between the artist and the observer, the creator and the critic. Between 1998 and 2007, Kléber Mendonça Filho recorded testimonies about this relationship in Brazil, the United States and Europe, based on his experience as a critic.
Pixote In Memoriam
A tribute documentary on Fernando Ramos da Silva, the famous child star of the acclaimed film by Hector Babenco, "Pixote, a Lei do Mais Fraco" (1981). 20 years after his assassination by the police, his co-stars and Babenco talk about Fernando's contributions to the film, his troubled life when his acting works didn't took off as expected (since he was typecast) and which made him turn back to his past life of poverty and crimes. The project also presents that film's influence to many directors and artists around the world.
El Pasado
Después de doce años de convivencia, Rimini y Sofía deciden divorciarse. A Rimini, que es traductor, no le costará moverse y relacionarse con otras mujeres; a Sofia, en cambio, no le será posible rehacer su vida, ni tampoco olvidar a Rimini, por lo que empieza a acechar a las mujeres con las que Rimini intenta rehacer su vida.
El Pasado
Después de doce años de convivencia, Rimini y Sofía deciden divorciarse. A Rimini, que es traductor, no le costará moverse y relacionarse con otras mujeres; a Sofia, en cambio, no le será posible rehacer su vida, ni tampoco olvidar a Rimini, por lo que empieza a acechar a las mujeres con las que Rimini intenta rehacer su vida.
El Pasado
Después de doce años de convivencia, Rimini y Sofía deciden divorciarse. A Rimini, que es traductor, no le costará moverse y relacionarse con otras mujeres; a Sofia, en cambio, no le será posible rehacer su vida, ni tampoco olvidar a Rimini, por lo que empieza a acechar a las mujeres con las que Rimini intenta rehacer su vida.
Rita Cadillac: The Lady of the People
This revealing documentary about the Brazilian sex symbol goes deep into her career as she pivoted from dancer to singer to adult film star.
Era Uma Vez Iracema
La película está basada en las experiencias del doctor Drauzio Varella en la prisión estatal Carandiru, en São Paulo, Brasil, durante sus trabajos de prevención del SIDA. En la prisión se encontró con cientos de convictos bajo condiciones infrahumanas hasta el punto culminante de 1992 cuando una revuelta provocó el asesinato de 111 hombres.
La película está basada en las experiencias del doctor Drauzio Varella en la prisión estatal Carandiru, en São Paulo, Brasil, durante sus trabajos de prevención del SIDA. En la prisión se encontró con cientos de convictos bajo condiciones infrahumanas hasta el punto culminante de 1992 cuando una revuelta provocó el asesinato de 111 hombres.
La película está basada en las experiencias del doctor Drauzio Varella en la prisión estatal Carandiru, en São Paulo, Brasil, durante sus trabajos de prevención del SIDA. En la prisión se encontró con cientos de convictos bajo condiciones infrahumanas hasta el punto culminante de 1992 cuando una revuelta provocó el asesinato de 111 hombres.
Antes que anochezca
Virgilio Pinera
La vida de Reinaldo Arenas es mostrada desde su infancia en un ambiente rural y su temprana participación en la Revolución, hasta la persecución que más tarde experimentaría como escritor y homosexual en la Cuba de Castro; desde su salida de Cuba en el éxodo de Mariel Harbor en 1980, hasta su exilio y muerte en los Estados Unidos. Es el retrato de un hombre cuyo afán de libertad - artística, política, sexual - desafió la pobreza, la censura, la persecución, el exilio y la muerte. (FILMAFFINITY)
Fictional story based on Sarah Bernhard's visit to Brazil in 1905. The actress, experiencing a personal and professional crisis at the time, is induced by her personal Brazilian maid, Amélia, to make a performance in Rio de Janeiro. After arriving, she is forced to stand the company of Amélia's exotic sisters.
The Venice Project
Danilo Danuzzi
In this witty drama, the future of art is examined from two vantage points: the years 1699 and 1999. Roland is an avant-garde artist in Venice, California whose sister, Countess Camilla Volta, lives on their family's estate in Venice, Italy. Their father, the Viscount, is near death, and he announces, to the disappointment of both his offspring, that his home and priceless collection of art have been bequeathed to the Italian government.
Corazón iluminado
Living with his parents, 17-year-old Juan hangs out with several intellectuals who would like to photograph the human soul. The girlfriend of the group's financier is Ana, and Juan is attracted to her, despite the knowledge that she spent two years at a clinic because she was "crazy." Juan sees Ana when he can and trains as a door-to-door salesman, but when the German photographer on the soul project gives him a viewfinder, it changes his life, putting him on the path to his later success as a Hollywood director.
Corazón iluminado
Living with his parents, 17-year-old Juan hangs out with several intellectuals who would like to photograph the human soul. The girlfriend of the group's financier is Ana, and Juan is attracted to her, despite the knowledge that she spent two years at a clinic because she was "crazy." Juan sees Ana when he can and trains as a door-to-door salesman, but when the German photographer on the soul project gives him a viewfinder, it changes his life, putting him on the path to his later success as a Hollywood director.
Corazón iluminado
Living with his parents, 17-year-old Juan hangs out with several intellectuals who would like to photograph the human soul. The girlfriend of the group's financier is Ana, and Juan is attracted to her, despite the knowledge that she spent two years at a clinic because she was "crazy." Juan sees Ana when he can and trains as a door-to-door salesman, but when the German photographer on the soul project gives him a viewfinder, it changes his life, putting him on the path to his later success as a Hollywood director.
Jugando en los campos del Señor
Un grupo de misioneros se instala en la profunda selva amazónica con la intención de evangelizar a los indios niaruna. Mientras tanto, un par de mercenarios tienen órdenes de masacrar la tribu.
Jugando en los campos del Señor
Un grupo de misioneros se instala en la profunda selva amazónica con la intención de evangelizar a los indios niaruna. Mientras tanto, un par de mercenarios tienen órdenes de masacrar la tribu.
Tallo de hierro
Son los años de la Gran Depresión. Tras sufrir un trágico accidente, Francis Phelan, un antiguo jugador de béisbol, abandona a su familia y se convierte en un borracho errante. Tanto él como su novia y compañera de borracheras, intentan escapar del doloroso recuerdo de un pasado que los persigue.
Besame Mucho
The story of two couples - Xico and Olga, Tuca and Dina - through 20 years of friendship, from adolescent dreams to maturity frustrations. They meet in a small town in the State of São Paulo, but one of the couples decides to try their luck in the big city. As background, the political events in the 60's and 70's, and how they affect their lives.
El beso de la mujer araña
En una prisión sudamericana, Molina (William Hurt) y Valentín (Raúl Julia), dos compañeros de celda, se cuentan sus respectivas historias. Molina es un homosexual encarcelado por seducir a un menor. Valentín es un revolucionario que no ha olvidado las torturas a las que ha sido sometido durante los interrogatorios.
Pixote, la ley del más débil
Pixote, un niño fugitivo de 10 años, es arrestado en las calles de Sao Paulo durante una redada policial a personas sin hogar. Pixote soporta la tortura, la degradación y la corrupción en un centro local de detención juvenil donde dos de los fugitivos son asesinados por policías que enmarcan a Lilica, una estafadora transvesti de 17 años. Pixote ayuda a Lilica y a otros tres niños a escapar donde se ganan la vida con la vida del crimen, que solo aumenta a más violencia y muerte.
Pixote, la ley del más débil
Pixote, un niño fugitivo de 10 años, es arrestado en las calles de Sao Paulo durante una redada policial a personas sin hogar. Pixote soporta la tortura, la degradación y la corrupción en un centro local de detención juvenil donde dos de los fugitivos son asesinados por policías que enmarcan a Lilica, una estafadora transvesti de 17 años. Pixote ayuda a Lilica y a otros tres niños a escapar donde se ganan la vida con la vida del crimen, que solo aumenta a más violencia y muerte.
Pixote, la ley del más débil
Pixote, un niño fugitivo de 10 años, es arrestado en las calles de Sao Paulo durante una redada policial a personas sin hogar. Pixote soporta la tortura, la degradación y la corrupción en un centro local de detención juvenil donde dos de los fugitivos son asesinados por policías que enmarcan a Lilica, una estafadora transvesti de 17 años. Pixote ayuda a Lilica y a otros tres niños a escapar donde se ganan la vida con la vida del crimen, que solo aumenta a más violencia y muerte.
Lúcio Flávio, the Passenger of the Agony
History of a famous Brazilian bandit of the early seventies and his fight against a death squad.
Lúcio Flávio, the Passenger of the Agony
History of a famous Brazilian bandit of the early seventies and his fight against a death squad.
King of the Night
Sought after by several reputable women, a bohemian becomes obsessed with a prostitute.
King of the Night
Sought after by several reputable women, a bohemian becomes obsessed with a prostitute.
King of the Night
Sought after by several reputable women, a bohemian becomes obsessed with a prostitute.
O Fabuloso Fittipaldi
Executive Producer
Documentary about race car driver Emerson Fittipaldi
O Fabuloso Fittipaldi
Documentary about race car driver Emerson Fittipaldi
O Fabuloso Fittipaldi
Documentary about race car driver Emerson Fittipaldi
A Terra é Redonda Como uma Laranja
In a tragic example of life imitating art, Babenco returned to São Paolo to shoot this prologue to “Pixote” which examines the true story of Fernando Ramos da Silva, the lead actor from “Pixote,” and the circumstances of his death at the age of 19, killed by the police under dubious circumstances. - from Yahoo